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Everything posted by JerreyRough

  1. Having a stronger nation just means you get modern/future weapons to use by your troops, as well as a larger army and navy ships for support in warfare. It does not mean you win every confrontation (i.e. you don't necessarily have the best training in the world, or the enemy forces have better knowledge on the area), but it surely does increase how much your forces will win battle-to-battle. Perhaps not win the war, but new weapons can make the difference in who wins and who looses. For those that like simplification, RP should beat out the stats in-game but the stats should not be thrown out of the equation for who wins.
  2. GM court remember. We don't need to hear everyone's story on how much they lost in major IG wars...
  3. So long as I can have a planet whizzing through space with thermal-based life, I'm happy.
  4. I'm coming back to do some character roleplaying, so I'll probably join up with this. I did complete most of Metroid Prime, but I haven't played much more Metroid than that (other than hearing/knowing about it).
  5. HEy, you figured it out finally. :V
  6. Roleplay balance. Instant nation killing weapons that have the ability to obliterate anything are just not needed. That's why we can't have the flying laser cannon (instant kill). Which isn't nearly as devastating as people thought when the no-flying-laser-cannon rule came out as new evidence shows, but meh. Oh well.
  7. Then I guess everyone's fortifications are likely going to be ransacked, pillaged, destroyed, etc because you don't keep RP'ing your nation going "we repaired the third pipe on the right in the second floor today", more or less . I say that if the player has the same/more than the technology required for those old structures, computers, weapons, etc then they may keep them. If someone RP'ed physically destroying them though, then they would be gone and un-retake-able. IMO the roleplayers just forgot/didn't want to roleplay anything to do with said structures, so nothing happened to them. This is, of course, if the new nation has the technology to actually use said equipment; otherwise they shouldn't be able to use them and either RP destroying them or have nothing to do with them.
  8. Hmm. This argument reminds me of the individualism-vs-collectivism debate. More control or less control? Usually in real world situations, the individualist views were more effective than the collectivist ideas. In my opinion this is the same. Many large empires don't care that much if a small nation was a small piece of land, thus if a new player asks then they more than likely will get it. In some cases they won't, but the open atmosphere of CNRP allows people to still roleplay that specific culture anywhere in the world anyway.
  9. Past 2020? D: There's plenty to roleplay about with current and slightly advanced technology; even making new technology with current systems that's merely stringing known facts together (i.e. my underdeveloped Real 3D tech from nanosolar). I don't see the need to keep making newer weapons when there's plenty of other aspects of your nation you could/should roleplay; even putting more effort into basic information-only posts for the development of something, getting rid of "Border Fence 55% Complete" posts. This is, after all, writing roleplay and not a future tech movie script with supporting "evidence" included .
  10. If you want a turret that shoots any moving target in sight, then [url="http://www.paintballsentry.com/index.htm"]here is a good example[/url] of a fully autonomous turret. However, it may or may not have a chance of shooting your own men; but if their statement "advanced filtering ensuring only true targets are detected while filtering out false targets" is true, then there should be a way to make it ignore friendlies. It is a robot though. It may have errors and target your own troops, shoot rooming cattle, birds, etc. I wouldn't suggest it unless you have a human operator watching over a group of such turrets: that way, they can alert the operator of movement and then the operator can respond and either control or turn on the turret. Just remember that its still a turret; ranged explosives can more than likely take out a turret limited to a small camera.
  11. So are we now allowed to discuss in this thread or what? Originally we always had the actual discussion in other threads and did important things like Spy & Nuke rolls in this thread... I would suggest making a new thread to discuss cruise missiles, if the GM's determine as a group if its a big enough of an issue to warrant such a thing, and leave this thread to its original purposes. How about "GM's be GM's and vote as a group to allow certain people to use them, since there should be a limited amount of trusted people using such deadly weapons anyway, preferable for the greater good of good roleplay. This would limit abuse, and the GM's would withhold the right to, as a group, remove these restrictions," hmm? Just my quick suggestion.
  12. The problem here is that this community has too many split ways of how they think a RP war should be thought, a witch's cauldron of random things that just don't mix as well as salt and sugar with water. In my opinionated opinion, I would like for technology to slow down and stop so we could roleplay better; but this is called cybernations because its active and developing, so future technology needs to be attained to suit the wants/needs of some people. Thus this is left to guess work; and with guess work in comes your personal opinion (which isn't a bad thing). So I'll not take a side for this one, as there are too many conflicting opinions with correct answers on all sides. @Vince Sixx: Actually, these posts are made very quickly and are very easily made (other than perhaps the OP), or at least most of them. So in the same time stamps there prob would be less text (if they are writing creatively).
  13. The most powerful of these bio weapons can just be a replacement for a nuke; of course the weapon would depend on how powerful you are, possibly requiring a GM to allow you to have it (they are gamer masters). Or make another strange formula to complicate things further.
  14. Saw that video too. EPIC VIDEO IS EPIC! :D Also...

