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Everything posted by JerreyRough

  1. Civilian and non-"offensive"-military government satellites should be allowed for everyone (I've roleplayed them launching before without complaint), as those are just basic things like communications satellites. By offensive military satellites, I mean things like spy satellites and satellites for use against other nations. Either that or the nation has to buy them from another country with the Space Program wonder, as you can argue that the nation launching the satellites does not have the capabilities and/or facilities to launch the satellites; it doesn't stop them from designing them though.
  2. If I remember correctly, you were one of the main people against saving stats, Sargun. :V
  3. [quote name='Shadowsage' date='12 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1266028935' post='2178512'] A note; Diberia is being incorporated into the HAE. [/quote] I confirm this. Roleplay isn't finished... but I don't know when it will. Perhaps this week, next week, I'm not sure. So long, Cybernations Roleplay.
  4. Well, on the wheel o' busyness, it looks like I don't think I'll have the time for this/should spend the time doing other things, so you can count me out.
  5. I originally wanted to make some dwarf-related nation in CNRP, then it evolved into Diberia and its zombie role plays. I took the name Diberia from my Warriors of Gundra WC3 mod/map. Diberia's name relates to Siberia in terms of origins, and you know how barren it is (connect the dots... very few people live in Diberia at the moment and parts of it are a wasteland where war waged for a decade).
  6. Wait, ignore my comment. :V

  7. [size=5][font="Impact"]DIBERIAN OFFICIAL BROADCAST[/font][/size] [i]George Andrew Romero[/i] [b]PUERTO PAEZ, DIBERIA[/b] - For the past four months living conditions in Diberia have improved dramatically, and it seems that everyone is helping to improve Diberia's cities. New Noord has been abandoned in favor of Puerto Paez and cities along the northern coast, leaving the western coastal cities inhabited only by the lone survivor and the zuman population. The Puerto Paez airstrip has been expanded to three now, with Puerto Ayacucho been expanded to two, allowing more planes to land. The temporary government is still in control and has not changed, with much political turmoil into what to do next. Jerrey and Vutomo have been working together to stop the government from collapsing and be ripped into three parts, but it gets harder every day that goes by. [i]*Outlined in previous Broadcast.[/i] But all has not been lost in the government, for all agree that Diberia needs to be improved. The Six Bills* were recently approved by the government, increasing the amount of people migrating to Diberia exponentially, increasing Diberia's civilian population from 400,000 to 600,000 in the short time span of six months. The Gundran Corporation, the new face of the once organised crime group Clan Gundran, has been exceedingly successful with the Government Grants, re-opening the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maracaibo_Basin"]Maracaibo Basin Oil Fields[/url] and the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orinoco_Belt"]Orinoco Belt Oil Fields[/url]. Gundran Corporation has now fully taken over both oil fields as the solitary development and export company of the oil fields. Due to these two reasons, the company is now expanding into business, research and development, and a limited amount of weapons manufacturing*. The corporation has bought out Nanosolar Technologies Inc. and now is selling its low cost, mass produced solar panel technology for even lower costs. GC has now opened up their first megastore in Puerto Paez, with plans on another store in Puerto Ayacucho and several more in the Holy American Empire. Factories to produce goods have also been constructed in both cities to provide jobs to the new people moving into the cities. [i]*Diberians do not wish to see a repeat of the Aperture Science incident.[/i] The population of Puerto Paez and Puerto Ayacucho has increased to 290,000 and 269,000 respectfully. The remaining population lives either in the Orinoco oil fields or in Maracaibo, currently the largest Diberian port city. [u][b]Private Address to the Holy American Empire[/b][/u] [i]This message comes from Jerrey Rough specificly.[/i] Diberia is doing well and is finally prospering, after so many years of death and destruction. We have survived through hell and back again, and we have never nor' will never give up. But if there is one weakness we have, it is governing ourselves. We have always been split into three factions, and we always will: we draw our strength from our imbalance of power. But we will never accomplish anything with this division has a country, and without a faction stronger than the other two and lead by a solid leader we will not even accomplish a country. Thus, I ask you personally if Diberia could join with the great Holy American Empire and become one nation. I ask for nothing in return, and Diberians can well enough govern themselves with you as their overseers. I am willing to enter talks with the Empire in discussing this matter further. I am confident I can get my comrades to join with me in this opinion. I hope your response is swift.
