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Everything posted by Innerspeaker

  1. [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/PSOTW3.png[/IMG] Yar! Hand drawn with me own tentacles! [code]Gairyuki - [img]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/PSOTW3.png[/img][/code] EDIT: figured I'd help Mr. Damsky out by including the code for him.
  2. Anything posted by a Misr reroll gets my vote. He's still here, and his mouth is still spewing sewage all over CN. ;_; On second thought, there needs to be a poll about that... "What will the next Misr reroll be named?" TheVIP? TheLAX? ect ect?
  3. Voted MK because NSO doesn't deserve any awards... even if they are awards that only NSO deserves. O_O
  4. TIP was a pretty damn good protectorate. JK, we were probably awful, especially by MK's standards.
  5. I've got 3 days until I'm 1,500 days old.
  6. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1283314187' post='2437887'] Gariyuki.... Please, do not ascribe what you consider to be lame in the she-hulk sig to der rote baron. That was my submission.... I take full ownership of said lameness. [/quote] Oh my god... I have made a huge mistake and I apologize. Also, I don't think the she-hulk sig is lame, I just thought it was a good example of der rote baron's hypocrisy... and apparently it wasn't for obvious reasons. Once again, sorry.
  7. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1283313287' post='2437869'] I think that the one with a black 1px outside stroke will look better. [/quote] Hell no, 1px outside stroke will make it look so animated and amateur. It looks fantastic now, especially the skull part.
  8. [quote name='der Rote Baron' timestamp='1283310702' post='2437827'] You're putting words in my mouth of course, because I've never said anything about using stock photos being plagiarism - but even if I had it hardly matters because it's not your sources that bother me but rather the complete lack of creativity and concepts in sigs like yours and Davian's. I will use several images, alter them if needed and sew them together into an actual illustration with a real idea behind it unrelated to the original pictures... meanwhile guys like you take someone's actual artwork, that they created from scratch not just a photo, then just run a filter over it and add some sparklies or flames and then put your name on it for crying out loud... sort of a major difference. But I'm sure you knew that before you decided to attempt an argument, so w/e. =========== Lots of fun entries in this one. [/quote] EDIT: nevermind, not worth it. Sorry for wasting your time, der Rote Baron. Also, sorry von Tipitz, that was incredibly stupid of me.
  9. [quote name='der Rote Baron' timestamp='1283297446' post='2437553'] If you're trying to insult me by lumping me in with you, well done. Consider my feelings hurt. [/quote] I'm commenting on the ridiculous notion that using "renders" or stock photos is considered plagiarism; something you apparently argue in favor of and yet hypocritically do in your own work.
  10. [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/PSOTW1.jpg[/IMG] This is my PSOTW entry, a modified version of the recently created signature (credit to me) that looks like this: [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/SOTW16-1.png[/IMG] in which I only used one stock image, that being located here [url="http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2010-278"]LINK TO STOCK IMAGE[/url] which was published and is now in the public domain (I think). Anyways, 90% handrawn for the first image, + an extra 13% handrawn second image, so we get to 103% hand drawn signature. I think we have a winner based on pure hard work and artistic skill, never mind the aesthetic qualities and homage to a certain beautiful former governor turned future-presidential runner up.
  11. [quote name='der Rote Baron' timestamp='1283288145' post='2437391'] http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3350/610xpj.jpg [/quote] What is this? Plagiarism?! I imagine we can expect a post in which you give credit to each and every photographer that took those photos? Otherwise, it's just a picture with some fancy editing and some nifty effects, isn't it? On a side note, I really like the sig you made using those pictures. On another side note, I must point out that, until you show us the source of those pictures, we cannot know if you indeed are the owner/artist behind those 4 separate stock pictures that I found on Google a second ago.
  12. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283275630' post='2437202'] As a [i][b]real[/b][/i] artist, I would also like to register a complaint against this week's theme. My fellow [i][b]real[/b][/i] artists and I realize the absurdity of working around a single colour. No [i][b]real[/b][/i] artist in history has ever engaged in such a barbaric practice. And therefore, from among the [i][b]real[/b][/i] artists in this contest, those of us displeased with the theme are real[i][b]er[/b][/i] artists. Next week, please consider our opinions and choose a subject better suited for [i][b]real[/b][/i] art, like a video game character. [/quote] Correct me if I'm wrong, but you and several others here are complaining that the theme, based around using a color, is not suitable for this contest. In fact, you would prefer if the contest was based around, say, a [i]video-game character[/i]. So the theme that guarantees the most creativity, while not limiting one to the stock art he or she uses but rather just the color, is bad, but you'd like to be limited by the stock art (or perhaps your own drawing) of whatever the theme was. First you guys !@#$%*ed and moaned, claiming that the use of renders and stock art is plagiarism. Next, you're saying that the contest should essentially mandate the use of renders and stock art in order to be fun. That's really what it all comes down to. Also, in case you didn't know, the style of using only one color is known as monochrome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monochrome_painting
  13. Resubmitting without the word "administrator" [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/SOTW16-1.png[/IMG] [code]Gairyuki - [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/SOTW16-1.png[/IMG][/code]
  14. EDIT: Gaze into the Admin, and it will gaze right back into you. Used one stock (a space image), the rest is hand drawn (with my tablet). Link to stock image: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2010-278
  15. Good luck Franz. I would, however, like to point out that it was fairly obvious to us in TIP that you had been planning this while TIP was still alive.
