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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. "Bohovia has indeed fallen into disarray, and we approve Great Lakes State's actions."
  2. "So... Lübeck hands a territory that was formerly its own to Serbia and now they are assaulting their own territory? We are unsure how that works." "It is ludicrous that the Commonwealth is claiming the territory as its own - it has absolutely no justification for doing so, contrasting with the Serbians that do have a legitimate reasoning. Now that they realized the Serbians would not fold they are using the classic yet barbaric "might makes right" concept since they don't have any other ground to stand on - as you can see, diplomacy was not attempted at all. Since apparently most, if not all, European and nearby powers approve of this idea they're doing it. How backwards and uncivilized has the continent gotten."
  3. Well, he was fine by the last time he posted, but now I'm reckoning he lost interest - he recently re-rolled his nation, too.
  4. OOC: They can be ethnically Swiss, not necessarily citizens of Switzerland. Just sayin'
  5. Ottawa1234 Apparently, he re-rolled his nation. I don't know why, but I guess that means an auto-purge... he's been inactive for god knows how long in the RP forums, either way. More stuff for the Viniland/Tahoe protectorate, then.
  6. Archbishop Orani João Tempesta, de facto spiritual leader of Vinilandese Catholics "Because of the pseudo-Catholic Church's militarization, I hereby rescind any earlier comment regarding potential recognition of the self-proclaimed "Pope" of the said church and highly encourage all faithfuls of my country to do the same. It has been made clear that those people are more interested in exerting political and military influence through force rather than being the bastion of faith of Catholics across the globe. Even if they were genuine "peace keepers", those are still being used by the "church" to influence in a way it should never, ever dream of. This is not how any Christian - or anyone, religious or not - should be doing."
  7. "Energia Consolidada, a leading energy company based in Recife, Viniland is highly interested in investing 50 million Hanseatic marks into the RRREC for the purpose of attempting to renew wasted energy aboard and fund researches in the field. We await a response from the corporation."
  8. OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=65890&hl= IC: "We wish the new (geographically) Japanese nation luck.
  9. I've stuck to a non-belligerent and isolationist ruling party for much longer than I expected... I might end up stirring things up.
  10. "Viniland has wide experience with setting up, conducting and checking elections within its protectorate, doing so successfully even when there were ideological or ethnic tensions. It'd be of no hassle to do the same in Hungary as we have no alliances in the continent - unless European nations prefer an European party to do so (although most seem to be aligned with a side or has unclear or dubious intentions)".
  11. Not sure if he requested a lock on his nation, but I haven't seen Otto (Highbuzz) in a long while. Unsure of what became of him. :C
  12. I'm one of the largest nations in infra and the one with the most tech, been around in Rp'ing for nearly two years (CNRP since the first scramble), been protecting America for god knows how long and hardly anyone remembers me? I need to step out of my backyard. EDIT: Either way, my "Top Ten Existing Nations" would be (in no particular order): -Tahoe -Holy Imperium -Transvaal -Dragon Empire -Hanseatic Commonwealth -Rebel Army -UMS -Viniland -Prussia -Promised Land
  13. "Viniland has duly noted the barbarity of many nations across the globe."
  14. First Nations Natives and Métis protest in Regina Regina, Rio Grande do Leste: Most Vinilandese expected that the Aboriginal people would most certainly take it to the streets as English was recognized as an official language, and indeed, a day later after the Parlamento gave the language official status, thousands of Métis and First Nations people crowded streets in downtown Regina, demanding further official recognition of French Métis and Cree from the state government, with the latter going as far as demanding acknowledging their language as one of Rio Grande do Leste's - Ethnic Crees account for roughly 12% of the state's population, while Métis take up 5%. A large crowd started gathering in front of the state's legislative assembly building at 2:00 PM, and it kept increasing until 4. At that point, the local police was hard-pressed to clear the protesters as rush hour neared. At 4:30 PM, a Polizechoque sergeant ordered that the crowd leave some room for cars to pass by - it responded by forcing an entry into the legislative assembly and occupying that building just as a session involving the state's MLA's neared the end. The crowd did not allow any politician until they responded to its concerns. At around 5:00 PM, before the Polizechoque used force to clear the building, Governor Machado Álvez declared that the status of Native language would be reviewed tomorrow by the Assembly - this resulted in the protesters leaving the building and going home peacefully. No arrests were made on the day. Natives in traditional clothing and horseback in the streets of Regina As for the odds of Cree actually becoming a state language, they seem slim according to MLA Jéferson Tutti (PL - Prince Albert): "Most First Nations (people) have little or no understanding of the (Cree) language nowadays... it seems counter-productive to give it an official status when only one or two percent o the state's population speak it, although we hope to further stimulate its teaching in our school and eventually see it have equal status alongside with Portuguese and Italian in our state 's level." The Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Leste will meet tomorrow in order to discuss the current status of Métis French and Cree in the state.
  15. Neither, he was inactive for 21 days.
  16. Since it's land directly controlled by Franz, you have to RP that...
  17. "If the ultimate desire of the French in France is re-unification, then they ought to talk it out rather than declare another state illegal. It is separate from the rest of the country for a reason."
  18. Euskadi controls some of France as well, so you have more than Conti to worry about.
  19. "Viniland finds it absurd that Conti, a sovereign and legitimate nation, has suddenly been deemed non-existent and invaded by its neighbors. While we do not directly intervene in European affairs, we will provide humanitarian aid to the region as well as allow private military contractors to be hired." Encrypted message to Conti: We strongly encourage that you make use of our army for the sake of the integrity of your own country. We are one of the most technologically advanced corporations in the whole globe and have a large army to our disposal. If other European nations turn a blind eye to your situation, you can throw some money to solve the issue. -Adriano Johanes, CEO of Água Negra, Vinilandese Private Military Contractor
  20. What? The inactivity issue was brought up soon after Admin implemented the new limit (25 days) on July the 28th; by the beginning of August it was a consensus that 25 days was the limit for inactivity in CNRP. Council of Ten never stayed inactive for more than that time, thus his nation still exists per the guidelines. There shouldn't be any issues about that.
  21. Not really. A pan-American treaty has been tried a few times but never held up due to a lack of interest. although most American nations tend to be committed to work together, at least against foreign threats.
  22. I'm not sure who the RP'er is and I don't think I've ever seen around, so I think it'd validate claims over the rest of Chimairan Republic. I'll still do a search, either way. EDIT: Nv,, Chimairan is Elritch, was mixing names. The rest of France was owned by Frost (IIRC) who has been banned some time ago, so yeah, France is up for graps.
  23. Found it on page 6. Aaaanyways, as an observing party... CoT last made a post on the 25th of July, then made a new one on August the 15th (found on page 6 of this thread) - that's 21 days of inactivity, but the current guideline is that it only counts as "inactive" on the 25th day (since Admin allowed nations to exist up to 25 days without collecting). Therefore, Conti still exists in CNRP and thus the military movements into the country counts as an IC invasion - lawful or not, it's up to the RP'ers. EDIT: Council of Ten as inactive due to holidays, so I personally think it's a @#! move to move into there while he's not around. It's up to you guys to settle the dispute IC, though.
  24. Since Vektor is now Dalmatia, I'd reckon Canada can be reverted back to a Viniland/Tahoe protectorate.
  25. Are we using IRL or IG stats to determine area? I'm guessing it's the former. Nation Name: Kingdom of Viniland Area (Square Miles): 1,706,778 miles square (2,746,794 km square) (An estimate, since some of my territories are somewhat fragmented) Population: 39,104,000 Population Density: 24 per square mile; 14 per square km
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