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V The King

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Everything posted by V The King

  1. OOC: Not to be an $@!, but I think that falls in the Game-Related RP forum.
  2. OOC: wtf just happened since I last posted, this is like Gundam sudden deus ex machina everydayyyyyy IC: "Since the current Texan government has chosen to not recognize that recent developments within their nation required a re-evaluation of the opinion (and will) of the people and instead are bent on being just as undemocratic and aristocratic as the Imperial Family, we hereby call off any statement of support for the Commonwealth and leave it at the mercy of the Confederacy." "In regards to the current Dragon Empire - Tahoe tensions, we urge that both parties calm down and resolve the matter diplomatically - although it would've been of no trouble if instead of attempting to defy Tahoan airspace (which includes their protectorate, of course) they instead went around and requested permission from someone else (such as the Imperium) - that'd have saved the trouble. We will also emphasize that while we have legal ties to both countries, it is common knowledge that our ties with Tahoe are stronger." Classified: All thirty ships stationed in Texan waters have been ordered to return to the port of Recife, while all 150,000 troops and 1,500 tanks have been ordered to return home via protectorate land. Given the new developments, the mobilized troops will remain in such condition and the Defcon level remain the same.
  3. In Texan waters: The Vinilandese Navy is currently facing the Imperial Union's. No orders to fire were given, although all crew were ready to engage in combat if the enemy was to cross the boundary. From the Foreign Ministry: "Since the Confederacy has not retreated, Vinilandese troops will enter Texas to defend its sovereignty." Classified to Texas: "Requesting permission to move 150,000 troops and 1,500 tanks into your country. May our Air Force use Texan bases as well?" OOC: A little hurried, but I got no time now.
  4. "To be more specific, if any TIU vessel enters Texan waters(compromising a large portion of the Gulf) they shall be fired upon. The Imperial Union has declared war on Texas after we guaranteed their sovereignty and stated that aggressive movements against said nation would result in retaliation. We are acting on our words." OOC: Sorry, was thinking on a HoI kind of way when I made the previous post. :v
  5. A message from the Foreign Minister "The Confederacy will either begin withdrawing within 24 hours or Viniland will be compelled to declare war against the country and directly aid Texas. Same goes to the Imperial Union - any of their ships attempting to enter the Gulf of Mexico will be fired upon. Our resolution remains the same - invading forces put their arms down and the status quo is restored, while Texas holds a new election to decide who their people support."
  6. OOC: Just looked at my Inbox, yeah it's there apparently along with a bunch of others I forgot to read. Just read it now, sorry for not replying. =C I take it as an OOC message, though. IC: "We're afraid we receive no such message."
  7. "This kind of attitude is one of the reasons why we can no longer place our trust in you. "We are the rightful rulers just because." A nation goes beyond a family, you know."
  8. An announcement from the Foreign Ministry: "Viniland hereby guarantees the territorial integrity of Texas. Any invading party has precisely forty-eight hours to withdraw itself or face retaliation. At the same time, we strongly recommend that the current Texan government hold a new election to put the matter of who is the rightful leader of the nation - only the people can decide that." Classified: All components of the Vinilandese Armed Forces have been mobilized, while the Defcon has dropped to 2. 600,000 men have been mobilized, while 150,000 troops and 1,500 tanks are currently moving towards the south of the joint Tahoe/Viniland protectorate. 30 ships belonging to the Vinilandese Navy have begun moving from the port of Recife towards the Gulf of Mexico.
  9. "Keep it as stable as possible, as in, wholly withdraw with formerly resigning and allow a state of lawlessness reign for a while? This is not what a competent government does." Classified to Texas: Unfortunately, Tahoe is our ally and we will not impede them from getting through. The best we can do is attempt to convince other nations to call off their invasion.
  10. "We commend JFK's decision to visit the tension-ridden Texas, albeit we also find it a bit foolhardy. "Watch your back.""
  11. "The Texans have chosen a new government - one that genuinely cared about them. The Imperial Family chose to fade into obscurity and allow their nation to descend into anarchy, only acting when they realized they had lost their power. We have no reasons to trust them over the current, elected government of Texas."
  12. Well, yeah. They have more potential for growth and will last longer. But eighteen years old with the same skill usually does the trick - for that less.
  13. "Yugoslavia hereby declares its neutrality in this conflict, albeit we urge both parties to come to a resolution. A lot of our nations and people have gone through enough in the last three years - the least we need is more suffering. The country is open for refugees of either side of the war." Classified to the Union: "Given that we share borders - and quite honestly, we dislike Poland as it currently is right now, we are willing to secretly sell ammunition, weapons and assorted military equipment in order to aid your cause. What do you say?" -Bozidar Blagojevic, CEO of Zastava Arms
  14. It's actually pretty easy to find a 18 years old, 4 skill bars player in the low 100,000's. They might even come with an useful skill.
  15. No offense, but transferring to an offsite will make it much harder for other people to keep up with their RP and make it less interesting for new comers. =/
  16. "This sounds confusing. Why did the Civil War begin in the first place?"
  17. "We thought it'd be convenient to provide fellows across the world a map of our location!" Brown: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Blue: The Union Mustard: Republic of Italy White (in the south): Greek Empire
  18. OOC: .................. You can't be serious.
  19. Radio-Televizija Jugoslavenska - Радио-телевизија Југословенска - Radio Television of Yugoslavia Government to create incentives for private military research Beogard: Today, the Savezna Skupština (Federal Assembly, or Parliament) approved a bill that would remove any remaining government control over military research conducted by private companies within the Federation, allowing them to independently do their R&D of military-grade equipment - so long as the Jugoslavenske Narodne Armije (JNA; Yugoslav National Army) was made aware of said developments. "Less government intervention means more competition, which in turns results in more diversity - thus, more innovation.", said a Savezna Skupština member. "Plus, less government intervention signifies that more taxpayer funds can be directed to better purposes - such as education and infrastructure." "We're sure that the bill will result in Jugoslavia becoming a hotbed for military research and innovation!", exclaimed an enthusiastic Slovene. "The JNA is technologically up to par with most of the world, but we can do better than that. I'm sure of that." Several regional assemblies are currently debating on whether to create tax-free zones - where military industries and laboratories could establish themselves - in order to stimulate research and production.
