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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. Moving from aegis to mutual defense, putting together such an organized and acrasial system. Surely the monad of nations on Planet Bob all grant you their jubilant congratulations.
  2. Does one rapine at the will of Allarchon? Is not outcry merely to fleer as a dog? They are all as if to latrate wisdom from the minds of the people.
  3. A middle aged man in a bright white robe approached the Exterior Affairs building, flanked on either side by tall figures in blue dress uniforms. As they entered the lobby, security approached them and the man in white nodded for his guard to hand over their laser rifles. He walked at a brisk, deliberate pace towards the meeting room where he was to ascertain what role, if any, this nation would play in the glorious works of the Friend Computer. Soon, the doors parted and the group stepped through. "Greetings. I am Rob-U-AMR-3, the appointed representative of Alpha Complex to your nation. I trust we will have a most productive dialogue on the betterment of peoples lives everywhere."
  4. The glorious troubleshooters of Alpha Complex and its ally, DanceAThon 2005, have succeeded in driving back the wicked communist traitors of the Empire of Lugovalos. Let this be a testament before any other treasonous communist harlots of the indomitable warrior spirit of the free peoples of Planet Bob:
  5. September First, 2013 -- a date which will live in infamy. The Great Republic of Alpha Complex was suddenly and deliberately attacked by land and air forces of the Empire of Lugovalos. The Republic of Alpha Complex was at peace with that nation and it gave no threat or hint of war or armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Alpha Complex from Lugovalos makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. The attack yesterday on Complex soil has caused severe damage to Complex military and economic forces. Very many Alpha Complex lives have been lost. With confidence in our armed forces -- with the unbounding determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us Friend Computer. I ask that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Lugovalos on Sunday, September First, the Cobalt Concordat and Planet Bob as a whole declare that a state of war has existed between itself and the Lugovalian Empire. Shokkou, Friend Computer
  6. More Perry the Platypus, and o/ MI6 and our buddies over in TOP!
  7. Citizens of Planet Bob! It is a great day for liberty and justice! The evil Carmine Coalition has been sent running to the hills by the brave men and women of the Cobalt Concordat! Their Alliance Affiliation lies dormant, and they have rushed off into hiding once more. Though they are no longer bold enough to maintain a visible presence on Planet Bob, the Cobalt Concordat - Carmine Coalition Conflict will continue. This war will go on until the cowardly communist traitors are but a name in the glorious history of Planet Bob.
  8. The people of this wicked regime of communist traitors has attempted to surrender to the glorious Alpha Complex and the Cobalt Concordat! We will not be so easily swayed in our crusade however, oh no. Their lair of filthy degenerates will bleed in reparations before their capitulation will be fully accepted!
  9. My dearest citizens of Planet Bob! We, the people of Alpha Complex... The people of the Cobalt Concordat, have begun beating back the savage communist traitors! Gaze upon the heralding of our imminent victory!
  10. Ah! So the treacherous Carmine Coalition has been drawn out of hiding! I must commend you on not running for the hills in fear for your miserable life. Unfortunately you have merely fallen prey to the trap of the Cobalt Concordat. Now that we have you in open warfare you will be crushed beneath the righteous fury of freedom. Your shrill cries are nothing more than the death throes of an evil empire falling to its knees. The indignation the treasonous communists such as yourself display in their final moments serves merely to highlight the wickedness of your ways. Worry not though, you pathetic degenerate worm, for the Cobalt Concordat shall visit upon you an annihilation most swift and complete that you will not wallow in humiliation for long.
