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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. OOC: It just kind of ruins the RP if everything is like "Hey I build this all COMPLETE!" and suddenly you have a mega city. It's no fun. Develop it.
  2. "This war stinks of hypocrisy and sheer desire for expansionism. Typical in Europe."
  3. English recognized as an official language in Viniland: Nadrink, Distretto Federal: Although the country has always had a large Anglophone community (numbering roughly a million) and most Vinilandese had a fair understanding of the language, the annexation of Eastern Alaska nearly doubled the English-speaking population and making those represent around 5% of the whole Vinilandese population. Naturally, the status of English in the country was brought to question as the long-standing Anglo minority demanded equal status in the federal level along with Portuguese and Italian. Because Alaska is almost exclusively English-speaking and of significant Anglophone minorities elewhere in Viniland (representing 10% OF Rio Grande do Leste, 8% of Alta Vancavite, 5% of Columbina and 3%of Nova Coimbra) , it made sense for most members of the Parlamento to recognize English in the federal level. Thus, the Parlamento voted in favor of a resolution for the recognition (of 87%) - now the government is required to be able to provide services in English in addition to the other two official languages as well as any Anglophone being able to be educated in their own language; the language can also be used in the Parlamento. In terms of state-specific languages, however, Alaska is the only place where English is an official language (along with Portuguese); Rio Grande do Leste and Alta Vancavite are both considering recognizing English, but no other state has plans to do so. Still, this was a major step for the country as a whole since a new language has gained nationwide recognition. Anglos from all over the country rejoiced in the streets of major cities upon hearing about the Parlamento's decision. Children symbolically parade with the English flag with a marching band on the background in the streets of Calgari
  4. Reserved for military; also updated some stats and information in the OP.
  5. Rede Vinilandêsa de Notícias - Rete Vinilandese di Notizia - Vinilandese News Network Brought to you by Rolando Media Group Useful Information Area: Current Vinilandese Claims: (To be updated) Information Database: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60996 Past News Thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=35400&hl= OOC: Figured I'd make a new one. The main purpose of this thread is to report events that either takes place in Viniland or is relevant to the country. Avoid derailment; IC reactions to a news is fine. Thanks!
  6. OOC: Christ you guys, 1000ft tall buildings are not built overnight. I'd say give it one or two IRL months before most of those are actually completed. IC: Several Vinilandese private contractors have taken interested in developing the island, and have dispatched dozens of thousands of laborers, supervisors and engineers in addition to construction materials and food 'n medical supplies, as people working need to eat and stay healthy. The intention is to build several residential and commercial blocks, as well as laying the basic structure for public services such as roads, schools, parks and hospitals, while the buildings themselves will focus on being efficient and environmentally friendly, making extensive usage of solar panels and vegetation at the rooftops and employing efficient systems of energy deliverance. The architectural style will be largely a mix of old-modern styles, colonial and post-modern. One of the residential blocks will be modeled after a similar one in Nadrink, Viniland's capital A green office building, literally A green condominium complex 'Ye old office skyscraper
  7. I also thought about bringing that up - not necessarily concerning the Nordic technology or whatever, but rather addressing the idea of high-end technology "living on" even after the nation possessing it has been long defunct. I feel it's important that such technology is conserved because it emphasizes that there is continuity within the CNRP universe - knowledge does not simply "die off", and it shouldn't. It also adds some flavor to the roleplay as a role. However, as Sage has pointed out, it can be seen as a "clever" way to bypass conventional technological limits guidelines and the whole "saved stats" thing and leaves plenty of room for godmoding. I'd say "They ain't got the stats so they ain't got it", but as I have just said I find it detrimental to RP as a whole to simply say that. So I say let them have it, but they must expect said arsenal to be majorly handicapped by some mean - maybe some information was missing and the weapon is incomplete? A blueprint was torn apart so maybe part of this object won't function properly? We don't quite have the industrial capacity to reproduce this tank en masse. I don't know, use common sense.
  8. OOC: Vince, I've lost count of how many times you've re-rolled. IC: We see no reason to despise the Varangian Empire, thus we recognize their existence.
  9. "Viniland approves of the move by the Imperium, and will send both government and private contractors in order to repair the islands and build the economic complex." OOC: I'll post 'em doing stuff tomorrow, if they are approved.
  10. "An army of propaganda goes along with an army of men; a nation does not let a people decide its fate by itself (OOC: Assuming Hungary is a protectorate, which I think it is... /OOC) and instead claims to be their protector; a causus belli which can barely hold itself together... Europe will always remain the same regardless of what blabbering its leaders spit, it seems."
