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Electric Mango

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Everything posted by Electric Mango

  1. You are half way correct. My cookie cutter response could apply to any karma response in this thread. All the posts I've seen so far seem like the same old party line repeated and rehashed over and over again. It's like hey guys, lets ignore facts and relevant information and let's just spew what we've been spoon fed to say. I'd like to say thank you to the God's of New Years Eve because the mind numbing effects of alcohol make me finally seem like one of you. /not using your brain
  2. BOOM! It is true though, MK is over every topic defending every karma side regardless of how bad the evidence is stacked against them. 07 MK!
  3. So you posted this to try to help your cause?! I seriously lol'd when I read this. Thanks for helping our propaganda machine with your statement! I'm sure this post really helps your side
  4. Everyone knows that the bad guys jumped TPF for a bs reason and want to gang bang anyone else that comes to their aid and now they're scared
  5. Even though I've not read anything in this thread let me take a stab at what's going on. Everyone that's awesome agree that this post is awesome Everyone that is bad is trolling it. (Reverse if you're on the other side) Did I nail it? By the way, we're right.
  6. Wait, why are we releasing this now? Shouldn't we wait the mandatory 6 months? Karma's a !@#$%*
  7. Pit Vipers? Why was Nighthawk or Dragon already taken?
  8. I love how everyone gets so worked up and e-lawyers over a simple poll. If you don't like this guys poll then go make your own. You know how I voted.
  9. Even though I don't agree with what you said, I do like the way you said it. It's refreshing to see someone from "the other side" not confined to spouting the usual drivel that we see all over the forums. Well written post and get yourself a government position.
  10. 10 Levels of Infrastructure, 1,881,006 dollars 100 Technology, 3,000,000 dollars Putting pixels over friends, priceless.
  11. Sorry OP, M*A*S*H wins this post by a land slide. o7 M*A*S*H
  12. Warrior Concept, you're coming off a little desperate and it's a bit of a turn off. Why don't you try playing a little harder to get.
  13. I'm so glad we have another thread that will turn into the exact same thing the other 14 things turned into. Thanks Ejay!
  14. IRON will never fight. We value our pixels more than anything.
  15. /facepalms Wow, we've been doing it wrong this whole time. Doitzel, please come to IRON and lead us in these troubling times. o7
  16. Matt Miller is the god of economics, there is none higher.
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