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Everything posted by GuMMyWoRm

  1. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1296740907' post='2617693'] Another person complaining about peace mode. If I had a dime for every time... [/quote] That wasnt complaining. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Its like complaining about the president when you didnt vote. To call anyone out when you havnt lost a single soldier this war is being a hypocrite. If anyone wants to stay in peace during the whole war or forever for that matter fine. But its pretty silly to call AA's out that have surrendered as being cowards or stupid when said people havnt shed a single precious pixel. Just saying.
  2. [quote name='Thom98' timestamp='1296709149' post='2617086'] Why would they do that when they have mindless sheep (no offense Pansy) to do their dirty work? It is not MHA who was the group that thought it would be great if they turned Planet Bob into a rogue state. [color="#FF0000"][b][size="5"]There has to come a time when some people are going to stand up for what's right. I hope that this is that time. It seems more than a few will admit they don't like how this started but yet some of them are still sitting on the sidelines. I too have been quiet for the most part in the past, but enough is enough.[/size][/b][/color] [/quote] Another peace mode warrior ranting about people not fighting. If i had a dime for every time.....
  3. [quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1296686820' post='2616639'] Indeed. But your opinion reflects the actions of your alliance. And no, that wasn't their only bad action, but let's not pretend that it was your alliance only bad action. [/quote] I was in MCXA before MK. We werent allowed to speak our own mind. So i do understand your philosophy that you have been spoon fed. Mostly everyone hated NPO when i was in MCXA and government told us to shut our mouth so we didnt make our big bully ally NPO mad that was keeping us safe. But eventually enough of us started to cause a ruckus with being under their thumb and having no thought process of our own. Hence the TSO split. Most of government bolted to start a new alliance. So in a way i feel bad for ya. Although i do and have always respected Gopher. I joined MK for exactly that reason. We are individuals, and government doesnt tell us what to and not to say. Im allowed to express my own personal opinion. Your not. Its a shame really. You dont know what your missing. edit: Im a math guy not a spelling guy
  4. [quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1296686218' post='2616627'] That's what NPO said a few years ago and that is what they have paid for in Karma. [i]Same tase, different name.[/i] [/quote] Thats just my opinion. And thats not the only thing NPO paid for in Karma. They arent a one trick pony.
  5. Im sure it will be pretty fun in eternal peace mode, NPO, Legion, TPF and companys upper tiers. It will be fun for us knowing were the ones that stuck you there. Maybe just maybe you guys will have left peace before your mars/moon wonders expire. Nah, eternal is just how its sounds.
  6. [quote name='assarax' timestamp='1295932840' post='2598677'] o/ NPO MK and their cronies will rue this day. [/quote] Uh oh, The Hippies speak? Go back to your van and hide.
  7. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295975282' post='2600383'] The long and short of what I am saying is, [b]shut up and fight[/b]. [/quote]
  8. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295931750' post='2598504'] I believe we just declared on a MDoAP parter of yours. Ball's in your court. [/quote] This. Please NSO. This.
  9. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1295558133' post='2587133'] In any case, winning/losing a war shouldn't determine whether you enter it. But not all alliances subscribe to that theory I guess. [/quote] Sadly this is true. Alot of spineless alliances only make treaties to enact them when they know they will win the war. When there's a chance of defeat, they simply ignore them. This game has gotten borderline retarded with people refusing to honor treaties due to being too afraid to lose precious pixels. The new cooler CN believes infra > friends and treaties. Sad really (certain purple and red alliances come to mind)
  10. [quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1293071523' post='2550879'] Europa, good show. Also ignore all the fools who are shouting off at the mouth, they are unhappy with the fact they do not get to beat down on ex Q alliances some more, I know, I know, Sparta, FOK, TOP, MHA and IRON are all apart of the Ex Q alliances but Sparta has been known to switch sides more time then people flip a pancake. MK member stating its fair decision by PC and iFOK to turn there back on a MDoAP This MK member now claims people have to follow their treaties ? WOW MK MEOW MEOW, at least get your members on the same thought patten or is just due to the fact PB would slap you about ? [/quote] See that oAP part of the PC/iFOK treaty vs the MD part of the europa treaty? If your not sure what those mean check your wiki. yea you remind me of a certain antoine dodson quote. Also your MCXA? Yea that bout sums it up. I forgot they do take in about anyone nowadays.
  11. Can someone please tell me why treaties are even signed in the first place? Seems when they are supposed to be honored the parties involved ignore them, but during peacetime they make sure to plaster the owf with how their such good friends and would die for each other. God forbid someone lose a few pixels.
  12. [quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1292620733' post='2542015'] all it did was reaffirm that you are cowards and bullies. nothing more, nothing less. [/quote] Why so "Butthurt" Urban Dictionary: butthurt Getting your feelings hurt, being offended or getting all bent out of shape because of something petty or stupid. example: President Hardin got all butthurt when MK destroyed his precious pixels.
  13. [quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1289205844' post='2505924'] lol if i was a ghost i find it hard to believe that they would have offered me pity protection. you jumped the gun, made a fun and great decision, and now you have my land and money on your face. but either way your reputation is still better than any of the crapp alliances ive been in so no harm no foul. [/quote] Thanks for understanding brah
  14. [quote name='the keeper' timestamp='1289099088' post='2504610'] Really??? you sir are a complete ass...Hardin's battle records only speak to his talents. I would love to see you make it to his NS without sheding a drop of blood..and i take personal offence to you saying every alliance he has been in is terrible...WF could school your !@#$%* ass any day....i am lame [/quote] If WF members feel that's impressive (40K NS - 517 day old nation) without fighting any wars, Im afraid to know what they find pathetic. [IMG]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p37/gummyworm34/Facepalm.gif[/IMG]
  15. [quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1289085784' post='2504375'] i don't know you so quit talking to me. btw its people like you that make good people like me not want to play this game. you make me sick personally and i would assume probably 3/4 of your posts are just trolling. [/quote] All those government positions and you dont know Lebubu? Must not have been a very intelligent leader. pssshhh By the way Im sure your battle hardened troops will be an excellent commodity to any alliance you choose. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 0 Attacking + 0 Defending = 0 Casualties
  16. Yay us. I love that so many people probably hate this
  17. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1284171455' post='2449375'] Dream on, Legion. GGA is still the worst alliance ever. [/quote] This tournament was held because GGA disbanded. Everyone knows GGA is the WAE. But this was held to see who GGA was passing the torch to. And every Legion post in this thread cements the fact that the correct alliance won. Just like GGA was for a while, Legion has no idea everyone is laughing at them, not with them. edit: spelling
  18. I agree there are waaaay too many small alliances. But IRON and Legion staying? Id have been much more interested in this "list" if you'd have been honest about that. Because you know as well as everyone here those 2 NEED to go. '
  19. Wow. Just Wow. Im not a huge fan of TOOL but i will say that if they were smart they would kick you to the curb for raiders to peck at your tech like vultures. I highly doubt any honorable alliance would take you in after this stunt you've just pulled. Maybe GGA if your lucky.
  20. Nice post Seerow. Dr. Seerow will be available after class till 5pm tomorrow if any TOP or IRON students wish to understand logistics better.
  21. Wow tough guy. TORN bullying around the 2 man alliance. Its kinda like driving to an elementary school, picking the smallest kid there and saying "Hey you, you wanna piece of me?" No wonder everyone thinks you guys are so awesome. (uh yea sarcasm) On topic, awesome DOW Aloha edit: Thought you was in IRON. Saw your in TORN. Even funnier.
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