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Everything posted by hormones74

  1. FA directions makes the world better when they are focused among friends
  2. That one is just one step in a series of events. Its all good though, we are still on friendly terms and intend to remain that way. Personally, I wish everyone would pick a sphere and dedicate their resources to strengthening their sphere. This would make the world an easier place for all involved. Anyone that knows TOP knows that our friends mean everything to us. And that we aren't in the habit of cancelling our treaties without just cause. Everything we do is discussed among everyone active on our forums before any decision is ever made. Losing our VE tie wasn't an easy decision, but it happened. Something I mentioned earlier about picking a sphere and devoting all resources to that sphere. Wouldn't the game be better for everyone if we all picked a side and didn't try to play both sides at the same time? Make sense?
  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1336955582' post='2967098'] No, it's just been a long time coming and recent events brought it to a conclusion. See, the thing people don't get is it's not hard figure out this stuff and most of the people know anyway, they just don't say they do. The OWF is just a massive spectacle and most of the people who care will know some of the reasoning behind 90% of announcements. In this instance, the antagonism cited predates the signing of the VE-TOP treaty, which is why it didn't make sense to sign to begin with. [/quote] I still don't know whats going on, please enlighten me.
  4. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1336914854' post='2966929'] At the moment, you may be right. But people aren't stupid, they aren't going to do a suicide run at VE while they have a strong position. However, who knows how the shifting sands of fortune will favour VE in the future? They have just lost the support of NG and TOP, after all. E: and FOK [/quote] Its not like TOP could really do anything, they suck at war.
  5. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1336868810' post='2966709'] I think we all know what they have left. I see you did not deny the isolation, interesting. [/quote] The cancellation isn't a means of isolation. This is all you need to know.
  6. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1336866238' post='2966695'] So, the isolation of the Viridian Entente begins. I don't expect Umbrella and GOONS to want to keep PB going. What does VE have left after PB is gone. [/quote] SuperFriends?
  7. My hats off to you Polaris. You guys did great under the circumstances.
  8. Yosh is undeniably a terribly horrid individual. I am hereby filing a motion for a vote of no confidence. Joking there^^^ Congrats to our bloc-mates.
  9. Congrats Omni. I believe you'll do well.
  10. CCC, hopefully Legion will have the balls to honor this treaty when and if the time even comes.
  11. 1. Thanks to our allies and friends. 2.Thanks to Polar. Its been fun fighting you guys. Whats so bad about taking reps? Its people like you naysayers that are killing this game. Over the years you treehuggers have whined and complained about everything. Tell me something. Why doesn't anyone want to have fun anymore?
  12. [quote name='EdwardNorton' timestamp='1329390400' post='2921685'] We brought down the NpO, didn't we? The demolitions committee of project mayhem does not make mistakes. [/quote] Man, just when I though TOP/IRON and friends were the true victors. Thank you for the clarification.
  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329351576' post='2921352'] Fine, I'm done unless someone goes after me or Sparta. Sparta for a long time has been the whipping boy of the OWF. I will not allow it anymore without a fight. [/quote] Then do something. All this rambling is getting old already. We all understand you and your concerns. Just raise a coalition already. I can tell you one thing thats for sure. You are not the same Roquentin we all used to know and love. Just chill man, quit digging your own grave. You used to a well respected player here. You are losing that respect pretty damn fast. Stop and think before making anymore threads. OK?
  14. Roquentin, you were at one point in time one of my favorite people in this game. What happened to you man? Seriously, Sparta?
  15. [quote name='Richard VII' timestamp='1328947598' post='2918218'] Congratulations on being the first AA [I think?] to establish a real treaty with AGW... if they ever decide to get active in SE again I know they'll prove to be pretty valuable friends. [/quote] AGW has had a protectorate before. And to beat it all, it was from an alliance that a NG member founded. That alliance was Cosa Nostra, who later merged with OTS to form Legio X. AGW was part of our protectorate bloc The Brotherhood.
  16. The black sphere used to be unstable? I don't believe it.
  17. Timberland in gov = fail. I really meant hooray. Congrats buddy.
  18. RoK needs a viceroy, and I know just the guy for the job.
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