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Everything posted by youwish959

  1. Bragging about nation to nation warfare is stupid.
  2. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1305069873' post='2709817'] Oh ok, we'll be sure to ask for more next time so we're in line with expectations. [/quote] You're better off saving that quote for next time ChairmanHal goes on and on about the terms. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1305073325' post='2709846'] Folks, if you want a "fun game", stop it with the reps. Many alliances are scared of losing wars as they might get harsh reps, which will cause things to stagnate. DH's decision to push reps over flimsy CB(s) is certainly not going to keep the game interesting. [/quote] OOC: If you want a "fun game" quit playing CN. Also high reps aren't killing CN; the inability to catch up to the upper tier is.
  3. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1303865994' post='2700065'] Ahh the keen strategic mind of the GGA in action. You manage to get everything wrong all at once. You see, VE attacked Polaris initially to try to pull Pacifica in. Which was very poor strategy, as it provoked sympathy for Polaris from those who ordinarily wouldn't be among their supporters, and since Pacifica was clearly quite content to watch Polaris burn indefinitely instead of moving. DH only attacked NPO after it became painfully clear that this was the only way to involve them. Good strategy would have been skipping the whole embarrasingly stupid episode of Impero spying and Viridia attacking Polar and going straight to the main event without wasted effort and unecessary shenanigans. [/quote] Ahh the keen strategic mind of the GPA. [img]http://i332.photobucket.com/albums/m325/SigrunO/sigbar.png[/img]
  4. I am glad to see what intelligent debate has degenerated into.
  5. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1304846248' post='2708466'] You believe people like them and others are the authority and their butt hurt tournament is legitimate, not just a bunch of repressed angry people who have held a vote like this behind closed doors with a tiny fraction of the world to make themselves feel good without any dissenting voices?. Why do you think their tournament thread died after people started mocking their butthurt. It was pathetic; at least the gayroller image was funny. This tournament just made them appear like powerless and repressed angry children. [/quote] Where the hell did I say anything like that?
  6. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1304835939' post='2708413'] *slow clap* And so the 2nd wave of NPO upper tier comes out. Now once again you're outnumbered in the upper tier and are going to get thrashed. Amusingly enough if at the very onset of the war you had simply used your entire upper tier to engage Doomhouse and had Legion/other cronies also utilize their upper tier then you would have actually enjoyed some decent parity in numbers (if not warchests/fighting ability). Sure, you would have lost, but MK and Umb wouldn't still have dozens of nations above 100k. They would have taken notable damage and it could have become an almost Pyrrhic victory for DH. Instead you let yourselves get slaughtered piece-meal. Well faced with a gigantic horde, its usually best to match it with a gigantic horde as well or as close to it as you can get. Sending 9 waves of 10 soldiers to fight a group of 90 soldiers isn't a winning strategy. The 90 soldiers vs. the 100 soldiers might have actually done some damage, but the 9 waves will each get individually swarmed and slaughtered with minimal damage to the 100. Have fun [/quote] Think of it as having a superior infantry corps and utilizing the small amounts of cavalry to go out in waves and keep the infantry alive.
  7. I didn't understand why people were actually competing to win this thing. I mean I get that it is a form of mocking the contest in itself, but still the nature of the contest just means that any competition to win such a thing would result in further humiliation and degradation on the part of the competitors. So good job at further degrading yourself, HoT.
  8. Carpe Diem, Atlantic Sphere Union, Phoenix Rising, The Phoenix Federation, New Pacific Order
  9. D34th, I love you man, but you really aren't doing yourself or Polaris any favors here. Valhalla had a perfect case to not commit themselves to any sort of defense, because as far as I'm aware all of their treaties have non chaining clauses. It is exactly that sort of incident in which non chaining clauses are in place for.
  10. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1304612778' post='2706905'] Gracias for saving us all the trouble of refuting your words; you've done so by making it very clear that you lack even the most basic knowledge of the situation. Can you and your alliance do [b]anything[/b] right these days? [/quote] Your random insults of people and alliances purvey the image that you are a bitter man.
  11. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1304500968' post='2705892'] I hate this thread. [/quote] We all do.
  12. Congratulations to my favorite two aqua alliances!
  13. This isn't fair! Why did you cowards let them surrender? Did they even lose their sanction?
  14. [quote name='Ameris' timestamp='1304396243' post='2704691'] Congrats, you won. Enjoy it while you can. If Planet Bob's history has taught us anything is that you will be the one under the boot one day [b]again[/b]. You will pay for your crimes. [/quote] Fixed that for you.
  15. [quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1304335266' post='2704056'] All I got was that you can lead an alliance of 339 with 8% of the vote.. there's hope out there for all aspiring leaders I guess. ODN could use that in their recruitment letters. [/quote] That's equivalent to having 3 people vote for the Exodus Prophet.
  16. [quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1304202828' post='2702744'] Also contrary to your assumption, Legion are not bad at war. No one is bad at war anymore, because every alliance in the world has the same war guides and the same military doctrine, the only difference among alliances is based solely on their activity. Legion is performing as well in this war as any alliance of their size and structure would. [/quote] You are wrong on a multitude of basis.
  17. Grey Council - 0 neutral SNAFU - 9 awesome guys, really awesome Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations - 6 I've heard a bit about them Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism - 5 neutral Alchemy - 5 neutral Down Right Awesome Group Of Nations - 7 lol You all hurt PC if I remember correctly. The Sandwich Confederation - 5 What is this? The Peoples Community - 3 the only saving grace is you are white team. Pirates Of The Parrot Order - 5 neutral Dunder Mifflin - 1 Hi cable. Ascended Republic Of Elite States - 5 neutral Tetris - 7 Good guys, all around. The New Guy - 5 neutral The Flood Empire - 6 Invasion alliance Federation Of Allied Republics - 5 neutral United Earth Directorate - 5 neutral Shinra Electric Power Company - 8 Awesome people Through Yggdrasil's Roots - 5 neutral Misfit Nations - 5 neutral Death Before Dishonor - 5 neutral Æsir - 5 neutral Brotherhood of Steel - 4 ech Catland - 5 neutral Kerberos Nexus - 6 I just love how angry you make ODN. 64Digits - 3 You guys are loyal, but HoT needs muzzled.
  18. [quote] Chestnut Accords: 2/10 — Color unity is an outdated concept for a treaty. Do away with it. Terra Cotta Pact: 2/10 — Color unity is an outdated concept for a treaty. Do away with it.[/quote] I never understood this line of thought. Because color unity is an outdated concept for a treaty we should do away with a strong grouping of friends?
  19. I am happy to see the New Sith Order is still fully achieving our objective.
  20. [quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1304006838' post='2701177'] Since: See you at update. [/quote] I thought I was being nice.
  21. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1303982992' post='2701021'] Say, does your nation export that stuff you're smoking? [/quote] Just have a drink of that [i]Devil's Drink[/i].
  22. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1303969475' post='2700937'] I feel like we've had this conversation before, but not with TOP. [/quote] They didn't have to sell their infrastructure to fight us though. This time that is why we'll win, not because we are tactically superior, and economically sound, although I am sure that will play a role as well.
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