  11. OOC: So, I guess you ditched Canada, Vektor? IC: We congratulate Dalmatia on its resurgence and hope it can get to its feet soon.
  12. A factbook is essentially a thread where the leader of a nation stores information in regards to his nation (e.g. population, land claims, demographics, government, politics, etc. etc.). It is not obligatory but it's very handy for other players if they ever want to know more about your nation - however, it is strongly recommended that you have one with the most basic information, particularly if you employ military objects and personnel with some frequency.
  13. "Viniland condemns the deportation of people due to their religion. Not only that, but the disappearance of other religions will very likely create new schisms between the existing ones. This move is highly detrimental to the deportees as well as Transvaal itself."
  14. "We find it eerie how Xaristan is being called an "imperialist" in this case, whereas the country has exerted a great deal of positive influence upon Louisiana and brought great benefits to its economy as well as going through the most peaceful, democratic and justified means of expansion, if it is proven to be compatible with the wishes of the Louisianian people." "The Imperium itself has plenty of places accessible only by boat and airplanes, as well as having been once divided into two landmasses. Not having land access does not necessarily mean that a locality cannot become an integral portion of a nation."
  15. "I see. Well, the process of incorporating a portion of a Vinilandese protectorate is as follow: the local population petitions for a voting to take place on the matter; a referendum in the area is held (where the population can vote whether if they want to be absorbed into an existing country or not) and annexation occurs with a 60%+ "yes" majority once results are verified by ourselves. It's quite simple, really, seeing as how Xaristan is having a positive impact in the lives of the Louisiana. And I'm sorry that you have to put up with Ardoria's policies."
  16. "Ah, Louisiana. I've actually been following the area closely lately as there has been quite some activity from the population lately - according to the information I've got, thanks to the activity of Xaristan Oil (in particular) around the Gulf the economy there has improved a lot. I'm reckoning you're seeking the annexation of Louisiana for Xaristan?"
  17. "Viniland normally allow private military or security companies to operate in its soil, but "Soldiers of Fortune" is not welcomed in the country since it explicitly engages in criminal activities (or at least wishes to) and thus has been outlawed. Any "Soldier of Fortune" operative found in Vinilandese soil will be arrested and trialed for belonging to a criminal organization."
  18. Celso Amorim, Minister of External Affairs was idly sitting on his desk. The Anchorage Talks had recently ended and those turned out to be quite successful, at least in the eyes of the world. Other than that, there were no significant business going around the Ministry - his subordinates were handling everything else. That's when the phone rang, abruptly ending whatever thought Amorim was having. The man picked up the phone. "Olá. Celso Amorim, Vinilandese Minister of External Affairs speaking. How can I help you?"
  19. The Italian re-unification has been met with mixed responses from the Italophone community of Viniland (roughly a third of the country's population) - some are glad to see Italy finally unified under a state willing to protect its people, while others still denounce the Fascist government, claiming that state control is hampering the growth of the Italian economy and worsening the Italians' standard of living.
  20. Viniland is exactly as depicted on the following map (yellow blob on the West Coast + square on the middle of Brazil + part of Northeastern Brazil + Midway Island) http://img29.imageshack.us/i/cnrpmap56.png/
  21. Hey, at least my and Tahoe's borders are right at last.
  22. So, are any of you guys on official leagues? Ultimate League's season just came to an end, and I somehow managed to take a team in last place with 5 points and -21 net goals with four games left to sixth place with 14 points and -18 goals, narrowly avoiding relegation. What about 'yer guys?
  23. At the Prime Minister's residence... "Puta que pariu, those talks are taking tenfold longer as I expected.", ranted Minister of External Affairs Celso Amorim "It's just a bunch of islands." "I'm not too surprised, actually... the Tahoan cabinet has always been very stubborn and unflinching when it came down to talks.", said Prime Minsiter Pasquale Bianchi, "If they want something or feel they're on the right, then they'll support their original views until their lungs run out of oxygen." "Even if it is a bunch of islands with little economic or societal importance?" "Yes. Also, you bet their people wouldn't be amused if they just came out of the talks like "Oh, sorry for stepping in your backyard, Mr. Generalissimo!". They've got an image to maintain and all of that." "You've got a point." "We ran out of Caipirinha, go get some more, Celso!", demanded a senior diplomat nearby the two men. "Whatever."
  24. Take your population and divide by area...?
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