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Everything posted by JerreyRough

  1. I sure hope I've got time tonight to work on my #Starcraft2 Battlezone Project. Blast you life and making be busy!

  2. If you aren't working in the middle of the abandoned office builing your working at, do you make a sound?

  3. What happened to the GM Court being a no-discussion area? Isn't stuff like this supposed to be discussed in either another thread or the OOC thread?
  4. Finding the ultimate solution is a nice thing but not in this thread gentlemen. Tidy up your fingerprints and use another thread if you don't mind.
  5. Can I have a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5zYpQQiQl0"]Canadian laser bear[/url] on a unicorn? Or is that just too ridiculous?
  6. is being a classy bear.

  7. My new avatar? I got it from Stargate: Universe. You can find more pictures of those suits (along with the higher rez photo) by searching online. Pretty wicked space suits IMO. My SC2mapster account has a better picture of it.


  8. Yay! Got myself the Xbox 360 plus live! ^_^

  9. OOC: Kevin and Kaede: remember you can use more than a few sentences. The characters, if you imagined them in real life, would seem like to people blurting out whatever they are thinking at that second in time. Things that you guys put into one or two sentences could make five, six, perhaps more sentences; if described right. Its just easier to read when its described with bigger words . What they say doesn't need to be increased in size; just whatever is describing them. Relax! This isn't a speed typing test EDIT: Blag shoulda just PM'ed. D: Sorry.
  10. [quote name='Kaede Alexeivich' date='03 June 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1275622509' post='2323048'] Perhaps tech should play a part in RP, yes...but I think there is much too much emphasis on how much tech a nation has. Because of this, lowtech nations are almost certain to be completely annihilated by larger nations, which makes it very unbalanced and unfair for the lower tech nations. [/quote] Well that's because they don't adapt. People always think about war in CNRP like Star Wars: The Clone Wars; the one with more men or better guns wins the battles, and eventually the war. No one truly uses the warfare of the 21st century: wars without uniforms. If I were to have a nation again, I would take full advantage of having Afghan-level technology and use guerrilla warfare tactics. We need these stats because people need to learn that you don't need flying laser cannons and air superiority to win modern battles. This isn't a video game or a movie that we should be trying to make. This isn't Modern Warfare or Star Wars (as far as low tech vs low/medium/high tech nation wars). Besides, having a drawn out war can be more fun to roleplay, since you can develop characters and the troubles & horrors of war more. This isn't applying towards major wars with people having massive armies and tons of tech (unless they want it to, but highly "educated" nations tend to not have many people supporting backstabbing guerrilla warfare), just us low tech people.
  11. OOC: In the description thread, I removed the references to Agent One being a male /OOC While the Zero pirates drank and partied in one of New Alexandra's better bars, Agent One kept on the lookout for Samus Aran; even last night, when everyone else went to sleep, the agent watched the gates. None of the locals or even the Federation guards questioned the agent; its armor had a kind of eerie appearance, an inhuman one. The Agent's armor is slender and thin, resembling the Federation armor but with more grace to its design. Its armor is so thin that it could be mistaken for a jump suit, but a backpack with jump jets and a power cell were clearly visible on its back. Most of the armor was made of dark hues of red and blue, the T-shaped visor pure black. Indeed, it was not any kind of normal armor, and this wasn't any normal agent. Agent One was patrolling one of the gates when it jumped at its suits "anomaly detected" alarm, with the anomaly detected at the next gate the Agent was going to. Figuring it was Samus's unique armor, the Agent made haste to make it to the next gate in time. [font="Century Gothic"][b]Several minutes later...[/b][/font] The agent stopped near one of the buildings on the edge of the dome, close to the gate Samus was coming though. Its sensors detected she was going to come through the gate in moments. The agent activated its cloak and hid in the shadows, waiting for Samus to pass by. Interestingly, Agent One did not have any weapons with it.
  12. [quote name='HHAYD' date='02 June 2010 - 08:34 PM' timestamp='1275532466' post='2321585'] That isn't realistic, having 250 mini nukes are. If the cap of 25 nukes stay, why can't I reduce the amount of nukes and increase the payload of each one? [/quote] Because you don't truely need to; will it make you a better RP'er if your throwing around different numbers? Will having more/less nukes of different payloads really change the future of CNRP in a month? Six months? A year? We don't need realism. We need roleplaying, and nukes are just a device for an explosion that could change nothing - or change the world. Nukes have their purposes; more nukes or more powerful nukes doesn't mean better roleplays. Now, could we move from politics and get on with the roleplaying?
