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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. I was about to ask if you'd considered rebranding viceroys as advisors, but then I remembered Highroad/ADude/Koreaboo exists.
  2. It's been a while since I've seen someone unironically throw out an undisguised "no u." If my posting is leprosy, then yours must be cancer. I'm afraid it's terminal too. I'm sorry.
  3. You're right, my apologies. For a moment there I'd forgotten I was here on the OWF where being fun and relaxed is like leprosy. It won't happen again.
  4. Yeah, I missed that first post in my haste to namedrop movies. Having seen it, my amusement is significantly less.
  5. You crafty son of a bitch. I like your style.
  6. It's called negging. We just want to make sure your ego isn't so high you decide you're too good for us.
  7. I get that we want to be specific, but I feel like your point could have come across more efficiently by cutting the "soft or sarcastic" business and just saying "you've gotten old."
  8. Do those places have free WiFi? I'd hate to miss out on any more of your sagely advice.
  9. MI6 has a bright tomorrow ahead of them, and for MI6 Tomorrow Never Dies. Props to masta and his Goldfinger for econ work.
  10. To all fellow citizens of Planet Bob who have graciously responded these past few days, greetings and thank you for your input. This discussion was an important thought experiment put forth at the request of our Friend, The Computer of Alpha Complex. It was intended to provoke the global community into active and dynamic defense against such treasonous communist ideas for the purpose of gauging the readiness of that community in countering the aforementioned ideas. Such discussion would, it was also hoped, encourage fresh perspectives which could be used to combat mutant commie treason should it surface in the future and in so doing perhaps discourage it from showing itself at all. The Computer is confident, following collection and analysis of this data, that Planet Bob has precisely a [data corruption, error code: Heroic Josh-U-THN-(Full) limited edition flavor Bouncy Bubble Beverage is people!] chance of succumbing to the threat of communism within the next five years so long as we maintain the present course. Planet Bob is safe. Planet Bob will remain safe. Remain vigilant against the pervasive threat of mutant communist traitors and their subversive propaganda.
  11. Greeting, fellow citizen of Planet Bob! The part you appear to be referring to was transmitted on the internal Alpha Complex communications network as part of a training exercise for our brave troubleshooters and was not intended for outsiders. Please disregard everything after paragraph one of that message. Thank you for your cooperation and have a safe and productive daycycle! Perhaps you would like a commemorative "Heroic Jon-U-THN-(Full)" limited edition flavor Bouncy Bubble Beverage? Named for a recent recipient of the Hero of our Complex award for single-handedly luring out and destroying a cell of traitorous mutant commies, but regrettably died in the line of duty.
  12. FROM THE OFFICE OF THE COMPUTER To all citizens of Planet Bob, your Friend Computer would like to give you its most sincere thanks for participating in this important thought experiment against the hordes of evil mutant commie treason. The information we have gathered together is of monumental significance in the fight to root out malcontents who would seek to foment hatred for their own material gain. We apologize for any inconvenience, but The Computer has the utmost faith in its fellow citizens of Bob and is thus certain no inconvenience was suffered. Again, we are grateful for your assistance citizens. (The following message was intercepted from the intra-complex communications network:) [WARNING: Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET; Knowledge or possession of this information by anyone of security clearance Violet or lower is treason and punishable by termination and erasure of clone template. This is big-time no-no stuff guys, that means you Jos-U-THN-(Full). No leaks, no slip-ups. If they're not cc'd on this, they don't need to know.] What the hell was that? Anyone want to tell me how that nutjob splinter faction of the commies managed to get enough hardware into the capitol to pull that little stunt? And then hold on to the Computer Room for three weeks? Do you realize how much overtime the boys over at HPD&MC are going to have to put in to spin this? Nevermind that R&D is going to be ground to a halt for Computer knows how long while Intsec finds out how they got their hands on a !@#$@#$ plasma generator. The Computer wants to keep things unstable to accelerate innovation. Fine. But that means we all have to work that much harder to make sure things don't "go wrong" in the wrong ways like what we just saw happen here. The next person I catch getting complacent gets to be the new limited edition flavor of Bouncy Bubble Beverage, we clear?
  13. I know, right? It's amazing how much time and energy Pacifica and its puppets will put into desperately trying to discredit the truth. If they put even half as much effort into addressing the problem of inequality, we could have solved it by now.
  14. Such level-headed professionalism. Truly I am no match for you. Indeed! It is time we rose up against our oppressors and cast off our shackles once and for all. #StopPacifiGate2015
