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Everything posted by Virillus

  1. Or, I felt that the way you treated Z'Ha'dum was different then the way you treated Reyne.
  2. I'm torn about this. I like TWiP, I think the writing is always really entertaining, and I find the information exposed interesting. And in this issue especially, considering how nearly every single alliance mentioned in the screenshots is an ally of GR. However, I don't like how you chose to single out a single person and victimize her, it's very possible to maintain the entertainment value of this issue without promoting so much hate.
  3. GR considers this a threat to our member nation, Someone 77. I suggest you back down, heathen.
  4. I'd just like to say thanks for all the kind words expressed in this thread. They may be little, but they mean a lot.
  5. This is me, wishing more people held the same views you do. Good show, Cheyenne.
  6. [22:11] <Jonathan_Brookbank> I was curious as to what ZI list of yours I was on, and what the process for removal was. [22:12] <Iamthey[iRON]> In IRON the term PZI and EZI are synonymous [22:12] <Iamthey[iRON]> And the onlyway to get off is a majority vote of the council [22:12] <Jonathan_Brookbank> So what do PZI and EZI mean to IRON? [22:13] <Iamthey[iRON]> A PZI is a permenant ZI on all current and future characters of the individual Unfortunatly, JB has an IP address.
  7. Everybody makes mistakes. Good on you for owning up to them and taking responsibillity. Nueva Vida
  8. This sums up my feelings on the matter nicely.
  9. I agree completely. Being able to go intoo debt via foreign aid made banks and aid trees 100% different then they are today. Additionally... Airforce. Before airforce was implemented, having a warchest was really not THAT important. After the addition of airforce, a good warchest became essential.
  10. I would say about 4-800. I think that getting 1600 people to switch to your AA, and 800 people to participate on their forums (I was masked in them - they were absolutely insane) is a really significant accomplishment. A lot of people make fun of legion for the whole "Glass cannon" thing, but the truth is, they did a lot of things that has never been replicated.
  11. To the death, good sir. May the best man win.
  12. I was not suggesting that there was any physical link between our alliances, merely that we shared a mutual ally - Carpe Diem. Perhaps my post was unclear.
  13. It seems we are now allied indirectly. Very interesting.
  14. No kidding, you didn't even nominate me;)
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