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Everything posted by Authur

  1. 1. I don't have a say. I prefer even sided conflicts. 2. We have no control over the size of the opposition or their ability to muster support. 3. We aren't the only one's allowed to start wars. If there is so much evidence of wrong doing on our part, as you claim, what's stopping you? 4. This is getting off topic.
  2. So I lack a spine and brain becuase I support my alliance and our allies? Nice to know. Kind of funny how the people "with spines" complain from afar while us "spineless, brainless" folks are just sitting around waiting for a real challenge. :jihad:
  3. So canceling a treaty without informing the other party first is an honorable and respectful action now?
  4. Classy move VE, especially the decision to not privately inform the NPO of your cancellation. The Viridian Entente does not wish to be allied to those who cannot be honest, forthright, and frank with us about their intentions and reasoning. So you demand it but don't offer it in return?
  5. Shah I think your misunderstanding their wording. For starters we don't know who is responsible for these actions and just becuase Vox alerted Jarheads it doesn't mean they encourage or support the attacks on our forums. Vox annoys me as much as the next guy but there is no evidence to support this acusation.
  6. Was FARK an alliance created by enemies of GOONS with the intent to destroy them? Was all of FARK's experanced members forced out which would most likly occure in this case? I honestly don't know the answers to the above questions but I have a feeling it's no to both.
  7. I don't know who you are and I have a limited knowledge of FARK's history but it doesn't change my opinion. Just becuase a similar (I'm sure there are more then a few differences) case has turned out successful it doesn't mean it would here or that the parties involved have a responsibility to do so. My suggestion still stands, if FARK wants to take on this responsibility then more power to you. If all involved agree to it then I wish you luck.
  8. Like it or not the attacking alliances have no responsibility to save this allaince or it's members. We are willing to save the membership, those that choose to accept our offer, which may not meet your standards but it's a lot more then we have to do. As I suggested above if your interested in saving them have your government contact the alliances at war and then you can spend the time and resources needed to save Jarheads. It's easy to state what others should do.
  9. What we have here is a very young allaince with brand new nations that exist only becuase of a message broadcast to them by the leader of jarheads. Coming from a different realm the percentage who would have remained, even had the war not started, is low. Spending months teaching them and searching for new leadership is not worth the tech one might obtain. If this were an older allaince or one filled with some experienced members beyond those in the government it might be worth it but this is not the case. These nations will not be abandoned though. They are being encouraged to seek out new alliances where they can learn and grow. Jarheads as an alliance does not need to be kept alive in order to help these new nations. If you still disagree I suggest you take it up with your government and have them approach the attacking alliances about possibly trying to rebuild jarheads. Assuming of course that they surrender and allow a viceroy.
  10. I'm not sure what repeatedly blowing up a shack in the woods that takes one day to build accomplishes but I wish my allied three shack possessing nations luck. Personally I would have allowed them to grow to a respectable size before engaging. Don't get me wrong the DoW is warranted but I'm a guy who enjoys a challenge and at this point the only way that's going to happen is by allowing known enemies to grow. It's not the safe way but since when is safe fun. Best of luck GGA.
  11. For all we know someone could be intentionally framing them, however I see nothing wrong in honestly stating our suspicion. It's ok bros2, there was nothing wrong with your statements.
  12. This has been done with older, established alliances but in this case you have a very young allaince mostly made up of brand new nations. The amount of time and effort spent to teach and develop new leadership is not worth it. The new nations that choose to remain in this world will be better served joining established alliances.
  13. The odds of the culprits getting caught and "thrown in jail" are very, very slim but that doesn't mean we shouldn't report the incident (which I'm sure the host knew about) or be upset by the inconvenience. As far as taking the game too seriously that's a charge that can be brought against just about anyone. Fact is we do not know the motivations of the culprits. They could have done it for fun or out of some deep seeded anger, which may or may not have anything to do with IRON or CN. What we do know is that they possibly violated a law and knowingly took a risk, albeit a very minor one, to attack our host.
  14. Considering they are at war with several alliances already I don't see what more harm can come to them by one post. Obviously a similar past incident has colored your view of this matter but one would have to be very naive to completly ignore the timing of the second attack. Just becuase they may be on the "suspect list" it does not mean they have or will be "charged" with anything.
  15. He is simply speculating based on the fact that this happened before to the NPO forums when they were having problems with Jarheads/Devil Dogs and the suspicious timing. It doesn't really matter who we think did it though becuase any actions legal or otherwise have to be preformed by our host.
  16. I don't know why people keep arguing with Vox when obviously it's what they want. Ignoring them won't make them go away but bickering back and forth certainly isn't helping. I for one am glad this was posted here so that I, a member who doesn't use IRC, can find out what is going on. I could care less what other motives we may or may not have had in positing this. I know Vox would NEVER use propaganda to suit their needs but the rest of us can't be so perfect .
  17. They already exposed it for the MXCA drama. Now they are just trying to squeeze the last drops of relevant info out of it before it's gone.
  18. Apparently IRON government is not allowed to change it's mind. Does it really matter what was said in private as long as the right thing is done in the end?
  19. They must keep that to themselves then becuase nothing I've read in these threads could be classified as such.
  20. The GPA often views things very differently then the rest of us and it creates misunderstandings. This is the GPA's attempt to build up good will, foster new relationships, and mend fences. The intent is good but I would have advised them to do this behind the scene's and only make an announcement once every allaince has responded. The GPA is a great allaince though with some excellent members who want nothing more then to live in peace with all of us. Regardless if you sign this or not I hope we are all willing to let the past go and give these guys a chance to win back our respect (they never lost mine).
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