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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. [quote name='REGHAR73' timestamp='1307572608' post='2727331'] I love how people comment when they have nothing but conceptional ideas around what actually happened in the negotiations. Gibsonator spot on. If the UINE didn't negotiate the terms would have been much harder. As the original terms are not released how can anyone possibly comment except RnR(AiD) and UINE(Polaris). I suggest to those not involved that the show is over go back to your bit of Planet Bob and get on with your lives. What is done is done and all this posturing and needless discussion is tiresome. The negative energy you all display at times is worrying and in some cases getting a girlfriend might be advisable, in others get a piece of rope and go string yourself up somewhere. To the others who have made constructive comment and goodwishes. Salute. [/quote] Woah, did you just tell us to shut up, get a girlfriend, or commit suicide? I'm speechless.
  2. Hahaha, dictated Charter and leadership
  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1304626732' post='2707032'] Nah I do this to him in every thread, it amuses me. [/quote] You need a hobby.
  4. Oh snap. Schattenmann touched a nerve.
  5. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1303262783' post='2694143'] I'm not falling back on anything. That's what I've been saying since this whole situation started. I am not oblivious to what's been going on, I simply do not think that AcTi's past actions (or anyone's past actions ) constitute a reason to attack them. [/quote] What do you think Acti's and Batallion's past actions were, huh? Give me a list of everything you got. I hope your whole case of defending yourself from ignorance is just more than saying you aren't. Then again it's hard to make such a case while refusing to inquire why everyone else hates the !@#$ out of him, otherwise you wouldn't know the joys you're missing, would you? At this point I believe you're just talking for the last word. So have at it.
  6. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1303254204' post='2693977'] AcTi has nothing for which they need to be held accountable. They have done nothing to thriller to deserve an attack. [/quote] Out of all the things I had to expect to be your fallback, that's it? I think I just busted a gut laughing, because you must be completely oblivious to what's been going on and what's been said on the forums and IRC, let alone the tidbits I just said. Everyone has their own reasons for going after Acti or hating them. Go ask around. Just for S&Gs, because it's a fun thought of you maintaining that defense throughout the entire process. As for me, I'm not going to take you seriously after that [i]wonderful[/i] argument you just made
  7. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1303247887' post='2693911'] The issue is not AcTi itself. The issue is an alliance attacking another alliance without a clear and defined purpose and receiving sanction from a well connected alliance. So it doesn't matter what AcTI has done in the past. What matters is that no one should be facilitating rogue attacks in the first place. [/quote] You deny accountability for Acti but demand accountability for the people you call "rogues"? The logic in that is astounding. Unfortunately for you, I don't hail actions as wrong simply because of the color of the coat somebody is wearing, just as I don't hail something wrong simply because they come from a certain alliance.
  8. When the leader $%&@s up, the land burns, and the people die. That's the price of alliance, and the followers are just as guilty as the leaders. I have no idea why anyone would follow him. Take Teddyo for instance, who came back even after the amount of !@#$ Batallion gave him. I don't feel sympathy as much as shock for tying yourself to such a piece of trash. That'd be like feeling sorry for someone that pees on an electric fence once, gets hurt, then gets up and does it again. Some of the people like to point out some form of hypocrisy of people supporting this. I ask where. Anyone that defends Acti simply doesn't have any idea of past actions or belligerency, or perhaps just even the "personal charm" of Batallion himself, who likes to take harassment even to other realms (including hacking). Being a target of that multiple times, there's no way in hell I'm going to extend my hand to a jackass, who after pulling himself back up the edge of a cliff, would then push me in. There's a difference between those that behave, and those that continuously misbehave and never get what's coming to them. Those that decide to $%&@ around don't get the same benefit of those that act as decent beings. Maybe after Acti gets curbstomped by 15 alliances, stuck in an year of reps, and finally stops acting like obnoxious pricks would I feel some sympathy for them the next time they would get hit. But the biggest ordeal they have thus far faced was a 2-day war, and this is more than justified. I think it's time for a bit of judgment here.
  9. Why the $%&@ should we fight for you when you're hiding in peacemode? Defend your own alliance for god's sake. The fact that you've pissed tons of people off regularly isn't going to help you get any support. Also, congratulations on calling your own alliance "helpless". Glad you have such faith in yourself.
  10. [quote name='Fyfe XIV' timestamp='1302563814' post='2688856'] See! Way to prove my point exactly~ [/quote] Quit crying
  11. [center][img]http://th751.photobucket.com/albums/xx160/Spectre_POM/th_BroFist.jpg[/img][/center]
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