  13. There was the World Congress, then it fell apart. Then there was a second one, and it too fell apart. Theres been more since with different names, but all of them quickly fell apart and did not last as long as the very first one. You can try and make one, but it will be hard.
  14. OOC: My previous post has been retconned, just so you all know. I updated my [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86569&view=findpost&p=2320179"]new post[/url] today. /OOC [font="Century Gothic"][b]Zeros Heroes spaceships AAC-130 [i]Heroic[/i] and Aries-class Transport Vessel [i]Incorruptible[/i], currently in orbit above Norion.[/b][/font] "The local source tells us that the signal disappeared when the unknown vessel entered the atmosphere," explained Joe Beans, pilot of the AAC-130 Heroic spacecraft. '[i]Damned atmospheric interference[/i]' thought Commander Simmers Loch. He glanced over at Agent One's visor. He didn't trust him, her, whatever it was; anyone that never took their armor off and wore normal clothing could be a space pirate, or worse. "Drawn from this information," Continued Joe, "Agent One here estimates the ship to be somewhere within the vicinity of New Alexandra." Simmers Loch, Joe Beans, Agent One, and two unarmored Zero marines stood around the holographic table inside of the Incorruptible's mess room. The hologram showed the planet spinning on its axis, a massive red circle in the estimated area of Samus's estimated landing site. Simmers leaned towards the planet's image, '[i]Assuming the source is right, and that we are indeed following the right ship, we still don't know if she even landed in this area; she could of flown anywhere. Let's hope her ship really is damaged, then we we for sure find her in that area.[/i] Simmers nods, "Does it have a space port?" Joe clicks some buttons at the base of the table, and the view switches from planetary view to a view of the city. "Yes, there is one. A Federation port, to be precise. Egon's got some contracts there, so we should be covered with their license here." Simmer nods again, "Good. As soon as we undock head for the space port. We'll be right behind you." Joe and the marines salute and leave for their posts, Commander Lock following Joe back to the Heroic. On the way back, Simmers noticed some unusual colors on the information board, and saw that it was one of the marine's birthday tomorrow. [i]Hmm. Maybe we'll postpone the search for a day. We'll watch the city for her, since she'll probably need parts for repairs, but we're no space pirates. The Heroic needs a tune up anyway.[/i] [font="Century Gothic"][b]Several hours later, the ships [i]Heroic[/i] and [i]Incorruptible[/i] docked at the New Alexandra space port.[/b][/font]
  15. Your avatar is epic.

  16. [font="Century Gothic"][b]Sytem:[/b] Ohtonon System [b]Planet Name:[/b] HM-0 [b]Orbit Distance:[/b] 0.94 AU [b]Planet Description:[/b] HM-0, often called the Zero Planet, is a rainforest-covered mineral rich rock orbiting Ohtonon's main sun. The planet was the first planet to be scanned for habitability but despite promising reserves of minerals necessary for making metal for machines, the atmosphere is corrosive to the materials standardly used for dome-based colonist settlements. Life forms on the planet are varied and are wondrous things to behold first-hand, for the few people who can get power armor strong enough to withstand the corrosive atmosphere for long durations of time. Although none of them are known to do more than make basic tools, there is evidence of an ancient Chozo settlement on the planet. It would either take constant repairs, constant replacements, or far more pricey buildings materials to combat the corrosive atmosphere; at least, as far as the Federation thought. Thirty years ago Egon Manufacturing Co., a company on the verge of bankruptcy, saw opportunity into making a method to cheaply fund a colonist settlement on the planet. They sent a recon team to the settlement to find out how the Chozo structures were still standing fully intact, structures that appeared exactly the same as other ruins. They found two pieces of evidence: a shield generator protected the Chozo, while the buildings were built with their trade mark stone but also with a special chemical compound, discovered from the samples from the recon team. Taking advantage of this, Egon constructed multiple settlements in prime locations for mining operations, and very quickly rised from bankruptcy to a leading exporter in the system, as they had a complete monopoly on this planet. Pirate raids quickly started occuring however, so they hired ex-Federation marines and bounty hunters to protect the colonists. Eventually, a man by the name of Olor "Zero" Lock took the security chief's chair and managed to convince the group of mercenaries to form a pirate clan named Zeros Heroes - still protectors of this world and still paid by Egon, but now they could do more than sit and wait... ---------- [b]Faction Name:[/b] Zeros Heroes [b]Faction Logo[/b] [img]http://www.skateboardinglogos.info/uploads/images/Zero_Skateboarding_Logo.jpg [/img] [b]Description:[/b] Zeros Heroes is a group of pirates who mostly defend HM-0, however are known to initiate organized attacks on convoys and planets in order to pillage their goods. They have fought with the Space Pirates numerous times but have succeed in fending them off almost every time, primarily because of the Zero AAC-130 support spaceship. The leader of this group is Olor "Zero" Lock, born on Norion 32 years ago. [u][b]Weapons, Technology, and Machines of Zeros Hereos[/b][/u] [u]Anti-corrosive ZP (Zero Planet) Power Armor Suit[/u] - Often called the ZP Suit, this armor was created by the scientist Nicholas Rush to protect humans from the corrosive atmosphere of HM-0. [url="http://malor.