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Kiss Goodbye

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Everything posted by Kiss Goodbye

  1. Will this influence your tech dealing in any way?
  2. Facts worth knowing: 1) NPO's allies have ended their MADP ties to the order, but as far as we in the cyberverse know, they have NOT submitted their 48 hour requests to withdraw from One Vision and Continuum. This is thus far reflected on the wiki pages for both blocs. 2) Echelon's DoW upon Karma offers an optional CB for all other members of One Vision as per the oA portion of the 1V charter. 3) There is crossover in membership of both One Vision and Continuum. Should a 1V member that is also in Continuum choose to activate the optional aggression portion of the bloc, and go to war alongside Echelon, all of Continuum will gain an additional CB that is "unrelated" to NPO, in the same format. 4) All of this can be done despite their sending the image of having withdrawn support for NPO. Edit--fixed name of the treaties to MADP.
  3. I don't see much point in killing bandwagoners.
  4. If ODN leadership is reading this--how 'bout blood brothers? It's hard to imagine that IRON wouldn't be drawn into this conflict. Or does this edict supercede that as well?
  5. What the **** is this? CTB, you may want to put a gag order on your alliance members...
  6. Don't get me wrong. I respect what you're doing, just as I did when RIA leadership first unveiled the attempt on maroon to protect unaligneds on some level. You'll get a "What now" no matter what with this sort of thing. As I noted in the reaction to what has been attempted in the past. Any edict to the world is hard to back up, but doubly so when you're already giving the opposition an inch. They'll just take a mile, because they'll see it as a show of weakness. And it is--you yourself recognize that weakness. Anyone who doesn't like your alliances will see it as a chance to discredit you, because now you have your global prestige tied to something. It's better to do nothing than to do something with the potential to make matters worse. If nothing else, I suggest you look into getting a stronger coalition of alliances behind your doctrine. All that said, good luck to you. I'm looking at this purely from the standpoint of how it'll affect your alliances, not how it'll affect the pink sphere as a whole. I do hope that you guys have success in making it a more stable place.
  7. I remember when we were in a race with you over this. Unfortunately then we ran out of members who didn't already have 20 nukes. :-( Way to go guys.
  8. I don't think this will work well for you. When I was in the RIA a couple years ago, we attempted to do something similar with the maroon sphere (alongside several other alliances), with a 'protected list' that non-aligneds could apply for. It wasn't a blanket coverage from all raids, just as yours isn't. It was a PR move that was supposed to appear friendly to non-aligneds and non-threatening to the big guys. It was met with mockery and insults. Electron Sponge personally stated that he would declare war on the first nation who was put on our 'protected list'. There were similar statements from some others. I don't know if Delta continued this policy or not, but I never heard anything about it again. Regardless we looked really weak there. The reason for this is because the way to get respect in the cyberverse is to show strength. Not this weak 'they can apply to us and we MIGHT decide to assist them' junk. It's obvious to me you're not doing this 100% out of love for the pink sphere--otherwise you'd be cancelling all your tech raiding and making it a blanket "no raiding" policy. It seems to me that you made this doctrine weaker in order to avoid conflict. You can't decide to take half the PR for none of the risk. This is an all or nothing thing. The only influence that comes from doctrines like these is that they acknowledge the risk that there may well BE conflict--and that you aren't afraid to put it in motion anyway. By putting yourselves forward in this way, you look weak.
  9. It'll be a merge once we finish recruiting everyone from both alliances except DJPenguin.
  10. You two might want to compare notes before posting on the OWF from now on.
  11. Congratulations to all of you, and kudos to the government of NpO. Not only have you taken your alliance in a vastly superior direction, you've managed to become a stronger force in the process.
  12. Please tell Jewish Lord that if he's going to fight two wars, use Guerrilla camps.
  13. Hi, Please tell your nations to attack while using Guerilla camps. I notice that several are not doing so. Also, in the future, please use staggered attacks.
  14. We'll continue importing tech, so odds are our total pixel count will increase.
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