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Everything posted by Virillus

  1. I just overdosed on April Fools day, and we're only an hour and a half in.
  2. I err... Would never try to exploit a bug in that way.
  3. Heh. It's been real, Chicken;)
  4. I am shocked and appaled that GR was not consulted in this manner prior to the announcement. Shame on you, shaaaaaaaaaaame.
  5. I must admit, I'm impressed. Well done, TPF.
  6. Are you aware that the elected government of the NAAC signed a treaty with FAN, binding our two alliances in perpetual warfare as long as we both existed? FAN and the NAAC had a special sort of friendship, although we fought each other again and again, I can honestly say there was never any hard feelings between our memberships, there was however, a great deal of respect.
  7. It is painfully obvious that you are not only aware, but you are complicit in the knowledge that the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake. And don't dream about going up there, because that is a big mistake.
  8. The amount of information I learn about other alliances' internal machinations in this thread is staggering. It's kind of fun, too:P
  9. I don't want to share Avalanche Oh fine, I guess I can a little:P
  10. This is really awesome to see. Congratulations, guys:)
  11. If Legion is happy with how they're growing their alliance, that's all that matters. Of course, they're going to quickly learn the basis for others' opinions should they get in a war anytime soon:P
  12. Good job guys:) You've done a damn good job considering the hardship you find yourself in. I hope you find our freedom soon?
  13. I can definitely get behind this union;) Seeing animosity degrade between friends is a very awesome feeling.
  14. You hear that? It's the ghost of Legion past howling vindication.
  15. Awesome government you've got there. Keep up the good work Chickenzilla, Joshthegreat.
  16. Give in to your jealousy, your hate. *Virillus Summons the New Sith Order
  17. Whatever, you're just jealous because MK loves us more than you... Right, MK? Also, Word to your mother, Stumpy.
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