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/stargate-universe05.jpg"]Picture[/url]. It is very heavy, bulky, and slower than all other powersuits in existence; however, all this powersuits use normal armor techniques that will quickly disintegrate on HM-0, while this one uses the local compound. The first version of this suit was especially bulky, but future versions (versions that are currently used) use a combination of this and personal shielding to protect the user, defending against weapons and allowing increased flexibility for the user. [u]Atmospheric Attack Cruiser-130 (AAC-130)[/u] - The AAC-130 is a space shuttle inspired cruiser meant for dealing heavy damage against all of its opponents. Unlike standard cruisers, however, its main weapons (not including minor lasers for destroying missiles and small meteorites) are located on its sides, or rather inside of the craft. The ship is faster than most space craft in the atmosphere because of its shuttle design. Its cannons and gattling guns provide long distance artillery. Although it cannot take a major pounding, it can deal more damage than other ships of its size. The weapons may be removed to make the ship a troop transport. ---------- [b]Characters Name:[/b] Olor "Zero" Lock ([url="http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/SAXTON.jpg"]Pic[/url]) [b]Description:[/b] Zero is a 32 year old smuggler who convinced the first members of Zeros Heroes to separate from merely being a mercenary police force, and instead reap the rewards of being unattached to the rules of Egon. He currently commands the Zero mothership "Galaxy's Fury" himself, but still commands the Heroes as a whole. Olor is a black male human who was born to a poor working family and saw smuggling as a way out of the poor house as a boy. After his first smuggling trip, he returned to his parents to find them dead, killed in a firefight in-between Federation marines and Space Pirates. His trusted friends told him it was Federation marines that actually shot them, and has hated them since. If he finds a good reason to attack them without too much risk for his life, he will take the chance. Until the transmission, he never heard of Samus Aran but decided to send Agent One and his son Commander Simmers Loch to capture her and force the Federation to pay an even higher bounty to get her. [b]Name:[/b] Agent One [b]Description:[/b] A youthful and loyal member of Zeros Heroes, Agent One is the best bounty hunter among the Heroes and thus equipped the best. Other than being loyal to the heroes, or at least so it seems, this agent does not seem to have any grudges against any other faction, even the Space Pirates. The Agent is very secretive about who they were before joining Zeros Heroes, and there is not a single known person who has or does know the agent. The closest contact anyone has had was when Nicholas Rush repaired the Agent's armor, but even then the agent didn't talk any more than it needed to. Agent One is equipped with stealth equipment and a "cold suit" that blur the agent's outline (partial invisibility) and negate the use of heat sensing equipment. Agent One was asked to join the team to get Samus and, as with most missions, the agent accepted it. [b]Name:[/b] Simmers Loch [b]Rank:[/b] Commander of the 2[sup]nd[/sup] Spaceborne, Zeros Heroes. [b]Description:[/b] Simmers Loch was the first person born on the Zero planet, and the first to loose a parent. At the age of six, he saw his mother ripped limb from limb by a Space Pirate creature similar to Ridley, but far less powerful: his father killed the creature with his bare hands later that day (the creature was heavily wounded at the time). He has held a grudge against the Space Pirates since, and as a result of his fathers hate he doesn't like the Federation that much either. He rose through the Zero Hero ranks until he became a commander, happy that he made his father Olor Lock proud. When he learned of the mission to find Samus Aran, Simmers immediately tried and succeed onto getting a part of the team to capture her; but he didn't wish to capture her, but rather learn from her. He has known of her for some time and envies her abilities, abilities that constantly kill hundreds of Space Pirates. Simmers wishes he could do the same, and may even defy his father's orders for her. [b]Name:[/b] Nicholas Rush [b]Description:[/b] Rush is a scientist who originally worked for the Federation, but left because they did not accept his proposed ideas; he was involved in high level experiments, including the Parasite X, and thus has been hunted by Federation-funded bounty hunters. He found refuge with Egon Manufacturing under a different name, Alex O'Dep, and worked in their science department. He played a key role in the creation of the chemical compound found in the Chozo ruins. Today he works alone in his own home, far from civilization and close to his books, scientific instruments, and the Chozo ruins. He uses his original name now, which he returned to after Zeros Heroes were created. [/font]
  17. Bleh. I'm thinking my star system doesn't fit that well into the canon Metroid universe (did some reading earlier ) so I'll ret con it for now. I'll kept the basics for the faction and characters though.