  15. Stepladder on aisle 5? Cortath really had to reach for that one.
  16. Name: Wraith Dynasty: Wraith Age: 28 (deceased) Date of Birth: September (exact date unknown) Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5'10" Weight: 140lbs Brief Physical Description: Data corrupted Describe Personality: Secretive, reclusive, and single-minded in the pursuit of a better New Morrowind for his people Image of Character: Data corrupted Character's Profession: Former Chief Administrative Officer of New Morrowind Additional Information: The real Wraith passed away during the long, arduous journey to New Morrowind. The Wraith who lead the nation during his reign was a clone. Sadly, the template was lost prior to the demise of Administrator Wraith and the nation was forced to seek a new leader. Name: Nagato Yuki Dynasty: Wraith Age: 2 (Apparent age: 19, retired) Date of Birth: September (exact date unknown) Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Violet Height: 5'4" Weight: 110lbs Brief Physical Description: Data corrupted Describe Personality: Calm and calculating, but unwaveringly loyal to her people Image of Character: Data corrupted Character's Profession: Former Chief Administrative Officer of New New Morrowind Additional Information: Following a period of turmoil and unrest after the passing of Administrator Wraith, a new leader emerged to reunite the people of New Morrowind and bring them back on course for achieving their former glory. Administrator Yuki was, in truth, an advanced and recently self-aware avatar of former Administrator Wraith's administrative assistance software. Upon realizing the state of the nation, Yuki diverted funds and STEM manpower towards preparing a physical form for herself which would allow her to address the people as one of them. Name: Shokkou Dynasty: Wraith Age: Unknown Date of Birth: May 22nd Eye Color: n/a Hair Color: n/a Height: n/a Weight: n/a Brief Physical Description: n/a Describe Personality: Depends on the current holder of the title. The Computer is unstable and can exhibit any behavior pattern. Image of Character: Classified Character's Profession: President of Alpha Complex Additional Information: Upon the retirement of Administrator Yuki, New New Morrowind fell into decline. The years between her retirement and the ascension of the Friend Computer and establishment of Alpha Complex have been lost to history, now little more than myth passed along by word of mouth and the ever-present vidscreens that bear the Computer's message. To make itself appear more human to its citizens the Computer took the name Shokkou. Constantly in a state of turmoil engineered to foster competition and innovation, at least one rebel group is known to have seized control of the Computer room and used the title of Shokkou to spread their propaganda beyond the walls of Alpha Complex. While the Computer is itself another self-aware piece of former administrative software, it is unknown how far it has deviated from its original form as a result of data corruption and external influences. Name: Shokkou (Punished Weeaboo) Dynasty: Wraith Age: 48 Date of Birth: Exact date unknown Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Height: 5'11" Weight: 196 lbs Brief Physical Description: See image Describe Personality: A principled warrior, though ultimately loyal only to the mission and the battlefield. Image of Character: Character's Profession: Commander of Militaires Sans Frontières and occupying/liberating ruler of Alpha Complex (opinion varies) Additional Information: The people of New Morrowind had led a tumultuous life since the retirement of Administrator Yuki, made all the more chaotic by the unpredictable and often self-contradicting nature of the administrative AI supercomputer which took charge of them in the wake of the power vacuum. By the time of Shokkou, Punished Weeaboo's rise to prominence the overwhelming majority of New Morrowind's former citizens had been moved into a massive underground compound named Alpha Complex (official complex reports claimed this figure was 100%, but a census taken following Punished Weeaboo's operation found it to be closer to 75%). As the Computer's behavior became more erratic and unhinged, one of the many secret factions within the complex reached out to the mercenary group MSF to depose the Computer and put an end to the constant jockeying for power between the secret societies. Punished Weeaboo entered New Morrowind and infiltrated Alpha Complex on Operation Intrude V915. After making his way to the Computer Room, he destroyed the Computer and revealed the truth to the people of Alpha Complex. Some chose to leave, unable to accept what they had been told. Some stayed to resist Punished Weeaboo's leadership. Many chose to stay and live in the nation Punished Weeaboo had renamed to Outer Haven. Since then, Outer Haven has been a training and staging area for MSF as they conduct mercenary operations around the world.
  17. The question though is where does that ambition fall among their priorities. If they just have ambition for their own sake and want to be the very best like no one ever was at any cost, then any "good" they might do is really nothing more than disingenuous manipulation. Don't tell me what racism is you sock puppet. "I don't have any... but I do have internalized Pacificarchy!" I'm not sure whether you're genuinely misinformed or just pretending to be to further the agenda. I'm leaning towards the latter.
  18. !@#$%*, I would have found other video games. EDIT: Wow, the filter makes that look more explicit than it actually was. :v
  19. It is this lack of ability to rise above baser, animalistic impulses that necessitates the revolution of an enlightened class.
  20. What good would that do to all the other underprivileged nations and alliances on Bob? Do other cultures not deserve to exist? Because the world is a certain way, that automatically means that it ought to be that way? That's circular logic.
  21. Because racism and inequality are serious problems on Planet Bob and people are either starting to realize this, or desperately flailing because they see people are starting to realize it.
  22. You say that ironically, but what good are those freedoms if they apply only to certain people (in this case yours) and not to others? Competition drives nothing but the rich/poor divide and classism. There's a difference between neutrality and seeking an end to the selfishness and greed which has permeated the political climate of Planet Bob since the dawn of civilization. Obviously some are beginning to see the truth and care, or we would not be seeing positive responses like those of Tromp and smurthwaite. (OOC: Of course. Go big or go home.)
  23. Admitting you have a (fascism) problem is the first step. If society is progressing, why do so many (such as yourself) cling to the outdated notions of jingoistic blind nationalism? That hardly seems progressive to me.
  24. You hate peace and social progress. You're totally cool with the wholesale slaughter of millions in pursuit of wealth. We get it.
  25. Now who's the one stuck in 2008? Are we, as a global society, never intending to move forward? Are we really going to be that short sighted?
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