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Everything posted by Lusitan

  1. I'll be extremely blunt because I am very tired, and you can all have your back and fort arguments of why MHA and Gre should, could or would do anything. The first thing that came my mind was: "Oh well, there goes MHA joining again what seems to be the winning side." There I said it. Not that I have anything against MHA or their way of playing, but in terms of credibility, I'd think twice before signing a treaty with you, because until recently 90% of the times your concern seemed to be if you could reach #1 alliance spot and the other 10% seemed to be dedicated to deciding which treaties you should honour, confirming you were entangled in the treaty web and doing absolutely nothing about it.
  2. [quote name='HeinousOne' date='02 February 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1265125721' post='2153213'] You make some good points and I respect that but at the same time we have seen alot of condemnation of Polar simply for attacking the ally of an ally. I understand someone wanting to condemn them for possibly being too aggressive with these two wars but when the condemnation is focused solely on the fact that they attacked the ally of an ally then that truly is an attempt to control the behavior of an alliance. I have yet to see a treaty worded that calls for an alliance to respect and not attack any allies of the other signatory of the treaty unless it is a bloc treaty possibly. [/quote] One http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Foreign_Article_5 Two http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Harmlins
  3. The motives behind USA trade embargo are irrelevant. If they wanted to be neutral, they shouldn't have embargoed. By taking a position that would be advantageous to their allies (their allies renders the neutrality immediatelly null) they took a side, and they subjected themselves to be attacked by taking the same side.
  4. [quote name='HellAngel' date='31 January 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1264945170' post='2147469'] I said "people". You're reading far too deep into my simple statement. [/quote] Fair enough
  5. [quote name='Jerichoholic' date='31 January 2010 - 12:42 PM' timestamp='1264941756' post='2147417'] No, it's closer to Japan of OE attacking the United States. Japan wanted to neutralize the US before it could counter attack. It was very paranoid about the US declaring war on Japan and interfering with its aims in the Pacific. It wanted to get the tactical advantage by launching a surprise attack on a nation not militarily engaged in the conflict and because of its paranoia helped bring about its own destruction that much quicker. Sound familiar? http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Old_Earth [/quote] Except Japan was completelly justified because the USA enacted an Oil and Iron embargo (if memory serves me right) on Japan due to their participation in the war. In CN, it'd be the same as using Trade sanctions on someone fighting a war you had nothing to do with. For some reason, I suspect we'd see Hoo on these forums DoWing whoever did it on Ragnarok
  6. [quote name='HellAngel' date='31 January 2010 - 01:18 PM' timestamp='1264943882' post='2147447'] I was not saying we didnt. Why do people always conclude from a personal opinion to an alliances hypocrisy? [/quote] I wasn't taking that leap, you're reading too deep into my simple statement, because it was a simple statement.
  7. [quote name='HellAngel' date='31 January 2010 - 01:09 PM' timestamp='1264943340' post='2147436'] I never was a fan of clauses that infringed sovereignity of alliances, and while Echelon passively supported such things while being part of the hegemony, i hope they now realized the pain of it and applaud them for their move. [/quote] All of you large alliances did passively support the enforcing of such terms at your time serving in Hegemony, from TOP to NV. The problem is the idiots who still do it now.
  8. I think this settles the "We are the Dark Side" discussion.
  9. It is true. If they want, they can ensure you'll never grow past the line where you can be attacked. As for the assumptions, I'll bother with checking when CN is back up, but assuming the lower ranks have all 25 nukes is just ridiculous, you're not helping yourself, you should stop.
  10. The point is that you can only attack their small nations who are defenceless because most of their members are in a rank much, much higher than yours. Citing X vs Y ammount of nukes is just plain stupid. You made an opportunistic DoW because, regardless of the nukes they have, that doesn't relate to the ammount they can fire, specially when you place half the nations in their range in Peace mode. That is strategy, I agree, but it doesn't make it look like less opportunistic and it doesn't make you look any more brave. Opportunism is strategy, but Opportunism is also what it is. I advice you to think more throughly your posts before clicking that little button because it doesn't make you look any smarter, though you probably are thinking you are.
  11. He seems a bit emotional, why would you want to know him?
  12. Dear Sir, your past, preset or future relationship with Barron holds only as much interest as you harm him or he harms you. Since neither did, I don't care. My post is factually accurate, I don't think you can discuss that. The reason I posted it, is because TSO are actually friends of mine and I have a great esteem from them. That is why I posted factual information that could potentially make you look ridiculous. Hope this clears that up.
  13. Nice demonstration of fair play from you, in a war where they are seriously outnumbered, you put yourselves in a position where their advantage is large enough that they could actually give you terms. Nice to see there is still solidarity in Planet Bob
  14. The people who were with you in the coalition channel opposite to the side you entered the war might think otherwise.
  15. They didn't declare on you. It was against the failure of an alliance standing next you that comes by the name of ODN. I can understand the confusion though.
  16. Nah, their defencive slots are now property of the Eldar
  17. Glad to see such a demonstration of Cowardice by declaring on so many alliances all at the same time. Everybody knows you only join fights that you will win, I guess this is just another of such events
  18. I was glad to see that Umbrella lived to their military legend I hope we put up a good fight, and I am glad we fought you
  19. Let me guess, you think we're inviting failed alliances and you feel left out? Typical
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