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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. As a racist enjoying their position of privilege over others, I would expect no less. I'm sure the Emperor was enjoying himself every time he consigned some alliance or individual to a sentence they did not deserve.
  2. Don't keep coming in with the same fallacy if you want a different response. Try to mix it up a little. See? Ad homs, ad homs, ad motherfucking homs. Yet you call me the boring one and expect me to expend the effort to come up with something new each time. Protip: Say something that it would not be an appropriate response to and you'll get a different response.
  3. The fact that you think you can just walk into a space created by a minority alliance member and Redsplain my thread to me is disgusting and a perfect example of the kind of racist harassment this culture of Pacifican Privilege encourages.
  4. You're just proving my point by using your platform here to punch down at the marginalized, reinforcing their oppression. But again, let me repeat:
  5. I'm not the one using my voice to oppress the disadvantaged by telling them their oppression isn't real.
  6. If anything, this thread has shown that there are some downright toxic ideas pervading the dominant culture of Planet Bob.
  7. By all means, keep the ad homs coming. Heaven forbid anyone realize you've got nothing else.
  8. Right! Because if you just call me a tin foil conspiracy theorist all the historical facts I've presented will just go away. Brilliant! Appeals to ridicule and ad homs are clearly the new way to conduct logical discourse. I've already stated what NPO can do to rectify their past injustices. If you cannot, or more likely will not, read then I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do for you. Your racist harassment means this conversation is over. Yes, IRON has been so quiet that two of their members have been feverishly hawking Pacifican apologist propaganda on every page of this thread. Wake up!
  9. Oh, since the name is different that means everything just goes out the window. It's good to know everyone gets a do-over every time there's a war. I'm sure FAN would have liked to know that back sometime between 2007 and 2009. I fought in Karma, but nice try. Since December of 2006. I don't know how you could have forgotten this fact. I understand you're having to dedicate your neurons to mental gymnastics instead of things like grammar, but please at least make an effort. Injustices are not rectified simply by the passage of time.
  10. Remind me of who was in The Continuum and One Vision with NPO. Then remind me who currently has ties to both NPO and DBDC.
  11. Wow. You think just because someone is on the color Red that means they can't be aware of how Pacifica has historically committed the worst crimes in the history of Planet Bob? Not all of us have internalized the Pacifican apologist propaganda.
  12. It is only for the patronage of Pacifica and its long time puppets such as IRON that DBDC has been allowed to run rampant through Planet Bob. DBDC is merely a symptom of the wider problem which plagues Planet Bob. In recent times, Polaris has done good work in dismantling the institutions of Pacifican oppression. Much work remains to be done however.
  13. New members who are, naturally, indoctrinated against the wrongdoing of their forebears. There is evidence even in this thread of Pacifican apologists trying to suppress the truth about Pacifican bigotry and oppression.
  14. Fixed that for you. If it's all about ethics in cyber warfare why has the NPO historically been the alliance engaging in the overwhelming majority of cases of PZI, EZI, institution of viceroyalties, and other heinous hate crimes?
  15. Oh look, we have a Pacifican here to Redsplain to me why Pacifican Privilege does not exist. I suppose next you'll tell me I'm just jealous of your freedom.
  16. I've known of the wiki for some time. It boggles the mind that there are those who refuse to acknowledge the system of oppression inherent in the dominant culture of Planet Bob.
  17. Historically, even those of their own color have been force fed their whitewashed bigotry but those outside the Red sphere have been subject to the most horrific oppression.
  18. Ask yourself this: Is there one alliance affiliation which enjoys the benefits of global influence and prosperity beyond others? Now ask yourself: How did this come to be? Did they reach this lofty position through honest sweat and toil, or did they reach this privileged position atop a mountain of the dead? Throughout the history of Planet Bob, violence has always been a means of seizing power at the expense of the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised. But while many alliances have been content to war only for survival, one has conspicuously used war as a means of subjugation. Whether it was for hearsay or for falsified charges or simply for having the misfortune of holding something they coveted, this alliance has consistently sought to consolidate power for its own sake. It is a fact known beyond dispute on Planet Bob that this power has been universally abused at the hands of the Order to every conceivable extent it could manage. What, then, is Pacifican Privilege? Pacifican Privilege is being able to exile citizens from Bob permanently and visit genocide upon any people group who violates that exile. Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry about having your culture and way of life stripped away at the whim of a bigoted and power hungry foreign official. Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry that your nationality will be "revoked" over the neurotic fears of a group of jackbooted warmongers. We live in a world where the entire population can rise up and denounce the tyranny of the New Pacific Order only for them to turn around and smugly try to play the victim, crying crocodile tears into the ocean of blood at their feet. Blood of citizens of Planet Bob spilled only due to their misfortune of not being Pacifican. It is time the New Pacific Order recognized and acknowledged their institutionally racist position of power and privilege within Planet Bob, educated their members on the crimes committed in the name of Pacifican "patriotism" - itself a thinly veiled moniker of Pacifican supremacism - and sought to further equality for all citizens of Planet Bob regardless of their alliance affiliation.
  19. If only warchests weren't a thing, right? If only we could do damage and not still get wrecked. But what do I know? I'm only fighting a DS member who had a lovely warchest of $100k. Clearly this is a quality alliance.
  20. So they fled their own AA to get out of war? That's so much better than being in PM... That almost makes up for the fact that nearly 1/3 of their alliance is in PM while less than 1/4 of ours is. Anyway, sorry. So they went from 2.1m to 1.6m, a loss of 0.5m, 0.2m of which was from nations fleeing leaving for another AA. Still puts them 0.3m NS lost to 0.1m NS lost by Invicta. Man, I am sorry. Would you like me to send you some tech so your nation can afford better education? I can't think of any other reason why you'd have so much trouble doing basic arithmetic.
  21. I see there is a necromancer in our midst. Prepare to be purged for your foul and twisted magic.
  22. [21:15:37] <&Nascar8FanGA> oh Justavictim82[Invicta] Shokkou http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122575-an-invicta-ttk-treaty/ [21:15:40] <&Nascar8FanGA> go hail or something
  23. Now I'll never be able to post on the forums again. :v o/ Imperium Increbresco! \o
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