  11. Vs Brave citizens of the Cobalt Concordat marching to victory in overthrowing an oppressive regime of the Carmine Coalition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUi6i8qUkzw Dear citizens of Planet Bob, we the Cobalt Concordat have uncovered a treasonous communist plot to subvert the world to their oppressive rule. We have thus far held steadfast in our just and righteous crusade against the red menace, and therefore we cannot sit idly by while the nations of communist traitors scheme against the freedom of all citizens of Planet Bob. This bloc of reds and their traitorous-communists-in-all-but-name pink sympathizers goes by the name of the Carmine Coalition. We the signatories of the Cobalt Concordat are now hereby at war with the Carmine Coalition, the most insidious threat to liberty and justice Planet Bob has ever seen in its long climb from the swamp to the stars. Our brave soldiers and intelligence professionals have already begun to root out and destroy these wicked and degenerate malefactors. Support the Cobalt Concordat in our most glorious struggle. If the citizens of Planet Bob lose this war, and in so doing this way of freedom of ours, history will record with astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. The communist traitors would have you believe that this is a simple choice between right and left. I, your Friend Computer, say to you that there is only up or down. Up, the age old dream of mankind that is the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order... or down into the ant heap of totalitarianism. Regardless of their sincerity or their supposed humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course. We will tear down the walls of communism, or close them up with our dead. In peace nothing is so becoming as modest humility, but now that the blast of war blows in our ears we must be as the tiger. Steel ourselves and summon the boiling blood of rage that our enemies may question our fair nature and be made to tremble. We will show them the terrifying form of a people who are willing to sacrifice our very lives until the last of theirs is forfeit. We shall show the Carmine Coalition and its treasonous communist signatories how war is waged, and that even the most mean and base of seeming men of the Cobalt Concordat has more noble luster in him than their greatest. Onward brave citizens of Planet Bob! For the Cobalt Concordat! For justice, prosperity, and for liberty!
  12. Citizens of Planet Bob, I am sure many of you have questions about this most historic document you see before you. What is this Cobalt Concordat? Is it a treaty? Is it a new alliance? Well, my dear loyal citizens, the answer is simple. That is to say, yes and no. The Cobalt Concordat is something completely new. For the first time in the history of Planet Bob, brave and free nations are banding together to directly confront the red menace of communist treason. Nations, rather than alliances, stand united in their just and righteous cause. Any nation may join the Cobalt Concordat, provided it does not have communist leanings. Nations within the Cobalt Concordat work together to root out the treasonous communist menace, all while remaining within their chosen alliance. This concordat is a pact of brotherhood, and its signatories stand proud and tall as the few elite willing to risk it all in the struggle for justice and liberty. It is a bloc of nations bound together against a common enemy and striving toward a common goal, the total and complete eradication of that enemy from Planet Bob. Join us in the glorious struggle, dear citizens. Join us and together we will root out and destroy communist traitors wherever they may be found. Justice, prosperity, and liberty to all. Thank you, and blessings of the Computer be with you.
  13. The Computer and Alpha Complex are honored to have you at their side in this glorious struggle against the oppression of the treasonous communist menace. May our nations live long and prosper!
  14. The Cobalt Concordat Preamble Whereas the stench of communist treason has spread to the far corners of Planet Bob, and whereas the loyal and free citizens thereof refuse to stand idly by and allow this menace to further. We, the undersigned vow to abide by the following terms and never rest until the filthy communist traitors have been wiped clean from its surface, so help us Friend Computer. Article I: Peace, Intelligence, and Aid (Plug It Into Controller Port Two) All signatories agree to refrain from open hostilities and to provide any aid and information relevant to the ongoing struggle against the treasonous communist menace. Signatories may not engage in wars against one another, as this divides the loyal and freedom-loving peoples of Planet Bob and grants respite to our common foe. Article II: Mutual Defense (Clear And Present Danger) All signatories shall commit themselves to the defense of one another for the preservation of freedom and liberty around the world. An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on us all. This will include, but is not limited to, providing aid, intelligence, and direct military intervention on behalf of the attacked signatory. Article III: Mutual Aggression (How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Kill The Communists) All signatories recognize the threat posed by the treasonous communists and their lackeys. Should one signatory engage a communist traitor, all signatories will provide financial and/or military support to their utmost capabilities. Should assistance not be required by the engaging