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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. "Looking great so far - the third clause is a clever one as well. What do you say about adding a fourth clause promoting freedom of mobility?"
  2. Meh, no need to add the infra multiplier - 'tis better without it. Anyways, 1 Vinilandese Lira = $1.
  3. OOC: Cao Cao ain't got !@#$ on: IC: "Yellow Turbans, uh? Let's hope their tactics and arsenal are from that era as well."
  4. "Ah, the concept of opportunity cost... I am very glad that the Empire is fully conscious of it. Indeed, free trade invariably brings benefits to all parties involved whether if they realize it or not. Of course we would be interested in striking down any trade barrier there is with your nation and ensure our trade is as unrestricted as possible. We would love for the potential treaty to have a non-aggression pact on top of it, but unfortunately, we must decline the offer for a mutual defense pact. Our current policy of non-belligerence includes signing no military-binding treaty."
  5. This. And you bet a lot of people would suddenly pop up with bazillions of oil barrels, gold bars, platinum... I d'nno, pick your poison. Also there'd be a lot of "no, MY currency should be stronger!", etc.
  6. Considering that the "Nordic Gold" is an absolutely ambiguous quantity and as realistic as the El Dorado... >_> Either way, it wouldn't necessarily be the strongest currency, even if backed with plenty of gold. Sure, the fact that the gold is there provides easy liquidity for currencies - but you have to consider that Prussia is in an area that has historically and recently (in CNRP) faced a plethora of political instability and warfare, as well as the nation itself being new when compared to most. It is not only how easy to convert into something solid that counts - the country's own stability and credibility counts, and more importantly, the backing of its own economy. Anyways, not sure why I'm arguing this since I strongly oppose a currency market in CNRP.
  7. A currency's value does not necessarily correlate with the nation's GDP - most of the times it doesn't.
  8. Then we're just adding a level of complication to CNRP and not allowing any flexibility to the currency market (and allowing such would probably be a disaster anyways).
  9. OOC: I hate to be a pest, but... Sumer, the Manchurian oil fields have been extensively explored and are likely to not last long, while Xinjiang's are currently somewhat untapped - sure, they are harder to extract but it oughtn't to be a problem for Cochin, who benefits from higher technology of the other member-states of the Dragon Empire and is probably capable of commercially exploring those oilfields. Also, saved stats are not indicators of "extreme recession" - only stagnation. Not all D.E. members are on saved stats, even, and Maelstrom is consistently RP'ing economic actions developments. Lastly, 50 Billion in foreign aid plus providing that much oil on a daily basis (about a 1/4 of South Korea's daily consumption as a reference) is retarded - but hey, I guess it would have no effects in your nation, so of course Cochin can't match it.
  10. Absolutely no currency exchange markets, for the love of god. Its developments, change in prices, supply and demand are quite complicate in fact and are consistently affecting a country's economy in a daily basis. Considering that almost every RP'er here skip the economic aspect of a nation, I believe we can't suddenly emerge in such a complex and specific area.
  11. OOC: Just so to add to what others have said, that's not really how cities are built. Mostly cities are gradually built over the decades as a result of supply and demand for housing, industries and commerce - not by spontaneously building a metropolis, five million people will simply not move overnight to a city (if you expect it to not be a huge slum,that's it) - just as a reference, to build Brasilia (the capital of Brazil; to build all government buildings plus infrastructure and housing to accommodate ~100,000), it took a billion 1960 dollars (which are several 2009 billions). There is a reason why major cities are not made overnight, but rather over dozens (or even hundreds) of years. Just sayin'. Nothing wrong with building large cities all of a sudden, if you want to do it, then you should be much more thorough with your plans rather than just "so the city will have this and that and now it's 5% done" "lol, today is 10% done".
  12. OOC: When I read "Paradise Lost", I expected the OP to be full of stanzas written in blank verse, biblical allusions and an epic format.
  13. The second part wasn't directed at you, hence the "either way".
  14. OOC: Well, it tends to depend where they are located. They will naturally cause environmental damage because they alter and/or stop the flow of a river and reduces the circulation of water, as well as potentially causing flooding - that's why they have to be very well placed. They hardly produce any pollutant gases, though. Anyways, I also got an alternative fuel industry at full steam, SKW. If you want to RP that later...
  15. It's not necessarily OOC, it's IG. Either way, since this is CNRP and we RP by our in-game stats, we must do our best to reflect IG progress in RP - if people expect to be more powerful by buying infra and tech plus expanding their army, navy, nuclear arsenal or whatever, then they should also expect to be weaker when they lose infra and tech as well as decommissioning their nukes and ships. If you want to RP good times, then you ought to be ready to RP bad times as well. Not everything's all flowers and sunshine. Simple as that.
  16. Have fun. BC is a beautiful province and all-around great to visit... just don't expect a very active nightlife.
  17. "Nuclear reactors tend to be very cost effective when a country is in need of very large amounts of energy. Sure, they have a high fixed cost, but it's a guaranteed and plentiful source of energy for many decades to come, independent of weather conditions. Still, we will look on smaller and cheaper designs for Marscurian Pakistan and get back to you as soon as possible."
  18. OOC: Since Nuclear Power Plants are somewhat "old" and there are quite a few across the globe, you don't need the IG wonder - that's for the Fusion Power Plant. IC: "That's good. Either way, you might be aware that Viniland is a world leader in energy, particularly hydroelectric, nuclear and fusion power. We have quite a few plants to model after and a lot of willing corporations to do the work. Given your nation's size, we are thinking of employing the CANDU model - what you say?"
  19. OOC:Sorry, today was a busy day. IC: "I apologize, Chairman, for Calgari's frigid weather. It takes a while for the summer to settle in, and it tends to do so too late, either way. Oh well, at least it's warmer at the capital...", chuckled Bianchi "Either way... us, the Vinilandese, are always in when there's an economic opportunity - particularly if it is mutually beneficial - we like it when everyone's happy, you know? It doesn't mean we let our profits margins drop because of that. Do talk about more of the "boon" you speak of - but in principle, if the soil is fertile - or there is a chance for it to become such - then we're in."
  20. "We wonder if Marscurian Pakistan would prefer to employ nuclear energy, rather than wind?"
  21. Reserved for information in regards to states and cities (will work on that in the weekend)
  22. go Lavo go You too, Hawk.
  23. No RP background before doing CNRP. Joined out of boredom after the UJW, somewhat, and a desire to develop my CN nation further than what was in game - you know, give it cities, a social framework, an economy, a history, etc. I like developing a society, hence I'm still around.
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