  20. "Slovenia, Croatia and Bulgaria have since merged into the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and for the time being, the FYR does not wish to maintain NATO membership as we must first ensure our internal integrity and stability."
  21. "The Federative Republic of Yugoslavia recognizes our northern neighbors, despite their rather unexpected admixture of cultures."
  22. "While we recognize the Duchy of Poland, we see no reason for our Slavic brothers to be attempting to subdue other ones without just cause." -Željko Komšić, President of the FYR.
  23. December 2009: Kosovo's economy suffers a complete collapse at last; Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro undergo severe recessions due to poor policies; Serbia, on the other hand, starts surfing on a boom thanks to direct foreign investment and sound fiscal and monetary policies from Boris Tadić's government. March 2010: Aforementioned countries continue struggling with their economies; on the meanwhile Serbia decides to take a more active role in Kosovo in order to bring back its economy; underlying reason of doing so is to "bring back" the region to Serbia (albeit it has never been fully recognized, it had been operating virtually independently from Serbia). June 2010: Pro "Slav Unity" (Yugoslav) factions re-emerge with force in all Slavic countries in the Balkans (except Bulgaria); many see unity as the answer to the crisis that has now been deemed a depression (particularly considering that Serbia's renewed economic strength) August 2010: Factions emerge in reaction to pro-Yugoslav sentiments in all southern Slavic countries (including Bulgaria) - nationalism vs pan-Slavism conflicts erupt; Serbia is still the only one economically prospering in the region. November 2010: Nationalists vs pro-Yugoslavia tensions reach a climax; open violence in all countries (with conflicts in Bosnia being particularly tense); on the meanwhile, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro sign an economic pact (Balkan Prosperity Pact) which provides various incentives for investments between each participating country and eliminates tariffs between participants - further Nationalist violence ignited but none of the governments withdraw from the BPP. January 2011: BPP countries notice great improvement in their economies - Nationalists tamed while pro-Yugoslavia gain great impetus. Bulgaria joins the BPP. Migration between BPP countries start becoming more frequent and emigration to elsewhere in Europe or North America plummets since economic opportunities exist nearby. April 2011: BPP economies continue booming; migrants being perceived as being helpful to each country's recovery/success regardless of religion and origin helps greatly reduce typical Balkanese ethnic tensions. May 2011: BPP agrees to eliminate border restrictions for citizens of participating countries; common passport issued; unrest in Kosovo finally begins subduing with improved socio-economic conditions and flux of migrants from elsewhere thanks to a Serbian-sponsored industrial project, talks about a new Yugoslavia becomes mainstream. July 2011: Serbia and Montenegro united to form the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Serbian is declared the official language. August 2011: Croatia and Slovenia join the FRY - Croatian and Slovene become official languages across the country. FYR decides to not maintain membership in the EU (due to Slovenia's participation) but considers re-applying later. September 2011: Macedonia joins the FRY - Macedonian become an official language as well. November 2011: Bosnia and Herzegovina joins the FRY - Bosniak recognized as a distinct dialect but not as a separate language; constitution is amended to reinforce freedom of religion and prohibits any discrimination based on such. December 2011: Bulgaria joins the FRY - Bulgarian made an official language; controversy ensued due to the status of the Macedonian language - Bulgarians generally consider it as a dialect of their own. January 2012: Constitution revised once again; each participating country is granted large degree of autonomy, each having their own president and having unicameral legislatures (parliaments), although the devolved power is ultimately delegated by the Yugoslav central government (consisted by a bicameral Parliament and a President of the Federation). Željko Komšić is elected as the President of the Federation, who is Pan-Slavic and supports peaceful cooperation with neighbors, albeit ensuring the country is protected against surprise threats. Today: The FYR has received widespread support from its populace, albeit there is significant inter-ethnic strife - mainly stemming from Bosniak-Croat-Serbian tension left over from the Bosnian War (which took place 20 years ago), tensions within Kosovo, with ethnic Albanians demanding recognition of their language across the Federation (currently recognition is only limited to Kosovo), many in the province of Vojvodina requesting higher autonomy within the FYR and some Bulgarian-Macedonian strife over language (whether if Macedonian really deserves to be officially recognized a separate language). Despite such troubles, most regions have experienced a climb in living standards since the BPP, with all countries faring somewhat better than they were during pre-depression days - Serbia has prospered in particular, experiencing 10%+ yearly growth of their GDP since 2008 - Kosovo has boomed as well, although it remains the poorest region of the FYR. Birth rates have recently reached replacement levels once again as having children is not as burdensome as before, curbing negative growth. Emigration has been steadily declining, while immigration from nearby countries (particularly Romania and Albania) is well existent, with most immigrants settling in major, prospering cities such as Zagreb, Belgrad, Sarajevo, Ljubliana and Sofia. In terms of foreign policies, under the leadership of Željko Komšić, efforts have been made towards European peace and cooperation - yet there are plans of expanding the FYR armed forces in order to boost its defense capabilities and geopolitical influence, as well as increasing budgeting towards research.
  24. It has to be a genuine Yugoslavia. Name it the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, btw.
  25. May I lay claim to the whole of former Yugoslavia plus Bulgaria?
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