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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. IRON's position was bad back then and they kept having to rebuild. The NSO treaty with them was short lived. NG was on the other side until recently, and sort-of, you know, lost the last war. GATO was a shortlived treaty too and they weren't in a good position either. NSO and allies kept being deployed on some pretty outnumbered fronts (literally every war when I was there 'til 11 or 12) so if we were cozying up to anyone I sure didn't feel it. Besides the things I listed earlier that NSO's contributed, I'd think it's fair to give some credit to chim who keeps coming back with alliances and making 'em big and successful by one means or another. RV loves baiting you btw. When we first met, he did with me. Now we're pretty good friends because I didn't let it get to me. I bet I could probably find a thread of him going off on me in ICB lol.
  2. Your prizes kind of suck to be honest.
  3. NSO has consistently allied ex-heg alliances, and being on the losing side of wars is hardly cozying up to the power sphere. NSO members helped create the last war, and have created others. Former members too like Lennox have also caused wars and made the game fun.
  4. Looking to buy June and July donations. Ideally, it would be two $30 dollar donations, but knowing an ideal situation doesn't usually occur, I am open to buying donations of any size provided the price is right. If you're interested, please let me know My nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=543140 Thanks! EDIT: Deals found
  5. Message me in-game if interested. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=543140
  6. That's too bad. After all the merges, NSO was the strongest it had been since Moldavi started the thing. Now I see there's hardly anyone left from before the time of those merges.
  7. I remember when youwish wanted to offer a 1v1 to Legion after RV kept pushing the spying. Told him we shouldn't because it would be NPO-DH on a small scale (top tier squeezing downward with aid and nuke turrets). I see that the wiki entry had allies on NSO's side though. Did that help make the fight a bit closer? TOP getting back with Polar is kind of ironic considering the WotC war and all of the infighting in TOP-CnG. Probably the worst coalition I ever had the pleasure to be in. But, still demonstrating my knowledge is dated with these old events. :P
  8. :P Saw you guys actually ended up fighting Legion. Kept pushing the spying thing?
  9. So is google to understand what a crash course is.
  10. 2burnt2eat


    I would like to request a crash course on the history of cybernations ever since the end of the NPO-DH War. Brevity is a plus. One word is being a smart ass.
  11. I logged in just to tell you how terrible this post is.
  12. I don't understand this argument, and that is saying something when I am omniscient. Even if I was upset, God (Burnt) forbid that I am upset over... racist accusations. Considering you have no basis for this, and although I take note of your sincerity to protect my feelings, shutting up might do you wonders in stopping my extremely "mad" responses.I'll give you one actual bit of practical advice: don't try to start an argument and then run away. I understand this hit-and-run thing you kinds of people do in SF, but it isn't working. I suggest starting a Q&A thread to dissipate any feelings you may think I have towards you.You seem to take Cybernations way to personally. Also, in regards to the you vs. Myth side of the "argument," (or one-way !@#$-flinging fest, whichever you prefer), he implied that the Japanese and Chinese dislike one another. I know many people who take this as fact, but to your credit he didn't provide "evidence" of this fact, sort of like when people don't provide "evidence" for every other thing that they say unless they're arguing with someone, which he didn't know he was (for example, I haven't cited every fact in my post to links to particular posts in this thread because I assume you have a memory span of more than two seconds. Admittedly, it's a stretch on my part). He made an assumption, but you proceeded to make an assumption to the contrary, providing just as much evidence as he did, and proceeded to insult his intelligence (and I don't mean in that indirect ask-him-an-easy-question kind of way) based on the fact that he didn't provide evidence. Thus, not only are you a hypocrite, but you have proved yourself to be a total arrogant ass incapable of conducting yourself with any self-respect, intelligence, or self-awareness. Congratulations, you've successfully mastered debating on the OWF. Dear Stonewall Jaxon, I agree with you that the other side does not have an argument, so it is fitting that you have joined their ranks. I also agree that I am a master debater, though in proper context it comes as no surprise as I am a master at all things. However, your base lesser insults would be intolerable if I was not used to the low quality of posting on these boards. That said, I will give you a moment's attention. Please do not let it get to your head. I have already covered two of the points you raised, so right off the bat you present yourself far less intelligent than the average man. But I will repeat myself again, as wise words from a wise man should be. At this point, I'm relatively sure I've lost you due to poor reading comprehension levels, and I did consider just having my fingers have a hayday on homerow since it would achieve the same effect on you as intelligent debate, but I thought I would give you some respect. You're welcome. I am sometimes amused at what men such as yourself can conclude. Concluding what you hope, rather than what's true. Quite honestly, I found your initial post as heavily sarcastic or completely dumb, and as a result did not need to be argued nor noted. Just as in comparison, "Thus, not only are you a hypocrite, but you have proved yourself to be a total arrogant ass incapable of conducting yourself with any self-respect, intelligence, or self-awareness" is such a terribly worthless accusation off of your justifications. I do not wish to leave things off at a bad note, so I will say that I do agree with yet another thing you have said: you definitely are stretching it on your part.
  13. I don't understand this argument, and that is saying something when I am omniscient. Even if I was upset, God (Burnt) forbid that I am upset over... racist accusations. Considering you have no basis for this, and although I take note of your sincerity to protect my feelings, shutting up might do you wonders in stopping my extremely "mad" responses. I'll give you one actual bit of practical advice: don't try to start an argument and then run away. I understand this hit-and-run thing you kinds of people do in SF, but it isn't working. I suggest starting a Q&A thread to dissipate any feelings you may think I have towards you.
  14. Dear SOM, God (Burnt) forbid I bring up Cybernations considering the forums I'm on, but congratulations on drawing the defense at bringing up Cybernations in general rather than defending the competence MHA. I'm sure your pal appreciates the effort. Speaking of wit, your own spelling of the word, the use of memes, a terrible picture, and the general lack of any genuine thought within your trainwreck of a post quite clearly demonstrates how far "witter" you are than me. I applaud you. Very slowly.
  15. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1313885540' post='2785367'] the girls I choose to date require Identification. [/quote] Will something I photoshop count?
  16. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1313884986' post='2785357'] Riding Mogar is like buying a pack of cigarettes, you need identification y0. Care to back up your accusation? [/quote] ID? Why are you keeping me at higher standards than the girls you pick? We are simply asking questions that we would like answers to.
  17. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1313884052' post='2785344'] I have no idea how old she even is.... [/quote] Never stopped you before, has it?
  18. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1313879349' post='2785290'] You can have her [/quote] Not young enough for you or something?
  19. Thank you for your significant contribution to this argument.
  20. You gave the most baseless statement I have ever seen, and you ask me to explain where you haven't? It's kind of hard to refute your zero facts, but being a complete imbecile is probably what qualifies you for MHA government to begin with. Now, rather than I list hundreds of things that disprove your little theory based off ignorance, you should give your few so we can all point and laugh, tear them apart, and then move on in a much shorter time. In addition, care to explain how I have my head up my ass, or are you too busy having your head up your ass? The level of hypocrisy in your stances is cringe worthy.
  21. That's the dumbest conclusion you've made yet.
  22. Hahaha, this is rich. China apologizing probably will happen once hell freezes over though.
  23. [quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1313514540' post='2782216'] Crippling irony! [/quote] Do tell how.
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