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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. Only if your idea of "a pretty good job" is based on the primitive, violent, warmongering ways of our unenlightened ancestors.
  2. There is no statute of limitations on plundering. If a society has built itself on looted wealth, future generations still carry the responsibility to clean up the mess their forebears left for them if the injustice was never properly rectified. A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation. (OOC: )
  3. You sir are a true ally. If you'd like, I can give you a heads up when my equality fund "Economics Equitably" is ready to be established. We will tear down the Pacificarchy and put power back in the hands of the victims.
  4. It's never been a thing throughout history for anyone to have power without support. The thing is that, over time, tacit support for their bigoted power has become normalized. As a new generation comes up living under the institutionalized racism of the past, they are indoctrinated to see it as just the way things are. As I said before, this is incorrect. I have not and would not block anyone. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to have my positions challenged. Debate can only shed light on the validity of my claims. The harassment I refer to is your constant deflection, projection, and personal attacks rather than addressing the issues I've presented. You insist on maintaining this verbal barrage in the hopes of silencing me and turning eyes away from this call to action against your privilege. Every part of my statements has an important place in moving our society forward. I appreciate your support, but we must look at things as a whole and avoid tunnel vision if we are to repair the damage done. There is nothing fun about the culture of rape inherent in the institutions of the privileged. Do you think that shamelessly flaunting your debauchery and decadence will make people laugh off your crimes as a joke? Every time I think you've hit the bottom with your flippantly disgusting attitude, you pull out some new excavation hardware and manage to dig yourself further down.
  5. I met some of my closest friends through CN. Without some of them, I'm sure I wouldn't have ever gotten as into anime as I am and probably never would have found some of my favorite video games.
  6. You are mistaken sir. I have blocked no one because, unlike these shrieking homunculi, I do not fear open and candid discourse. It does raise questions when someone like that isn't quickly muzzled by their superiors. It's almost as if they're profiting off of his harassment...
  7. You know where to find my nation. Feel free to stop by any time and further prove my point about how corrupt and averse to criticism you are.
  8. Now we're trying to marginalize dissenting voices by writing them off as trolls? If you're going to project this strongly, please turn up the lights a bit. My eyes are getting a bit sore. As for everyone else here, back to work. This bot hasn't achieved self awareness yet.
  9. You see, it's easy to dismiss the issue as no big deal and insist that there isn't really a problem but what we must realize is that one of the luxuries of being a member of a privileged group is that the benefits afforded to us often remain invisible to us. Working towards solutions requires that privileged alliances become aware of the ways in which they unconsciously benefit from racism.
  10. Please show me anywhere in this thread where you have debated my points rather than attacking me. Then tell me why anything you say should be given any credence at all. You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.
  11. Perhaps not me, but it certainly enables you to devour the downtrodden and defenseless with little ceremony or outcry. I have a position of some privilege, though not one so egregious as you. That is why it's important that I recognize my privilege and use it to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves for fear that to do so would only bring the attention and wrath of those who wish to cling to their privilege.
  12. This is exactly the kind of ethnocentric drivel I'd expect from a cultural imperialist. The process of Pacificanization is nothing more than arrogant buffoons thinking their culture superior to all others and muscling in to impose it on everyone with no understanding of the locals. If we are to have true equality we must look at each group through the lens of cultural relativism. Fetishizing oppression is just another form of internalized racism endemic to the culture of institutional Pacifican Privilege. We must fight harder on behalf of these people, for their enslavement is not only of their physical existence but also of their minds. We must secure the existence of all peoples and a future for their children.
  13. The truth shouldn't have to package itself to entertain you. If you're seriously unwilling to do the right thing because of that, then you're kind of a !@#$ lord. Then again, maybe this is all just an excuse for you to avoid inconveniencing yourself. In either case, congratulations on setting back Planet Bob several years. An honest tyrant is a tyrant nonetheless. Sorry, but no brownie points for you.
  14. Because your point was fundamentally flawed, which is what I addressed. If you really wanted to prove me wrong, you could have simply not responded to me in the first place. As it stands however, your desperate grasping at straws is greater evidence of your status as a Pacifican sockpuppet - and by extension the modern relevance of my words - than any historical data I could have provided.
  15. It's part of my culture. The privileged returns to their ivory tower to shield themselves in comfort from the ugly truth of their bigotry. What a shock. It seems I was right about you.
  16. You've taken some of my statements out of context. Your interpretation was far too myopic. I was speaking of progress in the sense of the greater movement, not of my nation individually. Exactly. I don't understand how people don't see this. Their bloodthirsty nature will come out again and it will be the Woodstock Massacre all over. There are plenty of examples of how they are not bound by the same norms of behavior as everyone else. Just look at how these little monkeys start flinging their feces the moment someone tries to brooch a subject they consider unacceptable.
  17. Whether you realize this or not, this is another symptom of the systemic oppression of the disenfranchised. It leaves those who wish to work towards a solution in a perpetual state of having to prove themselves from which they cannot progress, thereby preventing any solution from being reached and allowing the privileged to enjoy their advantages without having to worry about such moral concerns. I can, and have, spoken out on behalf of those less fortunate but at some point words are no longer enough. At that point action must be taken, and it is not constructive in the least - indeed it is extremely destructive - to slam the gate on one who is trying to bring about that action. I cannot help further unless I am granted a platform with which to do it, but by this standard I cannot be granted such a platform until I have helped. It's like seeking an entry-level job that requires experience.
  18. Again with the bigoted deflections of responsibility. What right do you have to conflate an activist for social justice with a raider or a warlord? Have you forgotten that the one who sits on ill-gotten spoils is you? I don't have to prove my credentials to a privileged oppressor. Assumptions of bad faith, like the one you've just made, are a cowardly tactic of the powerful to give them an out instead of taking that first real step towards equality.
  19. It would be feasible if those in positions of power and privilege were willing to acknowledge their position and use the advantages they've unjustly gained to improve the freedoms and quality of life of those less fortunate. I've been preparing to open a fund which would help build up the impoverished nations of Planet Bob, but my efforts were delayed as a result of the Doom War and subsequent rebuilding. Just another example of the ways in which the existing institutions keep the powerless down.
  20. Don't you dare patronize me like that. It's obvious you don't want a real solution to the problem.
  21. It is difficult to come to any "good faith" conclusion when the solution is literally right next to the part you obviously read. It's almost as if you were intentionally omitting information.
  22. It's things like this that make me question your sincerity. In my original post I outlined a path that would enable Pacifica to effect social justice. Also, as an activist on the forefront of this issue you could support my efforts in improving the quality of life and freedom of the disadvantaged.
  23. So it is acceptable for Pacifica to have a long memory regarding transgressions, but not those whom they have oppressed? More gold-standard examples of Pacifican Privilege. Thank you for proving my point. More "jealous of our freedoms" rhetoric. It is amazing anyone can be in denial about Pacifican Privilege after seeing the torrent of bile and ridicule they throw at anyone who dares question them.
  24. They are, and it has been more insidious now than ever before as the system of their oppression - which they built over many years - is now all but invisible to most. I appreciate your support, and hope that my work will convince you of the institutional oppression before it is too late. (OOC: RV has always had an IC persona I've enjoyed seeing. I'm glad lulz were had. :) )
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