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Everything posted by youwish959

  1. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1307654543' post='2728117'] GOD hates about 90% of the people in this game, so don't flatter yourself. [/quote] Incorrect. About 90% of the people in this game hate GOD.
  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1307634828' post='2727911'] Read carefully, numbskull, because I'm only going to walk you through this once and then you're on your own again: You asked: Your question is "what is the point of this" with your own interpretation of what the point is phrased as a question-that-isn't-really-a-question, the implication that I am "trying to gain something." The answer to your question--which negates your presumptuous interpretation--is: [/quote] Hey blockhead, there are two questions there. The second being "What are you trying to gain here".
  3. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1307592282' post='2727615'] I'm pretty sure I haven't had any friends for a while but thanks for the newsflash. The second sentence of the OP says the point of this thread. [/quote] The second sentence of the OP does not say what you gained from such a posting. So next time you want to give me your !@#$%^&* cookie cutter response prepared well before such questions were asked, perhaps you should read my questions!
  4. What is the point of all this? What are you trying to gain here, because it is obviously not friends.
  5. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1307407895' post='2725806'] You do realise that the object of going to war is to win and not to lose, right? [/quote] He was allied to the New Sith Order for over a year.
  6. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1307338684' post='2725142'] Deeply rooted? I await to see Doomhouse hand out ribbons then, maybe theirs will be pink with bows on the ends and will have a picture of a pony in the center. Or the likely scenario is hardly anyone uses them since they are highly antiquated. Just because it is in a so called tradition for Pacifica to do so, doesn't mean it should. This is supposed to be the New Pacifica, start to be New. [/quote] I'm not seeing much heckling.
  7. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1307337215' post='2725115'] Jealous? Of ribbons? Totally . Something that will mean something for a few days, people will get made fun of for wearing them by a large portion of CN, then they will be gone. Yes you can see me jumping to get my hands on a ribbon that means absolutely nothing at all as they always have meant nothing at all. It is merely a showboating PR stunt to capture the hearts of the less intelligent members of your allies alliances to say "Hey We Appreciate You", but in reality is just a way to appease the masses inside of their allies Alliances. [/quote] Heckle away.
  8. Hey, at least it wasn't $6,000,000.
  9. I'm with Xiph and Aurion on this one.
  10. What will be the biggest difference in your handling of the Siberian Tiger Alliance's foreign relations in comparison to pezstar?
  11. [quote name='jammar' timestamp='1306566217' post='2719425'] I suspect NSO destroyed his nation, impressive display of NSO military. They can completely annihilate a nation. This shows what the hegemony NSO is capable of. Destroying a nation is worse then PZI. [img]http://i53.tinypic.com/sgpjqe.jpg[/img] [/quote] I'm not sure why you ever screenshotted that, but while you were editing it, you should have fixed kevin's little "oops".
  12. [quote name='Vladimir' timestamp='1306598021' post='2719535'] You need to [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_theology"]broaden your horizons[/url], comrade. Though it should be further noted that the happiness bonus brought about by democracy here is transitory and ultimately illusionary. Looking at the nation as a unitary object and ignoring the fundamental class divisions within it is a transparent attempt to separate the economic base from the political superstructure, and thus to obscure the whole reality of our being. As a result Admin misses the long-term trend towards working class immiseration and instead picks up on the decadent wealth and power of a ruling class brought about by a defunct economic system and its associated so-called 'democratic' superstructure. He then proceeds to present this decadence as a universal 'happiness', when in fact far from providing this what we actually see is the happiness of the exploiting and the woe of the exploited. This can only be interpreted as a hostile attempt by Admin to hide the immeserated from popular consciousness by a process of social cleansing that can only be reminiscent of Germany in the mid-1930s. I contend therefore that equating the happiness of an exploiting class to the happiness of an entire nation is a ludicrous proposal -- that happiness for the slave owners is no happiness at all. And I conclude that the appropriate response is to remove the happiness bonus from democracy. And we all know that Kalasin would get a room with me anyway. After all, as well as being a Marxist I am devilishly handsome and charismatic. Kzoppistan can come too. [/quote] As a member of the working class, I must say I am pretty happy myself.
  13. For anyone to argue that because no spoils were given to the victor that constitutes a white peace would be incredibly stupid; especially so when the losing alliance quite clearly signs a [i]surrender[/i] document. Avalon: It was good fighting with you and although we didn't agree on everything, I certainly wish you the best of luck in rebuilding.
  14. We should really start requiring people to get permission before starting threads.
  15. Good luck Termina, though I can't say I didn't see this coming awhile ago.
  16. [quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1306360973' post='2718240'] Being nicer wouldn't really hurt you, you know. [/quote] [i]Everyone should be nicer! These days everyone is just soooo mean! We should all hold hands as we skip through CandyLand™![/i]
  17. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1306358187' post='2718222'] Hey look it's a list of completely irrelevant people and a popularity contest. Heft is the only one of these people who has ever mattered. [/quote] That's what I said!
  18. Thanks to everyone who has helped me achieve this victory over my fellow Sith.
  19. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306346234' post='2718133'] No, they aren't parameters, they're guidance lines, nothing more; a way of informing newbies that "alliances generally do this and this". [/quote] Look more like parameters than guidance lines, as every other legitimate alliance seems to meet the parameters.
  20. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306345523' post='2718118'] So? Doesn't change the fact that it's still an alliance. [/quote] Those are holy parameters for what an alliance should do and your 'alliance' fails to meet any of the parameters, thus making it not an alliance.
  21. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306344870' post='2718110'] As for that second remark, lawl: [quote]Alliances - Alliances are player created groups managed outside the game. [b]Alliances offer player protection during wars, organized strategies in game, increased player interaction, and often offsite forums and communities of their own.[/b] To specify your nation's alliance go to your Edit My Nation screen and make a selection from one of the existing alliances under the Alliance Affiliation selector. If you wish to create your own alliance then select Specify Other on the Alliance Affiliation selector and enter the name of your new alliance.[/quote] That there, is plain, good old-fashioned logic. Anyone who even remotely tries to dispute that is...well, not even worth speaking to as they'd probably be retarded. [/quote] In each of these regards your alliance fails.
  22. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306344301' post='2718102'] Eh? You must not have been there in the other announcement when I put up Damaged Goods' war-chest. I'll put it here for all to see, by your implied request. Sadly, my spies can't surpass Kevin's systems, must be something to do with him having max spies, more land, infra and tech. [/quote] It only takes 1 Kevin to $%&@ your world up.
  23. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306343390' post='2718097'] You have no idea how much I'd love to. But no, I'm patient. I'll get you some other time, somehow. For now, that last offensive slot is being reserved for someone who I'd like to assault even more than you. [/quote] Is it me, hun?
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