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Yevgeni Luchenkov

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Everything posted by Yevgeni Luchenkov

  1. Except for one guy, I can assure you that the rest of them are not speaking French. It's more like Googlench.
  2. Not all operations are necessarily military ones. At least, not in their first phase. Next time, I shall be posting pictures of guns so you guys are happy.
  3. We aim to please, SW. We're not in your alliance. Aren't you former GGA, btw?
  4. [center][/center] [center]Operation Candieland is a go.[/center]
  5. I might have to revise my opinion of R&R if you keep doing things.
  6. Bob has spoken the truth but I'll reiterate: We have considerable evidence that he was the spy. Enough to justify preemptive action on his nation. Had we confronted him first, he could have done two things: escape to (OOC: peace mode) or attack other Paradoxians. The damage we have done so far is limited. This is a very complex case. Suffice to say, we now consider our forums secure.
  7. [center][/center] This is simply to inform the world that our election cycle has concluded and that, since no one has leaked the results or the platforms (obviously evil stuff), we have noticed we would have to do it ourselves. Here is the new government: Grandmaster: Yevgeni Luchenkov Grand Chancellor: Centurius Grand Hospitaller: Salajol Our Heptagon goes as follow: -Bob Ilyani (elected: June 2013) -Bodvar Jarl (elected: June 2013) -Deus (elected: April 2013) -Lum (elected: May 2013) -Maladieshie (elected: May 2013) -Megamind (elected: May 2013) -SiCkO (elected: April 2013) Before I forget, we have recently had a problem with a most devious character. On June 6th, a first wave of screenshots was leaked. We took a few measures that we had hoped would solve the problem. On June 7th, another wave of screenshots was leaked. The measures we took on the 6th permitted us to find the backdoor account that was used on the 7th. There was some speculation that we still had a spy in our midst because he continued to leak screenshots for a few more days: to the best of our knowledge, nothing published after June 7th 1400 EST was leaked. We have found the culprit, our government and membership have been presented with the evidence and, since we are not entirely evil, we have given him a chance to present his defense while we maintain him in a state of anarchy. He has done so and we are now investigating his claims. Long live Paradoxia,
  8. Starfox, the only reason why we use Platysphere is because it is a much easier designation (and we also love all things related to the Platypus) for our group of allies than 'all of our allies'. By the way, we also include MK and Umbrella in the Platysphere. -------- Shinra, a few points. 1)It is not much harder for larger alliances to have good aid slot usage, it is as easy, if not easier. The reason why larger alliances have bad slot usage in general is simply because they generally have bad policies in place and rather incompetent government members. 2)The reason why it is easier is because most large alliances have many members in the tech selling range. Organizing internal tech selling means you get two slots filled everytime you match two nations. 3)It also means you have many people who will likely receive aid. Sending aid is easier than finding tech sellers: when rebuilding, a lot of alliances will go to 70-80% aid slot usage. The reason is simple: being told to send money to another teammate doesn't require your member to follow up on wether or not he will receive anything or if the money will be accepted. 4)NS, especially in a post-war period, grows much faster in larger alliances. Since NS growth is linear, it's much easier for your 300 members to get to 4k infra and more rewarding than it is for our 100 members to get back to 12k infra to compensate. After they reach a certain infra limit, our nations also only grow via tech. Yours grow via tech and infra for a while. For those reasons, NS growth and aid slot usage are imperfect tools. If you want a better idea of how an alliance does, you need to look at the growth of tech per nation for a given period of time. For the month of May, in the top 20 alliances, only MK grew more than TOP in tech per nation. I'm not calling the ODN bad. I have no problem with your alliance, aside from its needlessly hostile leadership. I think you seem to be a decent bunch, who's in the higher tier of mass membership alliances, along with Pacifica and Polaris. Sidenote: Our aid slot usage fluctuates from 35 to 55%.
  9. I know it's an habit for you but confusing member posts with official policies is not exactly something to be proud of. I know you're really gleeful that we tried to get close to your alliance to the point where we offered you a treaty and now you can be all smug about it. You refused the treaty before this. Before this leaked, we were already not looking to treaty you anymore. So no, this obviously does not apply to you. We do find your alliance competent. We also hav mutual friendships. We share active embassies, where our members are seeing eye to eye on several subjects. Gee, it's a surprise we tried to treaty you. You can now go back to making a joke about how one of our members said that you were ex-TIO jerk offs in one post in a private room in March. Or another forced joke about how we're controlling you via the Toposphere because we totally control people we try to sign ODoAPs with. That's really more relevant than months of good relations. Our entire membership was informed of our cunning and devious schemes to control you and they all joined in to act when we interacted with your members. Seriously, I know you disliked us in specific, bc, but try to curb your enthusiasm a bit. I expected that level of schadenfreude say, from D34th or Polaris. You know, people we actually brought down in the past. Not people we liked to the point where we wanted to build a sphere with.
  10. I don't think it's called 'holding a grudge' when we were at war with each other about two months ago.
  11. We're pretty sure we have fixed it after removing two accounts, one being a backdoor. However, the only sure way to fix it will be to have our forum host make sure it is. And that will have to wait, yes. I'm not sure it's that funny but hey, schadenfreude is always a welcome relief I suppose. As usual, you seem to think of us as evil masterminds/imperialists. We refer to a possible 'Platysphere', not as a sphere we would dominate but as a sphere of people we hoped to call our allies. We've always had a smaller group of allies that we called a Platysphere, it dates back to the politics of 2007. This is nothing new. I didn't think I'd have to specify this but here it goes: The only new thing is how some people seem to selectively attach a lot of importance to what is being said in some posts and not to others, of seemingly equal value. Incase you have missed it, virtually all of the posts that were leaked were from our Chancellery. Over twenty-five Paradoxians talk in that hall. That's where we debate our FA future, short and long term goals. Many of the posts you see here are not policy, in fact they run contrary to what we have decided to do. Why? Because we generally talk about all possible scenarios, talk about the pros and the cons openly and set on a course. Some of those posts are members advocating one thing. Others contradict that. Many more others, never leaked, paint a different picture. What seems to be the shocker, to me, is that some alliances don't actually have that kind of debate among themselves or seem to think their private posts, if selectively exposed, would be all nice and dandy.
  12. You know, Stewie, the last time you did it, we did accomplish great things. We're debating making our forums public.
  13. War by whom? SF/XX taking an initiative? Not likely to happen but hey, if they want to, they have a CB right there and we won't even deny it. Hi Xiph, rare to see you around these days.
  14. It's obviously Ardus. All of his agendas get leaked. All of them. Thanks D34th. This is a much better place to discuss our plans to take over the world.
  15. Pansy was a fantastic player, loved across the board. I can't say I knew Ryxeria much. Farewell to both. Never good to lose players.
  16. You've never been my cup of tea but six years is an accomplishment, no matter who it is. Congratulations and happy birthday, Invicta.
  17. As was pointed out, it already existed but yes, we're "connected". That is if you consider a MDoAP --> ODoAP --> ODP a connection. That makes us connected to quite a few people, actually.
  18. Yeah, terrible treaty name but fine looking treaty. Congrats to both of you, gents.
  19. May this new project be even greater than the sum of its parts. To you, friends.
  20. It is our honor to count you as friends and allies. One could not hope for better company.
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