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Everything posted by Lusitan

  1. Did just someone threaten to bill-lock another someone with a 25 million warchest?
  2. [quote name='andymac64' date='10 February 2010 - 09:38 AM' timestamp='1265794724' post='2172367'] When TFD entered we offered the same terms. TFD refused and since then we have been happily eating a breakfast of a nuke from TFD followed by conventional attacks from NATO and GUN. Quite a painful way to start the day. [/quote] We are sorry for that, but considering accepting that agreement would be a suicide declaration. WAPA top nations outmatch us in infrastructure levels. Fighting only conventional wars would be impossible for us. On the other hand, we outmatch WAPA in tech per capita and WRCs (difference of 11 if I recall out of 18). Adding to that, WAPA's warchests - or lack of - make them fine targets to be put in bill lock through Nuclear Anarchy considering some of the nations with >12k infra have less than 10 million stored. It is therefore in our best interest use nukes against you instead of allowing you to punch us to dead with your inflated numbers. When the choice of either being beaten to death or nuking you so we can have an advantage this war is presented to us... well, the answer is obvious
  3. [quote name='Nonspec5' date='09 February 2010 - 03:28 AM' timestamp='1265686096' post='2169643'] such a shame you are the only person to pick up on that :| [/quote] Actually you should feel proud, there was an irc channel full of people watching you do what you were doing
  4. [quote name='Kortal' date='08 February 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1265672691' post='2169320'] Hey man, we were declaring wars on NATO before it was cool Its just that the trend has come full circle now and we're doing it again to still stay ahead of everyone (that's right, attacking NATO [i]twice[/i] in the same conflict is now the cool thing to do) We don't expect you guys to keep up though, or to recognize the bands we're listening to while fighting them [/quote] Actually, NATO declared on Umbrella via TFD MDoAP, so this declaration is sort of.. karma?
  5. Umbrella, if DoWing NATO was fashion, you're sort of late
  6. [quote name='Lamuella' date='07 February 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1265502299' post='2165471'] OOC: you know what the best part of this is? WAPA are largely based in Scotland, and therefore on GMT. Update for them is 6AM. If TFD had held off on attacking until 2 hours before update, few of WAPA would have been up and about, meaning TFD could have got a day's worth of attacks in with little risk of being countered. Instead they attacked 6 hours before update, so midnight on a saturday for WAPA, a time when they'll still be awake to counter. [/quote] You're a genius. However, since you don't that a very large part of TFD is also European (which is mostly why we suck at midnight blitzes), you wouldn't be saying that much non-sense. That said, we'd rather risk our chances of finding WAPA awake. Better odds and all.
  7. [quote name='Lamuella' date='07 February 2010 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1265501692' post='2165441'] ah, another vote for "we surrendered but it doesn't count" [/quote] Actually a "we surrendered because we were outnumbered 4:1 and the treaty partners we were entering for were receiving Peace as well not because of WAPA's amazing war skills".
  8. Let's see if you improved anything since Karma. I could use another tech mine though.
  9. [quote name='LYDIASLAND' date='05 February 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1265369156' post='2161320'] LOL will you never learn ? [/quote] The question is, have your 14k infra nations learned to keep more than 21 million warchest?
  10. [quote name='baskan' date='05 February 2010 - 06:53 AM' timestamp='1265352820' post='2161027'] Exactly so stop fretting about nonsense [/quote] You'll have to point me out where NEW opted to bandwaggon on someone with an optional agression clause instead of fulfilling a Mutual Defence clause. It can't get more dishonorable and coward than that WAPA, and you got it.
  11. [quote name='baskan' date='05 February 2010 - 06:48 AM' timestamp='1265352517' post='2161010'] 1 Touch Football 57th Overlanders Aqua Defense Initiative Carpe Diem Christian Coalition of Countries EPIC Nations Farkistan Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Nueva Vida NUHyperforce Nusantara Elite Warriors Republic of Aquisgrana The Despised Icon The German Empire The Immortals The Order Of Light Did you not see this post??!?!??! Most of them are on this side... [/quote] Your word on mutual defence pacts means nothing apparently then? Again, who would say.
