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Dujek Onearm

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Everything posted by Dujek Onearm

  1. Very classy Invicta. No one will ever be able to question your courage or your honor. Good luck on your wars. o7
  2. So much red, on both sides. :jihad:
  3. Let's fight the good fight Wolfpack! :jihad:
  4. Now I'm feeling this war is legal! o/ ODN The Network Hungers!
  5. The Republic hungers? Good fighting, GR.
  6. A spine, on my ODN? Seriously now, this was a very hard decision to make since we have very good friends on the other side too. I hope those friends can understand and respect our decision. o/ ODN
  7. Finally something exciting happening on these boards! Congrats on your elections guys!
  8. Two great alliances together. Congrats.
  9. Congrats to our good friends at R&R. Keep rocking!
  10. Looking good, Polaris! And please stop taking all the win for yourselves, leave some for the others as well...
  11. I agree with you. It was a mistake on his part. What I'm contesting is the fact that some people are using those logs as ODN's official view about SF. That was not the case back then and is not the case nowadays.
  12. Why are you people talking about Walker Ninja in this thread? Anyway, what some people must understand is that the Secretary General is not ODN's Emperor. He represents the government, but he is not the whole government, his word is not law. In that case WN was clearly stating his own opinion, I doubt the rest of the government at that time would endorse his words. I agree that what he said was not classy at all, specially for a man at his position at the time, and I would be pissed if I were a member of one of those alliances. But Walker Ninja has nothing more to do with ODN, if you guys want to know the current government's positon regarding SF or any other alliance, please send me a PM, or look for me or any other government member on IRC and we can talk. Regarding the rest, this was all extensively debated in the last week. Let's stop pointing fingers at each other and move on. Mistakes were made by both sides, the important part is that cool heads prevailed and any further problems were avoided. If anyone still feels something is unresolved and wants to talk about it, just come and talk with me or any other ODN gov member and we will see to it.
  13. This situation is over, we don't need to keep discussing it any longer, specially here. Good show Craig, I'm very proud to call you and The International my allies.
  14. Congrats to FoK on regaining their sanction! And yay us, let pass this damned challenge line at least once!
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