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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. Considering that Germany is packed with fertile land while most of Australia is quite arid or desert, Australia would probably not be able to reach said density.
  2. "The word "terrorist" is used so liberally nowadays it might as well mean "People who a certain government dislikes 'cuz". Of course we're against a "War on Terror"".
  3. OOC: The conference's closed to Pravus, Mudd and Generalissimo - you can't talk to them directly. Just sayin'
  4. Damn, even that old, I didn't think that a 8 skill player would go for that cheap. Unfortunately, all I can do with my current budget is do a half-$@! outbid of 1,615,000 econs, lol.
  5. Antarctica's weather is actually significantly harsher than almost all of Siberia, as well as it having much more unfavorable terrain (Siberia is largely taigas and tundras; Antarctica is almost exclusively an arctic desert). Equipment that functions in Siberia might not have the same success there.
  6. "American unity is good thus we wholeheartedly endorse of this treaty and congratulate its signatories."
  7. I'd reckon it would reduce the risk of your players getting injured themselves since they'd be tackling/pushing less, but your opponent will probably inflict just as many injuries.
  8. I'd say the IRL population of your territory is 250-300 million, but assume growth.
  9. Anchorage, Eastern Alaska, Viniland It was quite busy inside the Westmark Anchorage Hotel. Inside its conference room, arrangements were being made to host the foreign leaders and diplomats that would attempt to come to a resolution over issues in the Bering Sea. The room's furniture was dusted off, flags of each participating country were placed along the walls, microphones were connected and turned on and meals were prepared. Members of the Polizefederal were sent to the airport to escort the arriving leaders while a few dozens troops belonging to the Vinilandese Army positioned themselves outside and inside the hotel in order to guarantee security. All of the other usual chores were performed in advance of the arrival of the guests, who would arrive shortly after - the representatives of Procinctia, Tahoe and Xaristan (the latter being a mediator for the former two) OOC: The talks themselves will be closed to Emperor Mudd, Generalissimo and Pravus Ingruo, although IC reactions by others can be posted since it's going to be broadcast internationally. The concerned parties can RP already being ready to talk - wait for everyone else, though,
  10. "Seems like we have a mediator and both parties consenting to negotiate. Arrangements will be made in order to accommodate the talks." OOC: I'll make a separate thread in a few. EDIT: OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65513
  11. "The hypothetical negotiation in Anchorage could be televised, no problems. Although we'd prefer that only Tahoe and Procintian participated, a wholly neutral party (ergo, not ourselves or the World Congress due to obvious conflict of alignments) would be acceptable to mediate the talks - Viniland would merely provide the grounds and security, which happen to be near the zone of tension."
  12. "Quite honestly, as we review the situation, this seems to be a storm in a teacup. We're not even sure anymore what the main issue is here, so we invite both Tahoe and Procinctia to settle the dispute in Anchorage. Viniland has recalled its troops from the Alaskan coast, but will maintain a force of 2,000 men and women belonging to the East Alaskan militia along the area."
  13. I just checked the league's page, are they just taking in people who went to an American university or is that pure roleplay?
  14. I also have a spare private league spot (although I;m not VIP), and I think it'd be fun to join one more tournament. Would the NCAA mind average managers?
  15. "We'd rather be prepared if the conflict happens to escalate because of foreign greed vested on the American continent. They are probably not going to see combat, though - hence they were not deployed nearby Procintia."
  16. Viniland supports its Tahoan ally, who can use bases in Vinilandese Alaska for logistical and supply purposes. 20,000 troops have been deployed to Anchorage and coastal Eastern Alaska as a preventive measure.
  17. I RP around 35 million citizens (which is what the areas I control in RL roughly have). Don't think we need a formula for this, common sense is all that we need. And the citizens x 100 formula thingy should probably be only used for GDP calculations.
  18. Meh, the multiplier is pretty nonsensical. Higher infrastructure already implies more GDP and higher development.
  19. IIRC, there's a website out there that can draw areas with an input radius (like the IG map), so in case hotspots become a reality (I'm personally against them, though), we can just use that tool in order to clarify claims.
  20. "We politely ask Golgotha to wholly withdraw itself from the American continent, unless the country does not mind having its port smothered by bombs and rail guns."
  21. All of them look nice, although I'll agree that Gems look pretty bad - it's more like a bunch of pills.
  22. (Reposting this since Mudd's post was forgotten, apparently ) /r/ the following changes in Alaska: !@#$ map, but not everyone has the talent of manipulating maps.
  23. Y'know, people who leave their alliance when the going gets rough tend to not be seen in the best light. I mean, you join when the alliance when it's perceived as hot !@#$ then jump ship as soon as you see that you need to sacrifice some pixels to try to keep it alive? Either way, not everyone who asked for aid got it - and that's obviously because we were massively outnumbered. Boohoo, thought it would be easy? I did my best to pass on aid, but I only had five aid slots. Also, pretty funny how you call most people in there "backstabbing wastes" when you deserted, heh. Yeah, in the end \m/ disbanded anyways, but I'd say it's partially because a lot of members just went like "ono i cant raid anymore and will lose tech bb u guise" or "crap we're no longer invincible i'll save my infra". Gave fewer reasons for those remaining to try to ride out surrender terms. EDIT: Just so to address the thread, I was a \m/ commander back then. Considering that the main UJP alliances either disbanded, surrendered or were reduced to rubble, I'm not sure why anyone would say that ~ didn't win the conflict.
  24. "While Viniland condemns the actions of the Italian Republic against its own citizens, we also condemn the blockade being carried out by Greater Croatia and Euzkadi, which not only is highly politically and ideologically charged, they also seem to not realize that interrupting trade will only cause more plight to the Italian population as a whole, while strengthening the resolve of the current government as citizens will be compelled to turn to it as goods become scarce. If the blockade persists, Vinilandese corporations will file suits against the blockading nations due to the forced cessation of trade and loss of profit."
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