  18. shoots sound bullets at [insert your pokemon name]. What do you attack back with?

  19. OOC: Retconned. [font="Lucida Console"][b]Far outside of the Othoron System.[/b][/font] [i]The AAC-130 support craft[/i] Heroic [i]and Aries-Class Transport vessel[/i] Incorruptible [i]hovered beside a small cluster of gas and metal plates. Commander Simmers Loch detached his space suit from the Heroic with scanning equipment. This is where what is believed to be Samus's message was broad-casted. Simmers found several chemical gas trails from other ships chasing Samus Aran here as well. After completing multiple tests over the course of several hours, he found the right trail. The commander returned to the Heroic and stopped in the airlock for a moment to contact Joe, his best pilot in the 2[sup]nd[/sup], to get them moving ASAP.[/i] "Ignite the Afloraltite Joe. We've got her trail." Joe didn't respond. "Joe? Don't tell me you're sleeping again..." Some grunts and then a chuckle come through the mic. "Mmm? Floral? What are you on man, there's no flowers here sir." "Laugh later tin man. If we're not moving when I get there..." "Sorry sir." Joe makes the ship hot again and sends a general broadcast to the Incorruptible. "Get up and at em'. We'll have that poker match tomorrow at our destination in..." Joe loads the data from Simmers' suit, "...New Alexandra, located on the planet of Norion in the Othoron System," Joe plugs in the data. "Well, at least we'll have competition to play wi-" Simmers cuts him off, almost done taking off his suit. "Cut the chit chat. We don't want to disappear any fed patrols now, do we?" Simmers puts the suit away and exists the airlock, headed for the cramped frontal command bay. His three gunners were sleeping peacefully, but Simmers gave each a slap on the head to wake them up, chuckling at their discontent. But his day is made when Joe yells into the mic. "Too late! One Anhur-class patrol vessel incoming!" "Spool up those blasted engines!" Roars the commander, "Gunners! Get to your posts and prepare the howitzers and gattling guns! We've got a bogey thats gotta wish it wasn't here! Incorruptible, provide us some cover but don't take too much damage. That ship will shred you apart!" "Yes sir!" Answered the Incorruptible. [i]Today is a good day.[/i] thought Commander Loch. [i]Fed's for lunch, a chase for supper, and tomorrow? A long-awaited meeting.[/i] He has waited for these days for the past few years, and he wasn't going to disappoint anyone watching. OOC: I'll get to the planet in the next post
  20. OOC: Retconned. Look lower and you'll find my new info. /OOC [font="Century Gothic"][b]Location:[/b] "Zero's Wondrous Discovery" Drifter System; also known as the Zero System. [b]Primary Star Type:[/b] Earth-Class [b]# Of Planets:[/b] 9 [b]Gas Giants:[/b] 4 [b]Habitable Planets:[/b] 2 [b]Sun-like Planets:[/b] 1 [b]Uninhabitable Planets:[/b] 2[/font] [u]Special Notes on System[/u] [i]This system was discovered by Sir Egonous Zero, then a part-time smuggler and part-time precious metals miner. He discovered the system accidentally from a computer navigation error. Zero's sensors discovered large deposits of metals on the planets and the gases from the Giants would make excellent fuel for ships to use. The only problem was the system's trajectory: he estimated that it would go straight through heavily Pirate-infested territory in roughly twenty years, specifically the Othoron System. How he got from such a lowly job to commanding the small but powerful Zero's Heroes battalion is another story... The Gas Giants have a very unique feature: they orbit the primary sun at almost the same distances, in a pattern like four non-metal atoms attached to a central metal atom. These gas giants still orbit the sun, but never move closer nor' farther from each other. The secondary sun orbits one of these giants. The habitable planets also have a unique property, in that they are on opposing sides of the primary sun to each other. This makes them invisible to radar and sight from each other. One planet has a variety of climates, like Earth, while the other is richer in useful metals and is covered in swaths of rain forests due to the single continent stretching across the equator. The two other uninhabitable planets are estimated to been asteroids, who got inside the Giants and caught onto the star's gravity by chance. Both are barren rocks who's only two uses are to provide raw materials and provide secondary positions for bases. One of them, however, is devoid of any useful raw material. Asteroid belts surround the four Gas Giants. Only the two planets and two of the Gas Giants share the same axis (including the Giant with a star). It is also noteworthy that the local group of pirates, Zero's Heroes, allow unaffiliated pirates into their spaceports on the two habitable planets.