  12. It'd seem WAPA doesn't deserve the allies they have. Who would say.
  13. [quote name='fallin' date='05 February 2010 - 04:59 AM' timestamp='1265345974' post='2160312'] MK is MDAPed to FoB. Did NATO think MK would send them flowers and candy for attacking an MDAP partner? [/quote] God no. That'd be something I'd expect from MHA though, judging by the ammount of treaties you have on this side and that you break great war after great war
  14. [quote name='BDRocks' date='05 February 2010 - 04:55 AM' timestamp='1265345717' post='2160289'] NATO attacked Aqua... [/quote] MK attacked Aqua. NATO attacked FoB who is black team
  15. Well, if everyone around MHA is also losing score, they'll keep leading until they meet a neutral along the way
  16. [quote name='Tick1' date='04 February 2010 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1265299291' post='2158901'] Well, how nice. Another waste of an alliance...... Oh well thanks for the information. [/quote] I am surprised how you have the nerve to post in other alliance's treaty threads when sometimes your alliance seems to lack the capacity or the honour to fulfil the simplest of a treaty, such as a NAP.
  17. [quote name='Il Principe' date='03 February 2010 - 10:16 AM' timestamp='1265192204' post='2156197'] This is just the second time since the beginning of MHA that we are attacked. Now you have totally destroyed our uber-secret plan to get to be the #1 NS alliance of planet BOB. We were not supposed to be attacked the day after we get to be 1# But lets get serious. I hope we will have a fun and fair fight. We will kick $@!. MHAil! [/quote] It's no secret when the diplomats at your forum have been PMed one month ago
  18. [quote name='Yankeesfan924' date='04 February 2010 - 03:28 AM' timestamp='1265254128' post='2157833'] And Overlord Shinnra continues his ride along the carousel of our government. Round and round he goes, where he'll stop, nobody knows! [/quote] I heat up, I can't go down, got me spinning round and round Congrats to our friends and former allies in tR. You're not forgotten EDIT: Why the heck is matt ahead of the alliance?
  19. [quote name='Lennox' date='04 February 2010 - 01:57 AM' timestamp='1265248655' post='2157662'] I rarely post on the owf forum anymore because most of it comes from people like you who can't give anything a rest. I have yet to see a hint of logic in your posts as you constantly take pot shots at NSO. I fail to see why you associate this war with "NSO and its cronies." Last I checked NSO didn't start either of these wars. In fact, last I checked NSO has only entered on both fronts in defense of an ally. [b]Your hatred of NSO is consuming you.[/b] You don't seem to realize NSO is not the focal point of either war, however, we gladly accept all the attention you are giving us. Also, for someone who was calling for NSO's death just a short while ago, this is an excellent opportunity for you to give into your hate and attack us. [/quote] Shouldn't you have said "Mission accomplished" by that bold point?
  20. [quote name='Kzoppistan' date='04 February 2010 - 02:50 AM' timestamp='1265251832' post='2157769'] Oh ho, we gotta tough guy here. I'll be keeping a close eye on you. We'll see how tough you are after Mike tears you apart. 'til then, tough guy. [/quote] When the going gets tough, the tough get going
  21. [quote name='Banned' date='03 February 2010 - 02:05 PM' timestamp='1265205915' post='2156419'] TOOL, I seem to remember you fighting directly against Sparta back in the Karma war. Did it work so well for you guys then? [/quote] Considering Sparta accepted terms from TOOL when they surrendered, I'd say it worked just fine.
  22. [quote name='Floatsam' date='03 February 2010 - 05:17 AM' timestamp='1265174259' post='2154913'] It always seems to bystanders that the number 1 alliance is dead set on grabbing that spot regardless of what it takes to get there. I can assure you, that it is never the case. It isn't now, and it wasn't back in January 06'. [/quote] I did get a certain PM in your forums a month or so ago
  23. [quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' date='03 February 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1265173429' post='2154761'] I've lost what little respect I had for the both of you. Thats good news though cause it means you can't be anymore disappointing. [/quote] Personally I was starting to feel bad about the fact you still held more respect for us than we did for you
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