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A Roll of Honor plus one of dishonor



Hugh Thompson, Jr., Lawrence Colburn and Glenn Andreotta recipients of the Soldier's Medal

These three men who were in a helicopter flying over My Lai on the day of the massacre placing their helicopter between the US soldiers killing civilians to save as many as they could.Those that they saved they helicoptered out of the carnage.They also informed the proper authorities and that is why Lt. Calley was later court- martialed, the only one of many that should have been.

Glenn Andreotta was killed three days later, the other two survived the war. It was almost criminal that their awards for this valor would be thirty years and that it was only the Soldiers Medal rather than the Medal of Honor.You can not have more honor than putting your life on the line for innocence.

Below is a list for a roll of dishonor:

Ernest Medina

William Calley

Dennis Conti

Robert Maples

Paul Meadlo

Varnado Simpson

Harry Stanley

Some of the above testified that they did not participate but I believe the Talmud that omission is as quilty as commission. Those did nothing to stop the carnage.


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