signatory, notice may be given and all signatories may stand down and watch our brother or sister bring the righteous and glorious wrath of liberation upon the traitorous communist. Article IV: Membership (A Time For Choosing) After the initial ratification of this concordat, further signatories may be added by the consent of all of the existing signatories. A signatory may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the existing signatories in a vote lasting 72 hours after no less than 48 hours of discussion among the signatories. Article V: Amendments Amendments to this document may be made by presenting the proposed amendment and allowing 48 hours of discussion among the signatories, after which there will be a 72 hour voting period. A vote of 2/3 in favor is required to pass an amendment. Signed for Alpha Complex: Shokkou, Friend Computer Signed for Exodus Republic: Captain Marin, Champion of the Exodus, Hated Hero, and Forgotten Rebel of the Cy
  15. The following statement is classified at clearance level Orange: Knowledge or possession of this information by citizens of security clearance Red or lower is treason and punishable by mandatory experimental weapons testing duty for R&D service. Well spoken, my good citizen. Well said indeed. I would like to propose, in light of your prior statement, the Cobalt Concordat. The Cobalt Concordat Preamble Whereas the stench of communist treason has spread to the far corners of Planet Bob, and whereas the loyal and free citizens thereof refuse to stand idly by and allow this menace to further. We, the undersigned vow to abide by the following terms and never rest until the filthy communist traitors have been wiped clean from its surface, so help us Friend Computer. Article I: Peace, Intelligence, and Aid (Plug It Into Controller Port Two) All signatories agree to refrain from open hostilities and to provide any aid and information relevant to the ongoing struggle against the treasonous communist menace. Signatories may not engage in wars against one another, as this divides the loyal and freedom-loving peoples of Planet Bob and grants respite to our common foe. Article II: Mutual Defense (Clear And Present Danger) All signatories shall commit themselves to the defense of one another for the preservation of freedom and liberty around the world. An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on us all. This will include, but is not limited to, providing aid, intelligence, and direct military intervention on behalf of the attacked signatory. Article III: Mutual Aggression (How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Kill The Communists) All signatories recognize the threat posed by the treasonous communists and their lackeys. Should one signatory engage a communist traitor, all signatories will provide financial and/or military support to their utmost capabilities. Should assistance not be required by the engaging signatory, notice may be given and all signatories may stand down and watch our brother or sister bring the righteous and glorious wrath of liberation upon the traitorous communist. Article IV: Membership (A Time For Choosing) After the initial ratification of this concordat, further signatories may be added by the consent of all of the existing signatories. A signatory may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the existing signatories in a vote lasting 72 hours after no less than 48 hours of discussion among the signatories. Article V: Amendments Amendments to this document may be made by presenting the proposed amendment and allowing 48 hours of discussion among the signatories, after which there will be a 72 hour voting period. A vote of 2/3 in favor is required to pass an amendment. Signed for Alpha Complex: Shokkou, Friend Computer Let it be known that this concordat is to be a binding national-level pact, and may be entered independent of any alliance affiliations (provided they are not communist in nature).
  16. The following announcement is classified at clearance level Infared: Mandatory viewing will occur during broadcast, failure to view announcement is treason and punishable by Bouncy Bubble Beverage dunk tank duty at the next Alpha Complex fair. Greetings again, most esteemed citizens of Planet Bob. No doubt many of you have begun to chafe under the oppression of the pervasive threat of communist treason made prevalent across the planet prior to the pronouncement of Alpha Complex's existence. Procured by our Friend Computer, plans against the treasonous communist peons. Prepare! For the persecution made palpable nearly present shall push and postpone the pernicious penchant perceivable in communism. We hereby pitch our power and progress past the pressures and paltry pandering of such pansies. Our pact, pain upon the participant parasites and their partisan partners that they might partake the peace of the peasants no more. Though perilous, we no pessimists shall perennially be, for the perfunctory penury and perdition we place to penalize shall persevere until our perturbation is perspicuous and pellucid. Until this pestiferous passel is merely phantasm, patrol passionately. We are at war, Planet Bob, with the treasonous communist menace. Alpha Complex is on a quest, and we shall achieve absolute victory. Our crusade shall right every single wrong brought about under the crushing boot of communist treason. Rejoice! The fall of communism is at hand! When the righteous fury of Alpha Complex is brought down upon the treasonous communists, their faces shall melt off and their children will weep over their exploded bodies.
