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Everything posted by Incitatus

  1. [img]http://i.qkme.me/36c0ev.jpg[/img] Get dem $%&@ers
  2. That was a large hit on the 18th, hopefully we can get past 5 again.
  3. [quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1348003504' post='3031540'] There was a treaty? Had me fooled [/quote] LSF, you're better without.
  4. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1347907336' post='3031137'] There's too much talk of NoR and LSF in this thread. Needs more [s]cowbell[/s] "INT sucks." -Craig [/quote] It is pretty disappointing to see that INT didn't send out their armies and navies to help their ally. From an outside perspective, it doesn't reflect positively towards INT.
  5. Combine holding steady against NPL.
  6. [quote name='WarGod0001' timestamp='1347625788' post='3030032'] Look in the mirror You talk such a big game on the OWF yet in private you PM saying that you're quiting becasue of RL issues...yet you're still here!!! Bipolar much???? Tell your other personality to stop PMing, he's making you look foolish!!! [/quote] That's low, and you are doing Polar no favors by posting this way.
  7. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1347500537' post='3029504'] The only logical choice is us. [/quote] My thoughts exactly.
  8. As Spinks said, we are pretty excellent. We just added 5 members in the last 2 days. You too can join the craze! Presenting: The Combine. Now with 50% less calories!
  9. This gentleman probably sent a pretty snazzy PM ^
  10. You guys are, and have been, a fantastic alliance.
  11. We are once again opening our gates to new members.
  12. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1346949111' post='3028194'] There was that time you did that thing that I hate. You know the thing I mean. Probably. If you do, could you please remind me what it was? [/quote] This guy knows what's up^
  13. [quote name='Opethian' timestamp='1346311407' post='3026584'] The PPF still is a thing. [/quote] Thanks be to our creator.
  14. Recently, members touting the 'Dark Templar' AA have acted in a way that leaves much to be desired. With that, I am disappointed to see Anarchy Inc. to tie itself to such an alliance. Good day, gentlemen.
  15. [quote name='Canik' timestamp='1346078590' post='3025629'] Waka Pola. Get your DICK out of my meatshields. > [/quote] Dang bro
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