  8. [quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='11 February 2010 - 05:30 PM' timestamp='1265934659' post='2175912'] I'll definitely take that tag into consideration. Hm...your nation would be First World, correct? If so, I'll allow the electric arm, just don't take it overboard, and take into consideration it could short out in the damp Amazon rainforest. [/quote] There's a war going on, and I'm loosing & down to 150 tech. I'd be third world, so unless I either tech trade or join with someone else I won't be RP'ing the steam tanks and just the clockwork creations (clockwork tank? ). So I won't RP the electric arm (perhaps a prototype/for a character? nothing more than that), unless I get another high-tech nation to develop/pay for it. EDIT: Considering that I am leaving CNRP (not SCNRP, just CNRP), will I be able to select another land? Or do I need to keep my CNRP land for this? I'm sure Shadow would be fine with me occupying some of his land for this (and then possibly merging with me if he joins this).
  9. I've just asking the war questions right now so there aren't issues with it later. I won't focus on war in the RP's, or at least I will try not to. [quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='11 February 2010 - 05:00 PM' timestamp='1265932834' post='2175853'] You've made your case nicely, and I will allow all machines listed to enter the RP. Just tone down the size a little, as I believe a Clydesdale is only around six feet tall. What is this "magical electro-arm" used for, by the way? I might be able to come up with a compromise if you could explain that to me. [/quote] Ok, I'll reduce the spider down to ~7-8 feet high. The worker is already at that height and, other than the electro arm thing, the Clockwork Man would be useless being that small. As seen in [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRh1niAmrkc"]this video[/url], it is meant for dealing more damage (in-game the electro-arm is used for the clockwork man to attack buildings and randomly uses it in battle). In roleplay terms, it could be used to blast instead of smack a target at the cost of using far more power from its power source, meaning it would run out of power faster if it has/uses the weapon. It would have other uses as well, like mining and jump starting another clockwork man/similar power source. I think the tag for this should be SCNRP (Steampunk Cybernations Roleplay).
  10. [quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='11 February 2010 - 03:37 PM' timestamp='1265927834' post='2175698'] Human units sans those with giant machines, Juggernaut and air vehicles are clear; you may use them. How big are the clockwork, non-military and military units? Are they bigger than a Clydesdale horse? (See the guide for why this is important.) The Leviathan might slip through, but only if its a stationary tool. [/quote] Could the Leviathan slip through for an ultra-slow mining vehicle? It can then be assumed that there isn't a giant missile launcher on top. The clockwork units are of different sizes; the Clockwork Miner is human sized; the Clockwork Man is ~10-12 feet tall (going by [url="http://rol.heavengames.com/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=rol-concept-art2&id=VinciHeroMech_ScaleRef"]this diagram[/url], the opening cinematic [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRh1niAmrkc"]video[/url]sports a bigger size; and I'm not going to use that electricity-blot-laser-thing on its right arm); and the Clockwork Spider is roughly the same hight as the Man. For the usefulness of each, the clockwork miner would be the most useful and realistic out of the three, used as pure labor; the Clockwork Man isn't nearly as useful without its magical electro-arm and, unless that is allowed, then I won't use the Man; finally, the Clockwork Spider could potentially be useful for going through the Amazon with its climbing abilities, along with climbing large dirigibles and other aircraft, but lacks the strong armor and weapons as the Juggernaut. Considering this information, are the clockwork creations allowed? Perhaps one or two of them? If not, its no big loss for me.
  11. This is what I get for staying up till three in the morning playing Aliens vs Predator >.< The correct link is [url="http://rol.heavengames.com/php/gameinfo/units/?tribe=1&cat="]this one[/url]. EDIT: Assume that the "Pirata Captain" does not have someone riding on the top and has a cockpit. Also assume that the people are much smaller with that model.
