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Sir Sci

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Everything posted by Sir Sci

  1. No it doesn't... Additionally, your IRC says it ends on the 19th.
  2. Wait, my bad, this is over. Is MHA deciding the winners now?
  3. Hrm... any update on this? Not so much because I want to win, but because I like flags.
  4. Good post. Better than most about the Karma war at least. I give it a 5/10, which is about 6 points higher than what I'd give most posts about the Karma War.
  5. Seriously, MORE VOGON POETRY! MHA needs a larger arsenal.
  6. I remember when NOAH reached 100k. It was a small milestone, but very exciting and very important. It feels like you have a kid who just had their 3rd B-Day.
  7. Okay. This is awesome. I mean, a new brown alliance that consists of one banned player. I think they should go to war with Spazzen.
  8. By the way, if you come into the kitchen, that Cheese is either going to be Randle or my personal stash, so YOU CAN'T TOUCH IT!
  9. Ya, we had some time of great growth, now it's just kinda... stopped.
  10. Discovery of a new belly button named Alan which has grown a leaf A poem to be read to an inebriated man in order to ensure alcohol poisoning. Comes in two flavors: Parsnip and Cranberry. Alack! Alas! Aloof! Alan! Alan, that name A name of names which have named names! It is what I rhyme With time Climb, time, climb, climb Into A new Belly Button Alan, that button Of mutton In my belly With my new belly button Alan Holds a gallon Of food So good Yum Fret! Fail! Fall! Alan! For a green Like that of a lean, mean, and keen Man eating only peas And like trees Which have Trunks Alan, that button Which grew a leaf So brief For I ate it Now, Alan You hold the leaf That tasted Like beef You grew Now you knew What you grew is good Like stew Coo coo cashew Chicken Yay! Yes! Yip! Alan! I had a way To play The day Away But nay I slay And keep at bay A dragon For you Alan Do not fear my dear rear For I have not forgotten You You shall grow every year For the new Grew too So the old Grows mold untold… … BEHOLD! Now you are happy While I Take an after snack nappy Alan, be good Do not grow Petunias Not again.
  11. When I joined CN, no alliances offered join up aid. You picked your alliance based on what their values and system of government was. NPO was the most powerful, but only because they had many members. GATO was second, but more respected and had the majority of all top 10 nations. (I chose them, because they were the strongest democracy) LUE was closed admission. GGA was the pariah alliance that was paranoid about the NPO. GPA was just cool and chillin' in their neutrality. ODN, well, they were losing a war against the NPO. NAAC was recovering from the first Polar War. Legion was kinda just... there. Although I actually almost joined them because I had signed up in the purple sphere. And there were no other serious alliances. At the time, none of those alliance's total strength would get them into today's sanction race. And 100 members? THAT WAS GREAT! /end of old CN man stuff
  12. Oh dear lord, YES! YES YES YES YES! One of the best books ever!
  13. Oh come on, even if he's not doing it the way CN normally requires in order to find success, who knows? Maybe in a year or so they'll a sanctioned alliance. Ya never know. Good luck.
  14. ODN has THE best flag and alliance seal, hands down. Unfortunately, I do not have a large enough image of the flag to post.
