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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1322856258' post='2859535'] Yeah, I forgot you got one yourselves the other day. How's that working out? [/quote] It's working out really well actually.
  2. [quote name='Vandal' timestamp='1322801118' post='2858963'] You're right. We can't beat you alone. We did't have that many nations that small to hit you and all the large ones were in peace mode. Please. Keep typing. Your clown talk amuses me. I missed it so and I am so glad you've come back. The forums were so boring without your idiocy. It's the type of talk that had you go through your box of kleenex you called allies once. [/quote] Are you and your masters in TOP going to demand secret surrender terms that have me banished from NpO like last time? Am I that threatening to you?
  3. [img]http://s9.postimage.org/enmvv25l9/lolvandall.png[/img] Did I upset someone?
  4. [quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1322799398' post='2858927'] You think these people are playing around? We'll see how smug you are when you've been in peacemode for a year. No telling how long winter will last. But no, go on doing the things that made everyone hate you in the first place. It'll make it cost that much less PR for these people to put you six feet under. [/quote] I don't even remember any of your names, but you seem to remember me quite well. You're just another ridiculous clown who feels tough simply because Polaris is being ganged up on, because you could not possibly beat us alone.
  5. I sense I've hurt someone's feelings. Poor Vandal, so desperate for friends and attention.
  6. I think this thread is seriously lacking in planes and boats. If only a genius artist could come in and save the day.
  7. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1322293421' post='2852121'] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/9jk3nk.png[/img] [/quote] Best one so far.
  8. Should we maybe have the sanctioned alliance system modified? It doesn't make any sense at all that RnR has a sanction when they only have the 17th spot based on score. It made more sense back in the day to have a 200 member limit, but these days does score not seem to be more important as it encompasses all factors in an alliance (including member count)? Both Umbrella and WTF should be sanctioned.
  9. Congratulations to the Legion on their victory. You have proven Planet Bob that you are indeed much stronger than they give you credit for. o/
  10. What a joke. "we will demonstrate how to act with class until all parties have found peace." You are two of the worst examples of acting with class. All you do is set other alliances is up. What a bunch of hypocrites.
  11. That is a ridiculous amount of red. Aside from the 45 absorbed by IRON, are people quitting the game or just going elsewhere?
  12. What is the average NS of both sides? That would be more telling I think.
  13. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1319980852' post='2834988'] You're in a war because Tetris posted Legion screen shots on the OWF, screen shots supplied by a member of your government. The terms for peace - NSO surrender - are no injustice at all. I'm amazed you have the option to call in allies, why anyone would want to nail their colours that train wreck is beyond me. [/quote] Posts such as these make me wish we had a like button.
  14. Good news to see the Legion holding their own.
  15. [quote name='Raken' timestamp='1317320618' post='2811933'] That is probably on account because you are not in TOP. So of course you don't understand. [/quote] I feel enlightened.
  16. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1317319496' post='2811895'] The only appropriate solution for this for TOP to declare on Polar for being terrible allies and not helping regardless. [/quote] TOP has nothing preventing them from attacking us, I am not sure I understand why they hold back.
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