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Everything posted by Scorponok

  1. This is a terrible day, and even worse news. OMFG you have been one of the most upstanding and greatest friends TIO has ever had the pleasure of knowing. May your memories live long into the night and the fruits of your loins continue to blossom in far away lands. For once what was great, cannot be forgotten. Its been an honour. o7 OMFG o7 Auto o7 KJ o7 The Carebears P.s. just re-iterating TIO will be protecting the OMFG and OMFG Spirit Walk AAs until further notice.
  2. [quote]Longest gaining streak: The Imperial Order (16 days for 1.76 score)[/quote] Nice.
  3. Very nice treaty you two have here. Congrats.
  4. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1343681654' post='3017076'] Don't take it too literal. Scorponok is a tard [/quote] Thanks people tell me I am. That certainly is an interesting post good ZZZ, since this specific part of that convo can be taken out of context as it has been done now. The previous part of the convo "pt1" is a general question of WTF neutrality and why they still play this game, I was intrigued as I considered going neutral to see what it was like. Asa Phillips told me he doesn't see WTF as a neutral alliance and does monitor political happenings. He also mentions in a reply to me that they see Umbrella more as a threat to themselves and GPA and suggests the non neutrals (who lack the upper tiers Umbrella has) should not consider themselves a target by Umbrella. We then go on to extend pleasantries etc... To which comes this reply. If they saw Umbrella as a threat to their neutrality and have the means to do something pre emptively. Why they continue to do nothing. Nowhere do I mention TIO or myself planning to take Umbrella on. But you would be naive to believe alliances in CN do not see Umbrella or MK as a threat. Their stats alone are enough to give you the shivers. This conversation I believed was one to one and on at out of context level (e.g. A cn player to another cn player) therefore I had no motivations beyond that. I can see how this message alone can be taken in an interesting context but that neither was or is my intention. Due to this reason, I have to point out that it has never been my intention to destroy or hinder any alliances ability to thrive and develope in this world. I have a lot of admiration and respect for Umbrella. They have an incredible talent at nation building and their political involvement has proven to be of top class. I may not agree with some of their attitudes or motivations but I enjoy the conversations I have had with Umbrellans both during war time and in our embassy. The people in CN who know me, know me to be a very respectable and honest man. I have am not the best political mind and do not get involved in such things as I am much better suited to IA and nation building, I leave ALL the FA stuff to Stagger Lee and Rogal Dorn. Due to my lack of experience and expertise in politics. I am better behind the scenes where I can't make too much a fool out of myself. Regardless of my personal opinions, I felt it was necessary to explain that conversation so that it was not taken as a one sided affair. Scorp
  5. [quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1343608620' post='3016841'] we all know you earned one, but skippy and co will never let you out of your cage muahahaha now, back to work skorp!!! [/quote] It is true I am a slave to my Order.
  6. [quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1343511977' post='3016511'] Yup. Fashionably late. Lemme finish catching my breath after 4 rounds & I'll get back on the dance floor. Us old farts DO need a breather now & again... [/quote] Youve been an old fart for the last 5 years you can't possibly get any older . I'm sure you're enjoying the attention, you did used to like war back in the day. Hopefully GATO declaring will force this front to a close if not I wish my friends in GATO all the best. Casaulties are good.
  7. [quote name='nitroburn' timestamp='1343605825' post='3016835'] Congratulations to both alliances Scorp old friend, do you ever take a break [/quote] Apparently not my friend . Maybe one day I'll earn a break.
  8. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1343588426' post='3016763'] I'll take this treaty as TIO loved warring us so much that a bit of our culture rubbed off on them lol Congrats on the upgrade you two [/quote] You are right, we have a bit of PPO rubbed on us... called blood
  9. A good day indeed. Glad to see this treaty upgraded. o7 Argent o7 Imperia Also congrats on your first OWF announcement Rogal
  10. I am very happy to hear you reached the money you needed. CN you did a great thing today. Good luck and heres to you getting a job.
  11. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1342837843' post='3012814'] hail mia! [/quote] I can get behind this.
  12. [quote name='President S O' timestamp='1342832146' post='3012795'] Go away Sparta. That'd make sense, if we were allied to all of those. [/quote] We aren't? Damn... I am glad i am not leader right now. Also o7 GRL.
  13. [quote name='matasumouri' timestamp='1342800364' post='3012608'] I'm all the fun your guys will need though [/quote] Haven't you heard Matas is the POW taker?!
  14. [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1342722885' post='3012129'] 2000 PAGES!!!!!.....almost. TIO better get sanctioned. [/quote] We will get sanctioned once we all roll Polar again . Is that okay guys?
  15. [quote name='keeology' timestamp='1342658130' post='3011870'] hey im out and playing. [/quote] Not enough for them.
  16. [quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1342628078' post='3011631'] Echoing this. I was going to make a post about it once we hit 70% (we're at 64% now ) . You guys are quite frankly amazing. More than I ever expected. ♥ [/quote] I guess I'll be getting that free BJ after all <3.
  17. Gave him what i could spare. GL buddy.
  18. Congrats to our brothers in Pacifica and our friends in Oceania. A great treaty you have their guys.
  19. [quote name='Illustrious' timestamp='1342618309' post='3011590'] We've always been at war with peace mode. :[b][/b]P [/quote] Who hasn't. xD
  20. I don't usually congratulate players on achievements such as playing for this long yadda, yadda. But you seem like a good guy and I liked how clean and simple that OP was. So many congratulations, may we all find something else more important than CN in the next 6 years, eh?!
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