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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1309826753' post='2748894'] I believe that the situation is funny, not I. Learn to read and process correctly. Telling me to shut up, weird coming coming out of a member from a alliance advocating freedom of speech within this very thread. I among a lot of other people dislike certain alliances and/or people, yet you don't see the same amount of dedication that NSO is currently displaying. Also for the future, learn to rebuttal rather then a NO U comment. [/quote] I would like to think I had an actual argument, as compared to you who thinks NSO cares about its public appearance like its some self-conscious highschool girl. If you're expecting a rebuttal to something you said with literally no substance or support behind it, then you're like the retarded cousin that nobody likes. Quit being a spineless coward and say something actually worth responding to seriously. And no, telling someone to shut up does not infringe on freedom of speech, and is funny as Devos comparing leaking CN spy reports to murder.
  2. [quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1309824934' post='2748878'] This is just mean at this point. It is blatantly obvious that Legion has some serious issues that need to be addressed, but is it really worth it to drag it out like this? That being said, how Legion hasn't grown a pair and defended themselves is just ridiculous. The loss of face you are taking for this incident is just ridiculous. No matter what the damage you will take in a war, it has to be better then what is already happening to you. [/quote] I share your pity of Legion. A few gag orders on their members would work wonderfully for them in bringing this to a close.
  3. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1309823631' post='2748856'] U mad? Then avoid each other. [/quote] I would love a rebuttal to what I said rather than you taking a potshot at Anger with a "umad".
  4. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1309823217' post='2748846'] The world is full of liars, whose a liar and who isnt is to do with opinion and fact. Anyone can state anything doesnt mean its true. Although i dont really care if the Sith accepted information or aquired it themselves... [/quote] This statement is fine with me. Except just change this part: whose a liar and who isnt is to do [s]with opinion and[/s] fact. Nothing is proven by majority vote or opinion, don't you think?
  5. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1309821871' post='2748826'] Seeing as its obvious The Legion wouldn't be able to win the war, NSO showed more balls when poaching from GPA, TDO, and WTF.[/quote] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103338&view=findpost&p=2748824]It's like talking to a wall.[/url] [quote] The Legion started this because you spied on them, and they vocalized it. If any alliance of Doomhouse spied on NSO, we'd see more than one thread about it. [/quote] Apparently you're out of the loop. Legion was chest-thumping over having a better military + warchests than NSO. NSO didn't agree. They wanted proof, and the world responded. They called it "cherry-picking" and the world responded yet again. I even saw a Legionaire publicly say people should spy on him. Lol. When Legion is going on for pages about having a better military, they're setting themselves up for trouble. When you ask for proof, it's even funnier. Because NSO posted on behalf of those that did does not make them guilty by association. Since then, we see wonderful accusations of Varianz spying and the like (decided by public poll... fitting).
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1309821608' post='2748820'] Well when ~80% of CN hates Legion, NSO sees a good opportunity for a PR Stunt and to get on "The other side" of the treaty web. Good show, NSO. [/quote] You say that like we were looking for this to happen and are taking advantage of an alliance widely regarded as a joke. I think our history shows that we don't care who tries to start something with us. Just remember who started this: Legion. It's like a turkey that brought its own pot for us to cook it in.
  7. Just to think, this all keeps happening because Legion likes to continue to run its mouth. Maybe if you guys leave us and our gov alone you might find yourself sticking your foot in your mouth less
  8. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1309811180' post='2748563'] Really, editing quotes is the best you can do? Silly child. [/quote] Really, making comments with little to no value or input to this thread? Run along while us grownups talk. amicoolyet EDIT: Here's an even better gem [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1309810985' post='2748556'] This is the most amusing lie to come out of this debacle, a lie perpetuated and shouted loudest by the Sith surrender monkeys. We didn't hide in peace mode, we fought. Yes, it's true that our top tier was in pm (as every other coalition alliance top tier was, see RV's post for confirmation). The rest of us fought, and like everyone else we lost. The difference is while we had all tiers fighting the mighty Sith surrender machine was gone. They can spin it however they like, make grandiose claims of doing "more damage to GOONS than all our allies combined" and other such nonsense but that's the reality. It's all very sad really. Back on topic, will we go to war with them for their silly spying antics? I hope not, they're not even a side show, what would be the point? [/quote] A lie? I've seen countless after countless lies and factoids spewed out of Legion posters like verbal diarrhea. Not only did you send your top tier into peacemode, You sent everyone even down and past 1k NS for a ridiculously long time. The fact that you took some guys out at the end to try to get some bargaining points at peace talks is irrelevant. We fought the entire time. You didn't. Keep telling yourself a load of horse!@#$.
  9. There's a reason why people join the treaty web. Don't expect to have no treaty obligations, and also get protection; getting the best of both worlds without any risk.
