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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. This has to be the weakest bait I've ever seen. I even called my friend who's an expert on weak bait. If you've got a nice drain pipe, there's no reason to hide it. :P
  2. He shows me his, I show him mine? I mean, as long as they don't touch man.
  3. Oh, I get that. My purpose was merely to deconstruct the logic behind taking offense at something like that. I can get on argumentative streaks, and I find the mental exercise of finding and pointing out logical inconsistencies to be enjoyable when I'm in one. I'm not bothered by trolling or verbal assaults, so long as I am free to dish it back out. If that's what you have, then you have what I'm looking for.
  4. I'm pretty sure more than two people have posted in this thread, and this does not appear to be the general consensus. That being said: Hothead? A bit, perhaps. Idiot? Hardly. Enjoys racist jokes? I would like to point out that there is a difference between being insensitive and genuinely racist. Do I enjoy the occasional insensitive joke? Sure. In the proper context and around people I think have think enough skin to handle it. I didn't realize certain people at MI6 had such thin skin and I didn't appreciate the handling of the situation, which involved jumping straight to accusing me of racism over a joke without confronting me first (and then telling me that I did not deserve that consideration anyway when I voiced my concerns). I would like to further drive home my point about there being a difference between insensitivity and racism by asking a simple question. Do you (and this question can be answered by anyone) watch Dave Chappelle's material? Are you offended by it? If you are not, but you are offended by the joke I made (in a relatively private setting, I might add) then you are a hypocrite and your ideas are based on some actually racist logic. At its core, that is saying "It is ok for Dave Chappelle to use that word in a joke because he is black, but it is not ok for Shokkou to do the same because he is white." The logic here being "It is ok for [person 1] to [action] because they are [skin color/ethnicity/nationality 1], but it is not ok for [person 2] to do the same because they are [skin color/ethnicity/nationality 2]." This logic works equally well to say "It is ok for this person to use this water fountain because they are white, but it is not ok for this other person to do the same because they are black." That is actual racism. Have a nice day.
  5. Couldn't have said it better myself. Understandable. I was expecting things to get on this track sooner or later, but it's always interesting to see what lengths people will go to to push their narrative. If you're here for MGS references, I can give you a synopsis of my perspective on what's going on at MI6: Pride feeds their blackened hearts and the thirst must be quenched to fuel hypocrisy. Cleansing flames is the only way to repent. Renounce what made you.
  6. Perhaps you would benefit from some select pieces of my side of things as I've relayed it thus far: It seems you had a typo in there. I've fixed it, and would like to add that that isn't what happened. There was no agreement that censorship wasn't worth fighting over.
  7. The way I heard it made the situation sound more nuanced than that. I suppose barring proof it'll just have to be left to the deductive capabilities of the international community.
  8. I thought you were done posting. That's a joke. Whatever you said, I knew your ego wouldn't allow it.
  9. Nothing was "requested" so much as it was demanded in a hostile manner when I expressed my frustration at having my posts deleted without any effort to approach the situation in good faith. From people I've known for years, I expected a little more sensibility rather than knee-jerk offense. You keep trying to strip the situation of context as if it doesn't matter (as, indeed, you were attempting to do before I went rogue), so forgive me if I come to the conclusion that you are pursuing your own interest rather than the truth. Of course it was negotiated "on the authority" of a 00. It needed gov approval, but who suggested pursuing peace? Who pushed for it?
  10. Except that what I said was neither racist nor hate speech. Perhaps you need to learn the difference between derogatory language and racism or hate speech from a source other than Tumblr or Jezebel. In your mind, sure. "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." It's nice to see you're sticking to such tried and true tactics to defame me. It's nice to see you can do no wrong and any mishandling of the situation by gov is irrelevant. That's certainly a great way to approach the situation and a major factor in my decision to go rogue. The fact of the matter is that non-gov members negotiated this peace in spite of the wishes of those above them. You can try to play coy all you want but you can't wriggle out of that fact, nor can you fool anyone into thinking not having a government position means you have the same influence as any other member.