  12. I found a better page for the Rise of Legends Steampunk stuff, located [url="http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc155/RoughneckLeader/JR-S-O-A_tinyxcf-1.png"]here[/url]. So, other than the mechs/leg-using machines on that page, all of that would be allowed? I managed to find a few pictures from steamboy without taking them myself . [url="http://www.scifimoviepage.com/upcoming/photos/steamboy4.jpg"]Here is a tank[/url] that is both Steampunk and realistic (it is [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Hornsby_%26_Sons"]based on this engine[/url]). Then there are [url="http://www.scifimoviepage.com/upcoming/photos/steamboy3.jpg"]these dudes[/url], which are armed with grenade launchers, which I'm not sure if you would allow or not, given their nature and having a [i]steam engine on their backs[/i].
  13. [quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='11 February 2010 - 01:36 AM' timestamp='1265877391' post='2174343'] Hey everybody (mostly Uberstein since everyone else is being perfectly reasonable): stop being whiny little kids. RP is supposed to be fun. It doesn't matter what the "rules" are, if one or more people decide to have an RP than literallly anything can happen. This forum was way better back before you spoiled meglomaniacs started trying to impose your "rules" and !@#$ on us. Its ROLE PLAYING. Get over it. [/quote][quote name='Sargun' date='11 February 2010 - 06:58 AM' timestamp='1265896699' post='2174677'] Gods? okay. have fun. [b]Real[/b] Gods coming down to earth and ruling nations? Make it so that if somebody doesn't want to recognize Gods, there is an alternative acceptable to you. I don't accept for fact half of the stuff that Kaiser Martens used to do but I didn't raise a big fuss about it. Find a reasonable alternative that is acceptable to both sides in the case that somebody doesn't want to RP this, and move on with it. [/quote][quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='11 February 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1265919476' post='2175376'] One thing everyone needs to remember is just because one person [i]claims[/i] they are a Deity, AI, God, etc, does not make it true. We can call them madmen, crazy, or anything else we can think of. Look at real life, people claim they are Siddhartha Guatama reincarnate and some people believe it and others do not. Some people may state they were abducted by aliens and some people believe it and others don't. As long as if the people do not have any fantasy/non-human abilities (flying, half dragon, can compute three million numbers of pi in 3 seconds, etc), I don't really care what people call their characters. [/quote] I agree to these three opinions. And on the whole "coming back from the dead" thing, I also agree to not approve/not allow it. [b]However[/b], that does not stop a character from researching/stalking/finding out every single thing possible about the character Maelstrom IC, and then claiming to be Maelstrom's incarnate via acting and thinking exactly like him. The character will never truly be Maelstrom, but effectively can be under the "over-the-top zealous worshipers" category.
  14. SUPER COOL YELLOW? Wicked name man, wicked name. I have no idea who you are, but you name is awesome. :P

  15. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='11 February 2010 - 12:42 AM' timestamp='1265874120' post='2174281'] Medical tests? Everything okay Sargun? [/quote] I'm sorry, but >.> not the map thread. Take it to comments/personal messages, if not the OOC thread. This is the map thread and that post is effectively spam (no offense intended). I'm not saying you shouldn't care for Sargun, but its just not needed [i]here[/i].
