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Everything posted by Lusitan

  1. Good luck Frederick I keep good memories of fighting you in Karma War: [21:47] <Frederick_II[TGE]> So race to nuke each other now Hopefully you may come back one day
  2. I guess Athens has been showing their true colours after the poor victim who lost 5/6s of their tech to NPO costume started to wear out. I can't say I am surprised by this, disgusted yes, but not surprised.
  3. I remember having plans for something similar exactly one year ago, granted the situations and type of alliances were different. I wish you good luck with this. As advice from someone who tried it before.. the major flaw you can have is human lack of commitment, independently of how awesome the system is. Unless you somehow work a simplified system to get it working, though it might be hard considering it's several alliances you'll be coordinating, you'll need a very dedicated and reliable team to run it, otherwise it will fail. Again, good luck EDIT: Well there are a few more things in your favour, so the odds are way better
  4. Congrats to our Blood brothers, glad to see LSF friendship growing
  5. By the end of the day we'll both be at a pub celebrating Egypt and Portugal qualification.. just 3000 kms in between
  6. There's an old saying: people in glass houses shouldn't cast the first stone. You could use it. EDIT:
  7. Or maybe there's more people than you know disliking you and the way you abuse your "friends"... but again, after 5 pages you should have a picture by now of how much you are loved.
  8. It is with great pleasure that I announce this treaty. Here's to you Echelon, always onward and upward
  9. Congrats We're right behind you so you better hurry up
  10. From an outside party perspective, judging from all Stickmen recent posts, I am surprised you can do anything else than swimming in the mud. But then again, I am glad you are enjoying yourselves.
  11. Lusitan

    Best DoW

    Operation Edict comes to my mind.
  12. The Foreign Division (TFD) Blue Team Alliance Short Introduction The Foreign Division can offer you: Security. Quality protection from Aggressive Nations and Alliances. Economy. Excellent Growth, Technology and Trade programs to ensure you have the best Nation performance. Democracy. The members elect our leaders and can become leaders themselves. Community. Based on the Foreign Legion, we welcome anyone, whatever your history and offer the hand of friendship, because that's what TFD is about - Community. Long Introduction Do you want a place to start over? Do you want to leave your past behind? Don't look any further, join the Foreign Division! We don't ask where you come from or what you did. With us only what you are and do now and in the future counts. This is your chance to start over: leave the past behind and move on. The Foreign Division is a democratic alliance and thus very different from the many oligarchic regimes in the dominant CN alliances. The core of our government is the Senate which consists of freely elected members by the general population. This Senate is presided by the Speaker who is voted on by the elected Senate. Anyone can rise and become a leader. We have a well established economic section that provides for our members' growth and technology acquisition. Adding to that, we run several programs to add overall member growth. We have established high quality Military Programs to ensure that we never fall short on Security Affairs, because that's one of the primary duties of an alliance - to be always able to protect its members. We have a series of intra and inter alliance activies (from football teams to diplomacy games) where you can enjoy the community spirit.. Where and how much you get involved is totally up to you. We will help you with aid and advice as we can and we will defend you in times of trouble. We would be honored to have you in our alliance. See you on the forums! TFD Forum TFD Charter TFD Sign-up
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