  11. This is false and yet another twisting of my words and the facts. I did not determine it was some sort of Orwellian conspiracy out to get me. I determined it was just a sad circlejerk of people who enjoyed their positions of power too much. As I have repeatedly stated, I reposted the slur once when the situation was not handled in good faith and again in a different context when it became obvious that this expectation of "respect" only went one way. I don't care what you think of my arguments because you have shown you are only interested in misrepresenting them to cover your own hide. I also notice you did not address the fact that non-gov members of the alliance negotiated peace with me in spite of your and TLs efforts to get me rolled. Perhaps you need more time to find your words? It's ok. I'll wait.
  12. This much is accurate. I left the alliance and went rogue by choice because I refused to put up with the things mentioned in my earlier post.
  13. September 1st. In spite of my usual skepticism, I'm kind of excited for it. I have explained in great detail that this is not the case. You can oversimplify the situation to make yourself look less bad, but that does not make your version anything less than grossly disingenuous. As for language not being acceptable on this board, this board is more of a public place than our private alliance boards. Making such a joke here would be more the equivalent of doing so in a public library or the DMV. Making the joke on our own boards is, and this analogy certainly fits many people at MI6 specifically, more like making the joke while chilling at a frat house. You can try to pretend that they are the same, but you would be an idiot. I used it once in the aforementioned joking context and reposted it when it was removed without warning. Then I took a shot at TL when the situation was mishandled in the way I mentioned in my lengthier post. I think by that time my anger was justified, regardless of how you may want to present the situation here. MI6 may be doing just fine, but your already strained reputation and credibility have taken another hit. I wonder how much more they can take before you find yourself stripped of the power you seem overly fond of. No one was directly offended. TL was offended that someone interrupted his circlejerk and decided to make wild accusations of racism, the same as you've just implied. There was also no "spam" unless three posts, only two of which were the same because no one had confronted me about the removal of my first post, somehow counts as spam. This is why I take the accusations of racism for the joke seriously and personally. This is nothing more than people taking things more seriously than the situation warrants and opting to abuse their power because they believe no one will stop them. You provided your own warped and oversimplified version of events in a transparent effort to save face. If you'd like, I can query some of your own alliance members and see if they'd be willing to call you out on the OWF. What's the worst that can happen? Your credibility is ruined to the point where you're forced to resign, and then more reasonable minds who are less hated by the international community take over and MI6s foreign affairs actually go somewhere? In any case, if this were simply about racism and not being able to say a word... why did I stop? Why don't you enlighten us all as to your side of the story there? I was prepared to leave Planet Bob for good, but some of your own members weren't too happy about having to attack me when they agreed with my cause. Your and TLs subordinates went behind your backs to negotiate this peace, Myth, and you were both powerless to stop it. Why is that, exactly?
  14. Thanks! It's interesting. The time that has passed since I left MI6 has been the time I've most enjoyed being part of the international community of Planet Bob. It was not until I felt I had no choice but to strike off on my own, and had resigned myself to death in an endless battle of revenge, that I found something worth sticking around in Planet Bob's international community for. For that, I thank you all.
  15. Don't get me wrong. There's a place for all types, and there's nothing wrong with a tight ship if people are ok with it and the respect goes both ways. I'm just not one of the people suited for it. I know what I'm doing, and I expect some trust and the freedom to be a little independent. Not exactly what tight ships are about unless you want to steer.
  16. Yeah, over time I've found myself less and less able to fit into "tight ships." I don't want to be a leader, but I refuse to be a mindless follower. It's entirely possible NG will be my destination but, as I said, I think it'd be wise for me to take some time before making any decisions. It's been one hell of a roller coaster these past 48 hours and I need to take stock of where I am and where I'm trying to go. At least it isn't a wreath. Thanks! I've gotten wary of using labels recently since as soon as you do some people think they know your entire socioeconomic ideology, but that would be the one that probably fits me best as well.
  17. I knew that, I just wasn't sure if I was missing part of the post or if that was the entire original. :P
  18. I've learned this lesson. I wasn't sure if you did or not, but I figured it could only help for there to be a comprehensive explanation of my side of the story before theirs spread too far. I'm beginning to think I may have been worried for nothing, as that would imply people would actually take Myth and TLs word at face value. Still, it's relieving to have it out there so thanks for asking. Thanks Junka. You too. I don't actually know how to respond to this, so I'm just going to go with this:
  19. It's the weariness, partly. If my citizens and I no longer care what happens to my nation, it becomes harder to justify holding back. Redezra... I'm already a demon... Thanks. Your reputation precedes you. This was one of the first things I heard once I'd finally found a sympathetic ear. That is extremely appealing to me, but I think I'm going to self-impose a cool down time before I decide where to go next with my nation. I was fully prepared to fight until my nation was dust and my warchest bare, so now that some rational MI6ers (it's probably irrelevant if I name them or not, but I prefer to err on the side of caution in this circumstance) managed to convince me to accept peace I have some thinking to do. I don't want to waste your time by applying if I'm unsure.