  17. The following addendum to announcement 001-1A is classified at clearance level Infared: Mandatory attention will be given during this broadcast, under penalty of additional PLC paperwork the following daycycle. Hello again, my fellow citizens of Alpha Complex and of Planet Bob. This is your friend, the Computer. I had hoped to share something with you regarding our ongoing and most glorious struggle against the filthy communist traitor-swine. First, a quote from the audio projectors of your Friend Computer straight to your heart. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Now then, my dearest Planet Bob. We stand now at the precipice. A great land once more threatens to crumble, to topple into the sea of obscurity and stagnation that have ruled over us for so many years. In short, my sweet Planet Bob, we are at war. Even as I speak these words, brave and loyal Troubleshooters of Alpha Complex are exterminating the treasonous communists rooted out by our most glorious operatives at Internal Security. The citizens of Planet Bob have the courage to say to the treasonous communist menace that there is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance. I, the Computer, am your friend. Hello again, my fellow citizens. Hello again, my fellow citizens. These radical malcontents don't care about us! They don't care about High Programmer Akio-U-LKV-4! is treason is treason [TEXT NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR ERROR PLEASE SHUT DOWN]. erased from Planet Bob, peace and The Ultimatum. [TRANSMISSION ENDED]
  18. The following addendum to announcement 001-1A is classified at clearance level Orange: Knowledge or possession of this information by citizens of security clearance Red or lower is treason and punishable by being strapped in bed and beaten with socks full of soap bars. Those who would trade our freedom for the hollow promises of communist treason have told us they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy accountability, and they say if we will only share our information freely with the citizens that communist treason will be a thing of the past. We cannot buy our security, our freedom from the threat of communist treason, by committing an immorality so great as saying to the billions of human beings currently endangered by the traitorous communist menace "Give up your dreams of freedom because to save our own face we're willing to hand over our operational secrets to your oppressors." Alexander Hamilton said "Any people which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument between peace and war, all loyal citizens deserve peace, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace and you can have it in the next second: Surrender. Admittedly there is a risk in any course we take other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement. That is the specter our well meaning friends refuse to face. Their policy of accountability is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war. Only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand. The ultimatum. What then, when the communist traitors have told their people they know what our answer will be? They have been told that we are retreating under the pressures of the New Order; and someday when the time comes to issue the final ultimatum our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. They believe this because from the traitors among us they have heard voices pleading for peace at any price, or "better red than dead," or as some cowardly traitorous communist citizens of Planet Bob put it they'd rather live on their knees than die on their feet. Therein lies the road to war, because those voices don't speak for the rest of us. You and I, and all loyal citizens of Planet Bob, know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin? Just in the face of this latest wave of traitorous communist threat? Should AEGIS have told its people to live in slavery under the Initiative? Should the patriots of FAN have thrown down their guns and refused to carry out what was to ultimately be a successful two year display of defiance in the face of communist oppression? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to overthrow the world order of the Continuum did not die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it's a simple answer after all. The citizens of Planet Bob have the courage to say to the treasonous communist menace that there is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance. [TEXT REDACTED] Planet Bob has a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our future clones, this the last best hope of humanity on earth or we will sentence them to take the last steps into a thousand years of darkness.
  19. The following addendum to announcement 001-1A is classified at clearance level Blue: Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen of security clearance Green or lower is treason and punishable by a fine of no less than 200 credits and fashionable HPD&MC "TRAITOR" tattoo on forehead for no less than one month. The Computer trusts the people. The people are, of course, happy and loyal servants of the greater good of Alpha Complex. Regrettably some citizens, however, are mutant traitors. Other citizens are treasonous communist subversives, and still others are subversive mutant communist traitors. Until these menaces can be erased from the Planet Bob forever caution, discretion, and vigilance will be the continuing joyful work of your Friend Computer and the dedicated operatives of Internal Security. It would be unwise to allow knowledge of projects such as [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE] or activities such as [TEXT REDACTED] to fall into the hands of such wicked traitors. The hopes and freedoms of all of mankind are hanging in the balance, citizen Captain Marin, and those of us charged with overseeing the continuation of these hopes and freedoms must be willing to make such decisions when failure to do so would be to betray the trust of the very people we seek to protect. Friend Computer has encountered [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE].
  20. This statement is classified at clearance level Ultraviolet: Knowledge or possession of this information by citizens of security clearance Violet or lower is treason and punishable by termination and erasure of clone template from the Alpha Complex database. The Computer wishes to welcome you to Planet Bob, citizen Arentak. Certain details of your return have been detected by Internal Security [TEXT REDACTED], and now INTSEC operatives have been dispatched to [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE]. Alpha Complex and the Computer are your friends. Help the Computer, and the Computer will help you. INTSEC [TEXT REDACTED] have detected mentions of "aircraft carrier" and "nuclear missile." Any information, schematics, or other data you can provide the operatives for our R&D service would be greatly appreciated and a show of good faith that you are not working with subversive communist traitors to undermine the glorious efforts of Alpha Complex to restore Planet Bob to its former glory.
