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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. and boxes of Cohibas. Can't get more classier than that.
  2. If you could good Sir, please explain how you watched this all from 'the insight perspective', and how that entitles you to throw around accusations such as we attempted to blackmail a smaller alliance. We admit we acted brash and made some mistakes. We weren't attempting to blackmail a smaller alliance with the backing of NPO, IRON and GGA. That's pretty ridiculous you would suggest that. We misinterpreted some things and upon taking a step back we decided we were wrong in our judgements. We were too quick to judge which ultimately lead us lead down that path, it was not because our goal was to blackmail for tech.
  3. Thank you very much good Sir. That means a lot to us. You kind words are appreciated as well. Lets have tea sometime, or beer, whatever suits you. I'll buy.
  4. Congrats on the new Gov't and on that sweet looking pie chart. Mmmm piiieeee.
  5. I got 2 words for you Craig. Apology accepted.
  6. Congrats to ARES and Apocalypse! Congrats TT!
  7. Once the punishment of ZI is dealt then it should be over. If they mess up again, ZI them again.
  8. Unless someone breaks some sort of EULA guideline I don't see the point extending punishment or exposing people's identity across re-rolls if they're making a new character.
  9. I hope you get your forums back soon IRON.
  10. arexes[iFOK]> it gets better everytime i read it <arexes[iFOK]> lol <SonOfHoward[VE]> like a fine aged tea I think it was translated from dutch, to english, to french.
  11. **Just a few minutes ago** SoH thinking - 'Hmmmm, ok now treaty...check Signatures...check bbc code...ummm whatever check i guess correct flags...check Preview looks alright...check correct forum...check ooooook ...awaits ikMark first post. Edit: Fixed the flags.
  12. It's always good to have someone to watch your back! Congrats on a nice looking treaty!
  13. I'm glad both sides found a peaceful solution. Oh wait.
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