    (Shudders) You have forsaken us all!

  15. That would be nice, but it is a real bother for some. Like me. I do like stories, writing stories, planning stories, etc but how can I tell what people are in that land? Moreover, it is (figuratively) "my" nation now and I can do whatever I wish with the population. It would add realism, sure, but this is CNRP. Its barely even realistic for another population to come out of nowhere and claim some land while there are people on it, especially when that population may have had the best technology in the world & logically would fight against the oppressors with those weapons. Again, it would be nice to RP doing something to the local population so you can have your own people there. But, so long as this does not become a rule/generally accepted standard (aka unofficial penalization for not starting your nation like this) for all roleplayer's in CNRP, it would be adding another unnecessary step to making a nation. I'm not against the person doing it, they can do it by all means; so long as it isn't mandatory.
  16. OOC: Did he ever say he was going to take over the lands no matter what? I'd also think that, from what the poll's text appears like, this poll represents your nation's stance on the matter and does not relate to the citizens themselves. It appears to be an outsider's perspective, or at least that is how its worded. I also think it would be nice if there was some IC here as well. I would, but I haven't a nation to use.
  17. Could I put information on the CNRP Wiki relating only to the Steam & Cog RP, more specifically my own upcoming RP? I will be making just one page for my own use, and it will be properly tagged.
  18. [quote name='Sargun' date='19 March 2010 - 07:50 PM' timestamp='1269049837' post='2230813'] If it's an OOC withdrawal then you never actually left. You need to leave IC or else you're RPing two countries [/quote] Well, Centurius' character is currently MIA, as I believe (from Shadowsage's latest post), and the stat's shouldn't really change at all, as Shadowsage currently owns enough land to cover the area, so it can be assumed that Centurius is just not longer... needed... to roleplay the land. I mean, the Imperium doesn't really change other than there being less soldiers & civilians; the RP'ed tech/weapons were not much better than before, and I'm not sure if the civilian count really needs to change. The only other major difference is Centurius doesn't roleplay there nor' controls anything there now. Never the less though, it would be for the best if Centurius had the empress die/go elsewhere; so then there is SOME sort of IC reason.
  19. Well, I think the best half-way point in between preplanned wars vs surprise wars is that you PM them, say, a day or two before you declare to tell them that you will declare war. In that PM, you can say if you wish to preplanned the war or if you are just going to attack regardless. Then the person can at least prepare to write some war posts (after the war declaration, of course) and ask any questions to clarify anything.
  20. Just out of curiosity, why do we have to start with our own land? More over, if someone who has no land claims another CNRP'ers lands, then that CNRP'er wants to join in, what happens then? Since non-CNRP'ers can claim whatever land they want, isn't that a bit unfair for the CNRP players? I'm for land restrictions, but I'm not for favoring one party over another (that might not be the intention of making such restrictions, but it sure promotes favoritism).
  21. @Tahsir, the fast-paced roleplay style of Cybernations Roleplay making you forget about "traditional"/slow roleplay boards? Once I read the rules over tomorrow (woo day off ^.^) I will more than likely decide to rejoin. [size="1"]Why do I always find something that needs changing in my post after I post it... selffacepalm.[/size]
  22. [quote name='king of cochin' date='18 March 2010 - 11:24 AM' timestamp='1268936969' post='2229403'] Here is one of those [url="http://gokul.eu5.org/Upload/sargun.png"]maps[/url] with curristan represented [/quote] Thanks KoC! It seems it was Viniland.
  23. [quote name='Centurius' date='18 March 2010 - 11:20 AM' timestamp='1268936765' post='2229396'] Euhm Curristan you mean? [/quote] [s]Ah that was him? Thanks. I'll go PM him.[/s] EDIT: Viniland is who I was looking for .
  24. Hey, could I get an older pre-HAE map of South America? I wish to find out what nation was in the white space to the east of the HAE. I don't mind searching through multiple maps, if there is a "central" area where these old & outdated maps are. Thanks!
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