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Everything posted by Remaliat

  1. Things are the way they should be. Blue first Aqua Second. The rest don't matter.
  2. Remaliat


    May of '07 - December of '08 Former Minister of Babelfish and Triumvir
  3. First Grade oh so many years ago in a German Academy in Ulmen, Germany
  4. Okay something isn't right here, TPF I know are smarter then to air private government matters on the OWF... Edik... Take it to private channels.
  5. We will still be there for you Valhalla, good luck on your new direction TPF.
  6. Oh no? The New Sith Order are bullies? This can not stand. To arms my Polar brothers we must remove these bullies before they grow too powerful.... [/sarcasm] I see an alliance is following the recent trend of not knowing when to post on the CN forums and when not to. This kind of announcement could have very easily been made to their alliance leaders and that was the end of it, but you attempted to defame one of the most well liked newcomers in the game today, and I can't help but feel that this will politically backfire.
  7. GGA I am really beginning to wonder if you have anyone left capable of conducting themselves on the Foreign Affairs side of the alliance, this announcement was a terrible decision on your part as you can see from the 10 pages of comments pretty much all negative towards you. My recommendation to you is to either get someone who knows what they are doing to be your external face sort of the way Bilrow was for the longest time, or simple stop posting on the forums. It is only hurting your cause. Now as far as the content itself, logs from any private government channel should always be respected as sacred and private and thus even if they are released should be dismissed as likely either Out of Context or simply cherry picked. Anyways as far as you go Derek Jones thank you for taking the moral highroad and not releasing these logs. I know that when an alliance betrays you after you poured your heart and soul into her it's not easy to continue to be respectful.
  8. This one really hurts, I considered your alliance as a whole to be among my best friends in this game. If any of you wish to join me at the New Polar Order you will have a personal vouch from me.
  9. Best of Luck to Goalintos I look forward to beating you next month
  10. I'm sorry, but if someone has the courage and time to do the Sanction Race they should do the commentary as they see fit for their reward. If Adrian wanted to do nothing but Brigade for his commentary I would respect his right to do so as the updater.
  11. )): Archon )): o/ the Rest of his government though
  12. Definitely loving this announcement. o/ STA as well. With much love, Remaliat New Polar Order Owner of 20 Nuclear Weapons
  13. Ferrous is freaking awesome so I definitely support this announcement
  14. There is but one true Penguin, One Penguin to rule them all! lol, just kidding guys. Good luck.
  15. Congratulations though Vox on being declared the Emperors of GGA, it would appear this is a serious boost to your power.
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