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Everything posted by BDRocks

  1. Yes add it to the the list of things you are wrong about. It's getting mighty long now.
  2. You are incorrect, and yes not being able to get in even one collection will lead to broke nations. mind blown
  3. Oh sorry, DAY 8. Woah you got me there. Bad spending did not lead to bill lock for most of them, it was continuous wars and having to collect in nuclear anarchy. My newbies helped secure our victory last round and they tried to play this round and paid for your envy of UN. That's alright, I can say 100% it'll be at least 2 rounds of losses for D1 in a row. Your alliance will be paying for your jealousy.
  4. Everyone I brought in last round at the end, decided to play this round. You can blame HG's witch hunt for some deciding it wasn't worth playing after a few weeks. But hey, a few are still around.
  5. How we are "treated" is for us to deal with. You know when you get dragged into day 7 nuke wars, it leads to something called bill lock. So what do you do when that happens? You delete your nation. Hence nations dropping off from our peak. But don't you worry, you'll see us all again at some point, I am sure of it.
  6. To be fair Bajor, as a new player, I also had no idea the award goes to highest score at any point of the round. I figured it would be highest score at the end of the round, which in my mind makes more sense. Though I do see how it may encourage late round suicides to specifically target and take down one alliance. The rest of your facts are spot on but lets be real, HG will find a way to ignore it all.
  7. True getting 2 alliances to coordinate with each other isn't very easy but as long as those 2 alliances are at least coordinating internally, it looks like a fair/fun fight for IRON.
  8. Monty Burns: “I vow to destroy you with more stupid tweets than Trump.” That's gonna be really tough. Also good luck to all sides
  9. I'm not sure how having about 15 brand new players brought into a dying game is wrong. Unfortunately due to your actions, many of those players didn't even last a month. You must feel so proud of yourself. Your whole argument earlier was that the beginning/mid round score does not determine who the end round winner will be, in the same breath, you go on to complain about a score set by UN in the first month. Either the UN set the mark last round at the mid way mark and no one was going to beat it legitimately or the mid round score not matter at all because another alliance can still beat it? Which is it?
  10. You've fought two wars with us, you know who our nations are/were. Are you now saying those 10 nations you fought and put into bill lock were not real or perhaps illegal nations?
  11. Last round UN set the record with our active players who fought every war + a few players that were not active enough to fight every war. As you said, no one had a problem with that. Other alliances did not do the same, other alliances decided to all merge near the end of the round to deny UN our deserved victory. So yes, we recruited new players to hold our lead and win the award we felt we deserved for having played and fought well. The real winner of this round, regardless of who wins, is IRON for standing up with the truth and realizing that you are full of lies HiredGun. You want justice, win the round HiredGun. Show what D1 are capable of but attempting to win while using the whole world against 1 alliance, just sad. o/IRON o/UN
  12. As the player who recruited most of our new players. I am going to do my best to ensure none of them attack, but if they have/or do, please accept my apology. I do understand consequences have to be dealt usually.
  13. Oyababy deleted?? Also good luck Umb
  14. Don't let the door hit you on your way out
  15. I thought I had sent peace and you hadn't. Guess you did send peace after attacking me. My apologizes for having accepted the peace a couple days late.
  16. Seems like a case of inactives on both sides delaying complete peace. Only a few wars left(P.S. Sm1 Ask Stone to Accept Peace lol)
  17. Something everyone can agree on, but I see quite a few missing faces. Where's the party?
  18. I find it hilarious that a raid/started for @Bannedbirthday is one in which he can't participate. Heck the majority of the "upper" tier war has to be fought by SLAP allies as they don't have nations in that range. Just an observation and commentary from an ally/SLAPish member.
  19. Isn't Junka now allied with NpO? You really trying to start a war here Banned?
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