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Everything posted by Innerspeaker

  1. Sometimes you have to go against your word in defense of your friends. I know the feeling, and it sucks. I imagine TOP feels incredibly betrayed, and yet NpO must have as well when they found out that MK and GR wouldn't be defending them or their allies in the NpO-\m/ war. I, however, understand the feeling of anger and in the end, deciding against in for the sake of your friend, despite feeling betrayed before that. Someone was going to get hurt here, and it unfortunately turned out to be TOP.
  2. Not expected in the least. o/ Grub, certainly a difficult position given how you've been treated by MK recently. o/ Archon, certainly a difficult position given how you've been treated by NpO recently.
  3. Welcome to the nuclear tanning booth, OV. I hope you leave greener than when you came.
  4. It pains me to join a war on the opposite side of my first home, Polaris, but NV has called. And I will answer.
  5. Watching as VE wanders into the deathtrap that is NpO: Worth about 3,500 nukes.
  6. As my allies fight on opposite sides, I can do naught but shed a tear. It breaks my heart to see this war go on. I hate it more than anything.
  7. This war sucked so badly. Until now, that is. My opinion of so many alliances has changed so much since the beginning of this war.
  8. I guess my sense of humor isn't up to snuff with you Umbrella-ella-ella folks. Still, good luck, and thanks for all the fish... er, nukes.
  9. Some nice trivia here; I made the eagle on the flag hold that club thing because it was apparently the weapon of choice for the Aztecs back in their day. It could decapitate a horse. And if I hit you with one today, it would feel like getting womped with a baseball bat lined with razor blades! Hope you like getting hit with razor-blade-lined-baseball-bats that decapitate horses, FOK!
  10. The New Polar Order uses Ice Beam! Poison Clan is frozen solid!
  11. Is that a super rod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.
  12. Congratulations! You've caught a Mistra. Mistra was transferred to Bills PC! Would you like to give a nickname to Mistra?
  13. I didn't poach! I encountered a wild TheListener and caught him!
  14. Come back, Rattatta! It's your turn, Tyranitar!
  15. 2006 - The Greatest Generation (referring to GWI) 2007 - The Nation Boomers (huge growth, those who fought/joined during GWII, GWIII) 2008 - Generation Vox (Referring to the counterculture movement that grew from UJP/WotC) 2009 - Generation Karma (Referring to those who joined in the wake of the Karma War) 2010 - We'll know when we get there.
  16. Pretty ironic treaty, this one. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
  17. I think NAAC vs. Polar has been the most entertaining and intense rivalry of written history on bob. Not only were both competing for survival, but NpO and NAAC, being blue alliances, were competing for the top spot on blue. GWIII was one hell of a showdown for that match up.
  18. I joined in July of 2006, right in the middle of GWI. I was, sadly, oblivious to this war at the time.
  19. Hey thanks for stealing The Indigo Plateau's theme, ODN/Athens. We really appreciate it. On a side note;
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