  16. [quote name='Farore' timestamp='1282780516' post='2431312'] Could you be not so general next time? I am part of those 'The people who entered' but I am not part of those who feel insulted. Art is art and the program you use doesn't matter. The product you end up with is what matters, so can the majority of you stop bashing either Chey sign or the signatures of the others who participated? [/quote] My apologies, I meant to say that those who feel insulted (and are thus complaining) are doing so because ect, ect.
  17. There is ONE thing you can always count on to happen in CN; during peace time, people make threads complaining that CN has "gotten a little boring lately".
  18. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282680419' post='2429742'] And the same people that derided his work would likely deride mine. Congratulations on your attempt to censor art, fascist. [/quote] I'm not trying to censor your art or any art at all, I'm pointing out that I don't find it to be worthy of ~50 people's votes based on the rest of the competition. Who am I to deny your right to enter the contest (which I have no control over anyways)? I'm honored that you called me a fascist, if anything at all. THANKS CHEYENNE! Also, Cheyenne won fair and square. I think he is owed his due reward, despite the fact that he got an original and "creative" award already. Let's move on.
  19. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282672696' post='2429601'] [color="#0000FF"]I cannot name a name, but I am sure there is one out there. After all, Jackson Pollock made a career of simply throwing paint on a canvas.[/color] [/quote] And Pollock had a medium, as well as a style that could not be duplicated. After all, Jackson Pollock's work goes for quite a lot of money. You're going to compare Cheyenne's work to that of Pollock? [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282673772' post='2429620'] I realize you aren't exactly the most brilliant mind here, but I should hope that you hadn't gotten into an argument about art without having heard of LS Lowry. [/quote] Lol, you realize thatI'm not exactly the most brilliant mind here? I don't even know what to say to that. And you're saying LS Lowry, of whom I have in fact heard, painted stick figures, or that his work is comparable to yours? Incredible, Cheyenne. In that case, you do truly deserve to win this SOTW with your MS Paint-produced work of art. For the record, Lowry's work has depth, texture, and a certain, unmistakable character that gives it a sense of energy. And while I had to check the wikipedia article because I had forgotten what people actually referred to Lowry's characters as, they were called matchstick men (and for good reason, one of which is not because they lack any detail or dynamics). I can't say that they're very similar to the man in your sig, however.
  20. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282658730' post='2429396'] [color="#0000FF"]Lots of great poets made a career out of misspelling words or not using capitalization. E.E. Cummings comes to mind.[/color] [/quote] And yet I doubt you'll find a famous artist who rose to fame scribbling stick figures on a piece of paper. The people who entered this contest are insulted because their skills have been completely and totally marginalized by a piece so simplistic and lacking in character, one whose justification seems to be that "it is different." I fully expect the next contest to be full of pictures made in MS paint because apparently that's what everyone wants to vote for.
  21. [quote name='Grumpdogg' timestamp='1282528197' post='2427130'] I would like to see an Echelon v TSO grand final, but I don't think that's possible from the draw [/quote] Echelon will lose in one of the next few rounds, they just can't match up for WAE against some of the heavy hitters like UPN and Invictorectum. TSO, on the other hand, is definitely still pushing through. I have them getting to the Final Four iirc.
  22. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282447916' post='2426273'] Thanks Correct, here's another I've been tussling with. [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/sb669l.png[/IMG] I personally think I over topaz'd the Freddy and Wolverine sigs. The Topaz on the wolverine was basically to make him more veiny and show off the effects. I really don't care what RV and D34th have been on about. What the "real" artists already know is that CN is not a graphically orientated forum or community for that matter. For these reasons, most of us (me at least) don't really care about winning. We just like entering weekly and tossing in some nice submissions. [/quote] Well to be honest, up until I won the robots one, I was dying to win a SOTW. After that, I stopped caring. Perhaps it's just the drive to win at least once that sets a lot of people off when lulz signatures win.
  23. [quote name='der Rote Baron' timestamp='1282364997' post='2425418'] It's the Nightmare on Elmstreet movie poster with some filters and flames added At least he didn't put that gross bubble font with the gradient over the top of it this time. [/quote] I hate to argue this point because I too despise the text he usually puts on his sigs, as well as the overworked effects (in my opinion) that adorn his images. His entry this week, however, is a fantastic example, in my opinion, of beautifully done smudging. The fire effects are top notch smudging (by the looks of it) that I struggle to achieve. I've never seen any of your work take advantage of smudging, so I have no idea if you know what it is or are familiar with it, but truly getting it right is difficult to do. Davian's got it fairly right this time.
  24. Davian's is hands down the best entry this time. I don't usually vote for Davian, but I want to see this entry win.
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