  15. HA! If you don't like Uranium/Mashirosen, then you are nothing short of a moron.
  16. Nicely written, and you make some good points. However, I must dissent on your view of honor (sorry for spelling it the American way) as well. You must distinguish between honor to the world, honor within war, honor within yourself, and the honoring of God (or whatever divine being you believe in). Each is a different type of honor that looks very different. (Yes, this is simply my opinion, but I hope you will consider what I am saying). Honor to the world is what can defined as being revered by mankind through how you conduct yourself, how you hold yourself as a person, and not only the ideals you stand for, but how you stand for them. Honor to mankind isn't so much popularity, but instead is the earning of respect from your peers and authority. The lust of popularity is the best path to infamy, but the path to respect will indeed lead to honor. In this area of my life I seek to be polite, a gentlemen to all ladies, which I define as upholding the basic tenants of chivalry, to be compassionate to those who are in need of compassion, to be a listening ear when one is needed, a voice of encouragement when a heart is dying to feel cared for, and being someone who stands up for his beliefs unashamedly, but yet still respect others when we disagree. Honor within war is what you have spoken of. Strength is what brings honor. However, even in this I must dissent on defeat being dishonor. My primary example is one of my favorite poems, The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. They are the epitome of honor within war. Next is honor within yourself. This is the honor where you, even when struck with adversity, hate, and evil, you may hold your head high. This is when, even if you have fault in your life and you know it, that you may press on with confidence in yourself. This will look different for all people, for to all different individuals different things will lead them to having this honor. Be it success, faith, love, grand experiences in your life, or anything that makes you feel that the hard times are worth having while being able to think upon what good has come from your life. Then, finally, honor of God. For atheists this will mean little, but many of us have faith, whether it be in God, Allah, a Hindu god, or any of the other many faiths that are in this world. For each faith this will mean something different. However, for me, as a Christian, this is the most important of all honor. This, for me, is when I can take my life and glorify God for the MANY blessings he has given me. This is an honor that is not about me, but how I do not take all above honors unto myself (well, I have no honor in war, but all the others) and instead praise the Heavenly Father for giving me the strength, compassion, love, experiences, and peace that He gives me freely. For me, this is the most important of all the honors.
  17. Walford and Chris_Kaos as joint viceroys, clearly.
  18. Why do I feel the overwhelming urge to begin a "Bartley for NPO Emperor!" campaign?
  19. Well, then you may PM me about things you do not feel you can say here. That's fine. If you are referring to the coup, that was just a mess. To say that was "offering advice" is a bit understated. Apart from Das, most of the Old Guard has quit and left CN long ago. Actually, the majority of the Old Guard left long before the whole NPO-GATO squabble began. All I am saying is that GATO is GATO is GATO. Some of us feel no sympathy for the NPO while others of us think they're too harsh. What it comes down to is that this conflict has nothing to do with us, and many of us don't like GATO being used as an example and justification for these terms. I personally am not going to publicly voice my opinion, as that it is not relevant, as that the opinion of many GATO members is not relevant to this war. It does not concern us. Well, that's my opinion at least. I just don't understand how GATO can't speak for GATO. ALL alliances have different members than what they started out with. Should no alliance be allowed to represent themselves concerning how they remember their history?
  20. First off, I am sorry for deviating from the OP's topic, and also I must state that I am not making my opinion public about all of this. I am neither supporting nor hating on the NPO here. What I meant is that the ideals/goals/mindset of GATO is much more similar to the original GATO than it has been for a long time. Exactly? No, but close. And yes, GATO and the Legion have both accomplished much. History has been developed and resolve strengthened. However, what I mean is that the atmosphere, the feel of GATO is one of an alliance that feels free and able to live up to its motto "Strength in Unity, Honour in Justice." We have a PIAT, but I would not say that I feel "allied" to the NPO. The fact that GATO and the NPO were once allied is irrelevant now, with the NPO breaking its treaties (something Ivan has freely admitted now), but that is in the past and truly has no importance now. Believe it or not, GATO is not defined by our interaction with the NPO. To sum up: Essentially, my point is that saying current GATO members cannot speak for the old GATO is ridiculous. HELLO! Das IS the old GATO, then there are QUITE A FEW OF US who were around before Chris_Kaos, Walford, and the like.
  21. OOO OOO OOO, I CAN! In all seriousness "the GATO of Chris_Kaos and Walford," to me, was the new GATO. GATO's Old Guard was Emperor Krebs, LevH7, Depraved, Shortguy, Das, Emperor Alexander III, and so on. Chris_Kaos was a peer of mine and I still count Walford as a newbie Point: If the most you know about GATO history is Chris_Kaos and Walford, then you know nothing about GATO. The GATO of today is more like the original GATO than GATO under Chris_Kaos was, to be honest.
  22. Good luck, and may you find your way in CN. OOC: As a relative of three confederate generals, I approve. (Descended directly from General Rufus Barringer)
  23. Congrats to our brown brethren. Another step for BROWN!
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