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Sir Sci

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Everything posted by Sir Sci

  1. We're just that good. GATO rocks.
  2. Or, maybe, GATO just likes the Roman Empire and we like war. Heck, this is our third one this round. It's for fun.
  3. Hey, we know we're small. And, what's more, we're gonna stay that way. We have never tried any sort of organized recruiting or anything. We're just in it for fun and we like the Roman Empire.
  4. Sir Sci

    4 Hours

    SO MUCH WAR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (No Caps lock cruise control, it was aaaaaaaall Shift.)
  5. Sir Sci

    TPF DoW

    o/ TPF. Go Go Go!
  6. The very conservative Warrior Mouse approves. I hope to see this alliance go far.
  7. Unfortunately I have two inactives in my war slots, so I only could declare on one MHA nation immediately, but oh well. However, MHA has already personally contributed about 4.5 tech to the "Help GATO Grow" program that we're holding here in the Holy Missouri Empire. MHA nations are more than welcome to attack me if they'd like to make some personal donations. - Sir Sci Most Powerful GATO nation and Brown Team Senator (just had to throw that in, because I can't say anything like that in SE)
  8. Of course, GATO is supporting RE. RE is sending the hoards of armies, while GATO is sending in the smaller terrorist strikes.
  9. And GATO continues to move upward. LET'S GO FLY A KITE, UP TO THE HIGHEST HEIGHT!
  10. You really should try and capitalize on Stargate.
  11. Simply out of curiosity: Would you accept Chris_Kaos into the NSO if he applied? Not saying you should or that I'd like you to, or if he'd even do it, just a question.
  12. No prob Cata. We you. Also, I'm pretty sure that Citrus Campaign vets would be rolling in their graves if NPO and ODN were ever close.
  13. Although this is sad, I understand why ODN did this. Regardless of your person alignment, you must be able to understand simple logic. Legion is going one way. ODN does not want to go that way. Therefore, ODN has broken this tie to Legion in order to prevent being forced in going a direction they do not want to go. I personally support GATO's treaty partner, ODN. I mean, I've got nothing against Legion, it's just that ODN is awesome. Detractors and trolls can just go ahead and ignore me, because I'm sure they'll have something to say about my statement. And GATO.
  14. Well, maybe we'll be able to counter it since we're currently + .11 and up 6 members.
  15. Oh man, if I didn't love GATO so much then this alliance would become my immediate home. [OOC]My oooooooooooooooold avatar from about 2 1/2 years ago was one of Data. Brings me back to the old days of CN.[/OOC]
  16. And GATO rises once again. Up up up!
  17. Well, so far GATO is up 2 members and .07 points.
  18. Have fun. I suspect that you and the Sith will most likely get along.
  19. Here it is: It's bad. I'm not quite as... erm... angry as ShinRa is, but I understand his perspective completely. Ultimately, for the defeated alliance, it makes no sense unless it is the only option to keep the alliance from disbanding. Otherwise, it makes no sense, because if the alliance is at war with you and hates you enough to place you until a vice royalty, then they obviously do not have the intention of improving your alliance, simply removing people that may cause that alliance to oppose you again. I, personally, did nothing on CN except keep my nation alliance all through when GATO had a viceroy, because otherwise I was bound to eventually get kicked out. The biggest problem, for me, is that it doesn't mesh with GATO. GATO is an alliance that believes in free movement and representation of thought and ideas. Even right before the war we had people in GATO who were pro-NPO (wanted to reconcile GATO and Pacifica) and anti-NPO (for obvious reasons). GATO was actually, in fact, somewhat swinging towards the pro-NPO sentiment when the NPO attacked us. NPO attacking us simply lead to more GATO members hating the NPO that otherwise could have cared less about the NPO. The Viceroy then proceeded to kick out anyone who publicly disagreed with him. Recap: Viceroy didn't improve GATO, simply caused those who were the strongest voices against the NPO to be removed.
  20. Fear the War Owl. Congrats to two awesome alliances.
  21. By the time you even think about catching up, GATO will be looooooong gone. Go GATO, GO BROWN!
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