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Everything posted by Authur

  1. Fear is what caused a lot of this mess in the first place. We need to stop letting fear dictate our actions.
  2. I am not complaining, just pointing out the reality of what is occurring. When you adopt the mentality of "it's been done to us so it's fair to do it to you" then your going to be seen as the bad guy to people who didn't do that to you first but merely belong to an allaince who contains members who have. That's just reality.
  3. In a war situation I agree you should be held responsible but not when making a post. I have seen plenty of people make respectful comments and get torn to shreds because their AA just happens to be an unfavorable one. This happened before the shift and continued after. All it does is breed hate. Many of you hate the NPO becuase of the way they have treated you and now some of you have done the same to respectful members who just happen to belong to an allaince you dislike.
  4. The problem is perspective. The people in the alliances everyone enjoys attacking here view you guys in a very different light then you see yourselves. The constant attacks, not just on the leadership who run these alliances, but on any member who bears their AA is at times disturbing. It gets justified with, "you guys did it first", but that does not make it right and labors under the misconception that every members participated in such behavior before the public change. The truth is there is a lot of hate and desire for revenge sprinkled in among the talk of change and morality. It's only natural for those on the other side to be unconvinced when you try to say your better. The best thing we could all do is to stop talking about who is better then who and just stick to doing what we feel is right and just.
  5. Very few alliances "deserve" white peace based on past actions. By giving the NPO white peace though it would send a strong message. It would speak volumes to the type of change you guys have been championing. No. Ah the heart of the matter. The NPO and their allies got a bad reputation in part becuase they were proactive in keeping their allaince safe from potential threats by using harsh terms to cripple the opposition for extended periods. If Karma does the same, gives the NPO harsh terms to ensure they can not be a threat for the foreseeable future then they are doing the very same thing they criticize the NPO for. Besides what is wrong with a challenge? So what if the NPO springs back up and comes after it's spot? The terms are going to send a message to the world. Was this war really about change or was revenge a big part of it?
  6. Enjoy some on me GPA. In regards to the Woodstock Massacre that above all else is the action I most disagreed with. While there were mistakes made (most while I was a member of the GPA) there was no need to bring such a harsh punishment against a peaceful, non-aggressive alliance. They were not a threat to any allaince and the inner workings of a non-allied allaince which is not a threat to your own should never result in a war. It was really upsetting to see so many, including current karma members, questioning and trying to define GPA's nutrality. I hope such an incident never occurs again regardless of the outcome of this war.
  7. There is the IRON I was proud to be a part of. o/IRON
  8. My god what have I done OOC: My bad guys. I was in the middle of doing some statical analysis for my meeting tomorrow, which sends me into auto pilot mode ala the movie Click, when I quickly checked my messages, saw a message titled "real quick" and attacked the target. I got about half way through the attack when I realised what the hell I was doing :lol: . With geniuses like me we can't possible lose
  9. Thank you Heft. I was always proud to serve under you and fight along side you. Perhaps someday I will get the chance to do so again.
  10. I just wanted to publicly clarify why I have chosen this path for the few who have inquired. After I left IRON last night I received several generous offers to join different alliances. I know some tremendous people on all sides of this conflict. It would have been easy to take one and avoid all of this. I could not bring myself to do it though. I have had my share of disagreements with certain former allies but out of love for my alliance and it's members I defended the allies even when I did not agree with them. Some here may consider that foolish, consider it contributing to the state the world exists in now. I will not disagree with them. Every member makes a commitment to defend their allaince and her allies in good times and bad. Right or wrong I honored this commitment during the "good" times I can not bring myself to abandon them during the bad (I have done that once and it will haunt me throughout my days on this world). I do not support the actions that lead us all here but now that it has started I must honor the commitment I have made. I do not know if this was the "right" decision, it is certainly not the smart one, but I will not abandon my personal convictions. Best of luck to those I fight beside and against. If I must die let it be by the swords of honorable men.
  11. Thank you. You opinion honestly means a lot.
  12. I am proud to fight this war with you. o/Iamthey
  13. OCC Edit: I shouldn't try to make grand speeches at 3:40 am. They don't come out quite right. I'll try again after a good nights rest.
  14. The Commonwealth of Wighton and the Nation of Britania, Reaffirming our desire to live in peace with all peoples and to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our respective alliances, Desiring to rid and forever bury in the minds of all potential aggressors the false illusion that these parties stand alone, and Resolving to strengthen our efforts for collective defense for the preservation of peace and security throughout the world, Do agree as follows: ARTICLE I The above-named nations obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, aggressive action, or attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other powers. ARTICLE II Whenever any nation, alliance, or union of alliances poses a clear and present danger to the nations of this treaty and is designated a threat by both nations of this treaty, both unless bound by treaty to non-aggression or neutrality shall jointly respond. ARTICLE III Each party recognizes that an armed attack upon either nation of this treaty, be it by a nation, an alliance, or a union of alliances, shall be construed as an attack upon both nations. ARTICLE IV This treaty is firm and perpetual. Its bonds of union may only be broken 72 hours after a public announcement from a legitimate representative of the party seeking to withdraw. ARTICLE V This Treaty shall be ratified by the Commonwealth of Wighton and the Nation of Britania in accordance with their respective processes and shall enter into force when announcements of ratification have been delivered to the other party. In witness whereof the undersigned alliances have signed this Treaty. Signed for the Commonwealth: -Varrin von Coursca Governor-Plenipotentiary Signed for Britania: -Authur
  15. I want in Coursa. I was ready for a fight and damned if I am going to let a simple little thing like a treaty cancellation ruin that.
  16. If it is a joke they sure fooled me as I left IRON tonight over it.
  17. Damn I just may have to switch sides. I love Karma Police and Radio Head.
  18. Apparently one side didn't realize that the other knows it's size and does not fear a challenge. Seriously though I think we can drop the act that only one side could see what is so painfully obvious. Everyone who pays attention knows what is going on.
  19. That is certainly the current popular opinion though I suspect some of those you have listed will sit this one out.
  20. Archon I respect your views and while I will not comment on the CB due to a personal policy I will say that I for one will not regret this war. Win or lose, slightly damaged or smoldering, this war is a necessity. I have desired it for so long. Good luck to everyone.
  21. Fine thread Woody. Though IRON is currently in the dug out I extend my best wishes to those I may have the pleasure of engaging in the future. War is the most exciting part of the game for me and I've always treated my opponents with respect and thus far have enjoyed having it reflected back. I hope this same holds true during this war.
  22. Really? Would have never guessed. Is it Christmas morning? Sure feels like it. Now where is my gift? Disclaimer: This is not a comment on the CB, I have been begging for a challenging war for a long time. Glad to see the time may be at hand.
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