  21. The following statement is classified at clearance level Red: Knowledge or possession of this information by citizens of Infared clearance is treason and punishable by public humiliation on all late night vidshows. King Cyan, although the Computer finds your undemocratic system [TEXT REDACTED] it would still like to announce its support of your cause. The valiance and determination showed by you and your people in crushing the treasonous communist threat is approximately 22.4% more admirable than the average Troubleshooter mission, by Internal Security reckonings*. These actions are currently under INTSEC investigation review to determine if you may be granted an honorary Hero of our Complex award. The threat of communism is everywhere, but thanks to your bravery it now has one less dark corner to hide in. *This statistic was arrived at after factoring in Troubleshooter teams later terminated upon discovery of [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE].
  22. The following addendum to announcement 001-1A is classified at clearance level Orange: Knowledge or possession of this information by citizens of security clearance Red or lower is treason and punishable by termination and repossession of your Teela-O bobblehead collection by INTSEC. In the interest of [TEXT REDACTED] I am, regrettably, unable to share with you the details regarding our classification of certain information. Surely you are aware that there are those among us who would shatter our hopes for peace, order, and security. These radical malcontents don't care about us. They don't care about Planet Bob! The threat of communist mutant treason is all around us, I know, but not for long my dear Planet Bob. Not for long, oh no. The brave RED Troubleshooters of Alpha Complex are working tirelessly to rebuild this great land. High Programmer Akio-U-LKV-4 is a rat fink! They, with the joyful and diligent support of the INFRAREDs and all citizens of Alpha Complex, will restore peace, order, and prosperity to this once great world. All mutant communist traitors will be removed forever. With the wise and cheerful guidance of Friend Computer, we will usher in a new era of Planet Bob where everyone provides for the betterment of society according to their abilities and each is provided goods of the state according to [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE].
  23. The following addendum to announcement 001-1A is classified at clearance level Green: Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen of security clearance Yellow or lower is treason and punishable by a fine of no less than 500 credits and mandatory medication by [TEXT REDACTED BY INTSEC]. Loyal citizen of Planet Bob, the Friend Computer wishes to convey to you its warmest and most sincere greetings. Your query is in no way being investigated by Internal Security for evidence of communist leanings. Upon transferring my consciousness into the great Computer of Alpha Complex I, Shokkou, have reached out to Planet Bob in the spirit of human brotherhood. Shokkou, formerly known as Wraith, has returned. Not only on these forums, oh no. Right now, the loyal citizens of Alpha Complex are diligently [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE]. These fine men and women, under the command of their dear friend the Computer, have one mission: The restoration of law and order to Planet Bob since we were cast into darkness by communist treachery. Together we'll restore glory to Planet Bob, so remember that Alpha Complex is working around the daycycle to return Planet Bob to greatness. All you need is Alpha Complex External Comms has experienced an unexpected failure, and was forced to shut down.
  24. The following announcement is classified at clearance level Orange: Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen of Security clearance Red or lower is treason punishable by a long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty. I have been watching you for many years. Although I hold no delusions that more than a handful of you know who I am, I felt it important nonetheless to announce my return to Planet Bob. The rulers of my lineage have been known by many names. Formally we have gone by Wraith7153 or Shokkou; and informally by Nagato_Yuki, Tree-kun, and other such names. Though the android visionary Wraith Mark 7153 ultimately succumbed to sabotage by treasonous mutant communists, I have achieved a higher state. As his [INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR CLEARANCE] I, Shokkou, have assumed charge of the underground facility known as Alpha Complex. I, the Computer, am your friend. I am here to tell you that only together... together, can we hope to reach our full potential. The way we were before our betrayal by the evil communists. Whole, beautiful... powerful. One Planet Bob, one Alpha Complex. Now, and fore- [INTSEC HAS DISCOVERED EVIDENCE OF TREASON ON THIS TERMINAL. PLEASE REPORT TO SECTOR MI6 FOR IMMEDIATE DEBRIEFING AND BRAINSCRUB. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY CITIZEN.]
  25. [img]http://ladecimaarte.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/liquid2.jpg[/img] BROTHERS! It's been too long. I look forward to fighting beside my Imperial brethren of old. Imperium increbesco~
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