  20. He and TL both. This wasn't surprising from TL, but I thought better of Myth. I guess I just somehow didn't offend his ego before now. That and, at least from him, I assumed any pretentiousness was an act put on for fun. I see now that is not entirely the case.
  21. As always, the truth is rarely something which can be put in such simple terms. If I were to dig through my IRC logs alone, I could show dozens of instances where the same word was used by others - including those who were so quick to condemn me without approaching me directly - in a similar manner. That said, it is not only the sheer hypocrisy of the situation but also the blatant lack of good faith from members of the community I have known for years. I, as I imagine everyone here does, speak differently depending on the situation. I do not use the same language when I am with old friends from high school that I do when I am with my parents and their friends, or even at work. I believed I was making a joke among friends, people I've known for a long time who could perhaps have the same faith in me that I would in them. That being that I had no malicious intent behind my words, just as I have not assumed any from them the countless times they've employed similarly derogatory terms. The response I was met with did not fit that assumption however. Furthermore, the thought of leaving Planet Bob behind for good has never been far from my mind. The more this weariness grows, the less I find myself willing to tolerate the efforts of those who would seek to dictate to me what is or is not acceptable humor. These are the same people, mind you, with enough of a stick up their back sides that something as innocuous as "First post!" in a new subforum is somehow an egregious affront to their "everything is super serious business" sensibilities. These are the same people who decided quoting song lyrics in their public channel one time, something which I'm certain happens in every public channel from time to time and no one bats an eye at, was worth kick/banning me. The fact that that last incident took place after several members began expressing disapproval at their treatment of my posts was pure coincidence however, I'm sure. These are the reasons I left MI6 and went rogue against them. Not because I was told I couldn't use a given word... but because I was told I couldn't use a given word, one that my accusers are also guilty of using, once in an obviously joking context. Because when I expressed my concern and frustration at the lack of good faith exercised in the approach to the situation, I was laughed at and told my concerns were meaningless. Accusations were leveled at me by people who should have known them to be false. I had no desire to put up with that, so I left. Now then, peace was reached quickly thanks to the efforts of those with more level-heads and decency than IYIyTh or TheListener. They told me that there were others who felt that certain people within MI6 had become too heavy-handed in their "leadership" on the forums and that if we could reach a peaceful solution it would go a long way in proving that open discussion and good faith are better than harsh censorship and thick-headedness. This was my exact response word for word, and I'm certain the MI6er in question can verify it if they wish to join the discussion in this thread: <Shokkou> You know what? Fine. You do have a good point, and I like the idea of open and honest communication in good faith winning out. <Shokkou> I'll peace out, you take all the credit for approaching me in good faith, and run with that. <Shokkou> Well, you and [redacted] Lastly I would like to say that your post did not come across as asking in good faith, but I also understand and respect that you don't know me and therefore I have no right to expect any trust from you. I answered your question to the best of my abilities because if there is a chance the truth can win out, I would like to see that it does. Regardless, my citizens and I have made peace with and accept the possibility of death so long as we can ensure that our aggressors pay dearly for the privilege, no matter who they may be. I would not have been so eager to paint this gigantic target on myself otherwise. To those who have wished MSF good fortune, I would like to express my gratitude. Thank you.
  22. Why are we still here on Planet Bob? Just to suffer? Every day, I check on my nation... pay my bills... even export tech. The time I've lost... the comrades I've lost... it's always tiring... It's like they're all meaningless. You feel fed up, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past. Militaires Sans Frontières has no formal charter, being a cooperative haven for rogue nations disillusioned with the state of affairs on Planet Bob. Its goal is to provide its members with the greatest degree of liberty possible, and in so doing to provide a place for soldiers where they will not be exploited. The world calls for wetwork, and we answer. No greater good. No just cause. I won't see us end as ashes. We're all diamonds. We'll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us. We are Diamond Dogs. IRC: #MSF
  23. Three Karmas? Please, Neo Uruk.
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