  16. To clarify: Diberian zombies and related RP's only happen/affect those whom want it to, and will have absolutely no effect on anyone else. They give no bonuses (its more of the opposite), unless your a roleplaying looking for something to make oneself be more 'powerful' IC-wise over another, which is never my intention nor' will be. It was a roleplay that was based upon the central concept of fun, not cybernations roleplay; it is just part of cybernations roleplay because it would inevitably die otherwise and/or could link to possible effects in-game (take the current war as an example). But, because of the nature of cybernations roleplay, the community unofficially ruled it as optional to accept it as canon (it has been referenced to a couple times by IC characters not in Diberia/other countries); and that is how I think it should be. In return for letting some of the rules...bend, in a sense, that roleplayer cannot roleplay those supernatural aspects unless all people involved accept those supernatural aspects; but if the roleplayer is currently roleplaying, say, zombies in their nation, then any outside forces attempting to interact with the nation [i]should [/i]accept those supernatural aspects. [i]***I was going somewhere with this, but I started writing the next paragraph and forgot where .***[/i] IMO, I don't think we should bend the rules very far; and I don't think the centrally concerned party, Mael, is bending the laws of nature too much that it should be immediately be crushed by the community. Think of it this way: at one point, I was going to do (until I pulled an inactivity streak >.>) an Atlantis RP that did indeed take place on Planet Bob. Super advanced weapons, defector shields, ancient survivors, etc. under the ocean in a dome. But after that RP cycle would be finished, when the entire place would be inevitably destroyed and the technology gone, all that would be left would be a small band of survivors/people's characters. And they would only have memories; for the rest of the world, Atlantis would have never existed (this one anyway ). Perhaps it could of been "national RP". Perhaps. But it felt better when it was connected to CNRP's limitations (money, submarines, actual nations doing stuff instead of "X government/agency" often seen in movies). In closing, I would like to remind you all that I do not have super heroes and angels and robots in mind for the supernatural aspects. Nothing supernatural in CNRP should give you any type of major advantage over another person. The supernatural should be there to make it more... fun to roleplay, like Lynneth's eye/computer thing (which I consider to still be supernatural and do not recognize it any more than you do with zombies).
  17. So would the clockpunk/steampunk creations pictured here [url="http://riseoflegends.com/media/vinci_concept_art.htm"]here[/url] and [url="http://riseoflegends.com/media/screenshots/022006_Screenshot_01.htm"]here[/url] be allowed? And all save the massive ship in the anime movie Steamboy (if your not familiar, I can get some pictures) would be allowed too, eh? If so, I'm in ^.^ I'd love to see how Steampunk would do in the Amazon rain forest heh.
  18. If Shadowsage is listening, please clear out your message inbox. I cannot send you messages and you seem to ignore your comment section. I need to speak with you about Diberia...
  19. I'm more than likely leaving CNRP (perhaps the Aldenata RP as well), after having one of the most inactive countries over the last year and enjoying very few RP's. But other than that I've had a great time here and wish I had more time to read the excellent roleplays that occur often daily here . I hope to eventually come back, but I feel I just don't have much fun roleplaying a country and all the crap people want to roleplay a functioning country (or I'm being too hard on myself...meh). Hugs to Shadowsage, being my best bud on this forum; Sarah for being such an excellent writer and awesome person to roleplay with; Maelstrom (if he's listening) for... well, I'm not entirely sure ; Tahsir for putting down my bad ideas (); Subtle for being everywhere and awesome; and the community in general, for being a great group of people to roleplay with, even if I didn't roleplay much with them. Well, its been fun. I might re-roll into another country, I'm not sure... ~Jerrey Rough
  20. I seem to cannot send you any messages...

    I would like to merge with you guys, or more like be taken over. I don't really care much for my cybernation anymore, and I'm waning on my time here on CNRP, so I'd like to be taken over by you two. After Alberta Winter Games I'll continue the Aldenata RP, but after that I'm sticking to character and story roleplaying.

  21. I don't really like the changes either... Then again, I'm more or less on my way out of CNRP anyways...
  22. Heh, reminds me of what I did initially with Diberia; I did the ol' plane thing, but no one did anything with the planes. And the BIV (Brutality Intoxication Virus, my name for my zombie virus) was initially spread through a virus that was highly contagous, similar to the common cold, and infected Diberia in a week. Once I have Diberia sorta on its feet again, I'll probably join this. And after my exams are over, which is on tuesday.
  23. "The MNU division has been failing financially with the decline of Dragonisia, and in light of this collapse we will be permanently moving and then merging with our American partner Nanosolar Technologies in the Holy American Empire. We are saddened to have to do this, as well as take our research with us, but it is neccessary, given the situation. We hope Kingdom of Cochin takes good care of this wonderful country." -Paul Cortez, Multi-National United CEO. OOC: D: Aww dang! I hope you come back. Its been a pleasure roleplaying with you, and I sure do hope you enjoyed your stay here ^.^ May you (real) life be prosperous...
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