  10. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1309645606' post='2747147'] I'm not pointing fingers in any specific direction, I'm pointing them in every direction. Disregarding everything else, I'm just talking about being able to prevent spy ops. [/quote] Is every direction NSO? /me looks at your posts
  11. Allying TLR is an interesting choice to say the least. Congratulations! Hope things run smoothly between you two
  12. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1309625401' post='2746934'] Taking a quick glance I can see a few NSO nations lacking in spies that shouldn't be. You know that whole don't throw stones in glass houses thing? Yea, that applies. [/quote] Oh please Thrash. Legion decided to go on for pages about how they have a better military than NSO, and how their warchests were [i]sooo[/i] much better. They asked for proof, and the world responded. Hell, even more so when they claimed it was "cherry-picking." Don't throw stones in glass houses? Tell that to Legion. They did everything short of putting a big neon sign up saying "please make fun of our stupidity."
  13. [quote name='Konkrage1' timestamp='1309624058' post='2746920'] We could totally wreck NSO's world and still pay reps without missing a single payment... And tech deal... And continue growing as an alliance... My nation is open for spying. I dare someone [/quote] Do you seriously want this embarrassment to continue?
  14. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309582871' post='2746595'] How about your treaty with TPF (who is tied to STA)? [/quote] Look, putting aside whether we want to argue that NSO has a strong political position or not.. ..I have to disagree about the spying part. In addition, I think it's safe to say that NSO hasn't shied away from a fight regardless of who the opponent is and how much power they had. If Legion wants to come after us on these forums, it's not like we're suddenly going to let them have their way simply because they're just a small dog with a big bark. Fair enough?
  15. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1309582020' post='2746575'] Oh how brave, spying on an alliance you know can do absolutely nothing back to you. [/quote] We're talking about the war gods of Legion here. Don't you know how terrifying it is for us to get on their bad side?
  16. I voted guilty. You know, because guilt is proven like a popular election. Anyway, come get us.
  17. [quote name='Banedon' timestamp='1309457019' post='2745171'] Did you come from an alternate dimension where the NPO-DH war never happened? Did the radiation poisoning mess up your memory? That war ended just about 2 months ago. The NPO-DH war went on for just over 3 months, Legion fought in that war, we lost, and a lot of our top-tier is no longer in the top-tier. We're paying a pittance compared to what was originally demanded of us. The only reason our opponents didn't fold like origami was an aid casade of unimaginable scale. Kudos to Umbrella for funding it, and who ever organized it. But don't think for a second that you're better then us. A lot of people in DH were (and apparently still are) pissed about how we fought that war. Oh well, maybe I'll care one of these days. Today is not that day. [/quote] You barely fought GOONS. Only a small fraction of wars was covered by you. When NSO and ASU entered, we had no trouble finding war slots. And then when C&G entered, you just cowered down and didn't declare any at all, almost literally. You couldn't of "lost" due to Umbrella's cash when you weren't even fighting them, and don't !@#$%^&* anyone like you bled anything with the rest of us. As for your top tier, you only took a part of that out too. The only time you started fighting and bringing people out of peace marginally was when you thought by doing so you could improve the rep amount. Funny.
  18. Oh the gems in this thread. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1309228714' post='2743130'] What RV did doesn't make you traitors. What makes you traitors is that you supported him after he did it. And all to save 200 million, which amounts to a little less than 67 slots. Not only did you condone what RV did, you condone doing it to save money. [/quote] I'm so sorry that we're traitors solely because we had an opinion you don't like. NSO has always been vocal about who it doesn't like. I wonder why we don't like you. You know, unlike you, we fight our wars. Against tough odds too with little support. I wouldn't mind shaving off a bit of cash off the reps at your expense. After all, posts like these show that we clearly made the right decision. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1309225238' post='2743088'] The only reason we didn't fight longer than NSO was because we didn't have the leader of our alliance agree to change sides and attack his allies. RV put you guys right in the same category as TOP with that stunt. Complain about C&G/PB/DH for several months, attack them, get your butts handed to you, and then become their bestest buddies. How long do you think it's going to be before you're signing with the Shrooms, TLr, or another of the "We not the New Hegemony" Hegemony? [/quote] Considering your history, this is particularly ironic for you to be telling us this.
  19. No NSO thread is apparently complete without Jacapo
  20. I thought stories were suppose to have happy endings. This is too harsh.
  21. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1308029830' post='2730994'] Still Practicing that revisionist history I see? I call it like I see it, and youwish was a worthless government member of NSO who ran from any fight like a whimpering little girl, and he will be a worthless sack of garbage as your emperor. TL:DR we cancelled on NSO due to high levels of traitor and fail on their part. [/quote] You mean where you jumped sides and then expected NSO to come with you?
  22. [quote name='Buzzin' timestamp='1308026639' post='2730945'] Ummmm what? lol ok o7 NSO [/quote] Develop a sense of humor. Good luck NSO
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