[/i] -------- [b]Faction:[/b] Zero's Heroes [u][b]Biography[/b][/u] Today, twenty years after the planet's discovery, Zero's Heroes control this system and are gaining strength. Their partnership with Egon Manufacturing Co. has kept the Federation off their backs and provided both men and weapons to defend the system with. Zero's Heroes are a more organised fighting force than most pirate forces, partially due to the fact that they don't raid other systems very often and have mostly defended from raids. However, as their system passes the Othoron System over the course of two years, they have decided to investigate and perhaps challenge the local pirates. [i]Zero technology is very rustic and ancient appearing, like as if it was resting for centuries and then found by these pirates; but appearances can be deceiving. Their space suits are large and clunky, but provide personal shields and can withstand even multiple plasma shots. [url="http://malor.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/stargate-universe05.jpg"]Picture of two such suits[/url]. However, despite their armor, many Zero pirates opt to go with normal body armor and normal suits, at least on the ground, for the increased mobility.[/i] Recently, they got a hold of Samus Aran's message and have sent two people to find her: Agent 1 and Commander Simmers Loch. [b]Subfaction:[/b] Egon Manufacturing Co. Egon Manufacturing Co. produces materials and weapons for the highest bidder, usually in a bid closed for the galaxy's biggest players. However, they do make special deals with the Federation to keep them on their good side. They get most of their materials from the Zero System and provide funding for the Zero Heroes pirates. ------------- [b]Name:[/b] Agent One [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Rank:[/b] Unknown [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. Estimated to be currently 21, thus found by the Zeros at 19. [b]Biography:[/b] Agent One came to the pirates as a teenager on a damaged escape pod, without any past memory. His age is unknown; in fact, the only thing known about him is how good he is at lying and deception. He was raised by Sir Zero himself, who had no heir and was not intent on having a son before. But this boy grew on him. In some strange way, perhaps with deception, perhaps with some lies, he adopted him and made him heir to being the leader of the Zeros. Two years went by but nearly no one knew anyone about him; Sir Zero kept the boy away from all but his instructors. Then he was selected to find Samus, and no one knows why. [b]Name:[/b] Simmers Loch [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Rank:[/b] Commander of the 2[sup]nd[/sup] Airborne, Zero's Heroes Pirates. [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Biography:[/b] Simmers Loch was eight when his parents brought him to the Zero system, part of a group of colonist vessels bound for Zero H-1, the Earth-class habitable planet. He grew up, watching the colonist settlement turn into a city worthy for being the home of Zero's Heroes, a group that came to power when he was twelve. He saw them fight first hand when the Space Pirates first pillaged. He was fifteen and his father died protecting him and his mother. His father was a great miner, but he wanted to avenge his death and so joined Zero's Heroes. Long has he waited for the Heroes to attack the Pirates back and was the first volunteer to go after Samus: from the stories he's heard, he envied how often she killed the space pirates. But he also knew it would bring him closer to the pirates throats, in their own haven. But Simmers was no idiot; he wouldn't just attack them. Rather, he would...provoke them. Give the Heroes a reason to kill these villains. He decided to take a dozen troops with him in case things got hairy. Commander Loch drove his prided AAC-130 himself, while nine of the troops took another ship to the planet, with Agent One on board. He planned on landing his ships in the spaceport of New Alexandra to begin the search... ------------- Heh. I'll probably finally finish Metroid Prime now...
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