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Declaration of Victory



Today, I am happy to announce Penkalaland's decisive victory over Wasdrogan. After a tough first round of wars against Wasdrogan, I have decisively defeated the man who once leaked VE's warchest info (And confirmed to the world that we have massive warchests.) As Wasdrogan sits in anarchy, soaking up tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of technology in a feeble attempt to rebuy enough infra to purchase another nuke, the Entente celebrates.

Let this be a lesson to all: If you cross the Viridian Entente, you WILL be destroyed. Wasdrogan's complete destruction should be proof enough of that.


:smug: Penkala :smug:


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Oh big deal, he's in anarchy like 3698 other nations. VE still hasn't managed to ZI him yet, and didn't when they were trying. I wouldn't say this was any kind of victory, just your pathetic attempt at getting attention.

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The victory of one insignificant nation over another is insignificant except in your own mind. Its like one flea bragging about beating another flea in a war involving two groups of rhinos. You are nothing and you contributed nothing worthwhile to VEs war.

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Hey Death, you bring up a great point! I did send him and one other Polaris member peace offers. Unfortunately for you, though, the reason was quite simple: I had already defeated these nations and decided that I would try to get them to peace out so that I could take on Drogan again. Unlike him, I don't pick on the weakest nations I can find. I go for the strongest ones. So yeah, I sent a peace offer. To get that burned out hole of a nation off my war slots and to take on Wasdrogan.

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That... Isnt an excuse. Please look at his nation then back at mine. Do you really think I was offering peace to save myself or something? it was decided that I would engage wasdrogan as soon as possible.... So I worked toward that goal. If you are seriously not able to comprehend that then... Well... You have problems.

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And Jewel, are you really going to claim that my failure to ZI someone who is being aided $15m, 100+ tech and thousands of soldiers... Means I'm not beating him to a pulp? Yiu're setting the bar impossibly high. I cannot possibly ZI him when hes being aided SO MUCH.

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And you aren't being aided too? The current aid is to contribute to his nuking you, something we all want.

VE is a failure as they couldn't ZI him before... no-one aided him then.

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Took you this long?

And confirmed to the world that we have massive warchests

Yes, Bob has a great warchest; I don't think that's new knowledge to anyone.

Hey Death, you bring up a great point! I did send him and one other Polaris member peace offers. Unfortunately for you, though, the reason was quite simple: I had already defeated these nations and decided that I would try to get them to peace out so that I could take on Drogan again. Unlike him, I don't pick on the weakest nations I can find. I go for the strongest ones. So yeah, I sent a peace offer. To get that burned out hole of a nation off my war slots and to take on Wasdrogan.

You sent a peace offer...without ensuring that they take surrender terms? Without making sure they won't go to peace? Just because you beat them?

Did you even have permission to do that?

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decisive victory? rofl. you only came back for another round because i lost my uranium trade. when we both had nukes you turtled cause you were getting the crap kicked out of you.

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Hey Death, you bring up a great point! I did send him and one other Polaris member peace offers. Unfortunately for you, though, the reason was quite simple: I had already defeated these nations and decided that I would try to get them to peace out so that I could take on Drogan again. Unlike him, I don't pick on the weakest nations I can find. I go for the strongest ones. So yeah, I sent a peace offer. To get that burned out hole of a nation off my war slots and to take on Wasdrogan.

I can't say this !@#$ with a straight face.

You're so !@#$@#$ full of it, that's the opposite of what you do.

VE is a failure as they couldn't ZI him before... no-one aided him then.

Of course VE is a failure, perfect fit for Penkala.

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And you aren't being aided too? The current aid is to contribute to his nuking you, something we all want.

VE is a failure as they couldn't ZI him before... no-one aided him then.

Ok. Let's see where to start:

Wasdrogan has been aided much, much more than I have. Anyone who records aid transactions (such as NPO) can verify aid amounts since the beginning of our conflict. He's also been aided tons of tech which has really helped him.

Yes, Wasdrogan was aided while he was a rogue.

And how close did we get him to ZI again? Wasn't he at single digit infra levels?

Also, I'm a little upset to see the hostility towards me. I thought we got along just fine last time we talked. What changed?

You sent a peace offer...without ensuring that they take surrender terms? Without making sure they won't go to peace? Just because you beat them?

Did you even have permission to do that?

Yes. I sent a peace offer. To a nation who was 1,000 NS (after being beaten down). Without ensuring that he took the surrender terms. And without making sure he wouldn't flee to peace mode.

What's the problem here?

Did you think we'd line up an effective counter on a 1,000 NS nation? Did you think that this 1,000 NS nation would go to peace, rearm with three cruise missiles, and wreak havoc on VE? I think I know what I'm doing on this one. Giving peace to a beaten down 1k NS nation in order to keep a low-NS nuclear nation from being able to declare any more wars is a pretty good tactical decision!

decisive victory? rofl. you only came back for another round because i lost my uranium trade. when we both had nukes you turtled cause you were getting the crap kicked out of you.

I didn't even notice that you lost your uranium trade. Didn't notice it until you just mentioned it now. I did notice, the day after you declared, that you don't have any factories. I figured that might have been your problem -- not enough cash to rebuy to 1k infra plus a nuke without those factories.

And you apparently still had nukes since you nuked me 3 days ago... so not sure where you're going with that one, but OK!

And yeah, I turtled the first round. Because you had no money on you, I had money on me, etc. etc. If we kept exchanging GAs you'd massively win out -- you'd be able to loot a lot more from me than I could loot back from you. Pretty simple, really.

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And you aren't being aided too? The current aid is to contribute to his nuking you, something we all want.

VE is a failure as they couldn't ZI him before... no-one aided him then.

We taught him well enough. You should expect former viridians to be able to be rogue for some time without going to ZI, regardless of aid transactions.

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Yes. I sent a peace offer. To a nation who was 1,000 NS (after being beaten down). Without ensuring that he took the surrender terms. And without making sure he wouldn't flee to peace mode.

What's the problem here?

And this is why I hate being in milcom; people like you.

Thank Admin I haven't had to wrangle sub-10K NS nations since Karma.

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Dear Penkala,

I do not know the details of your grievance with WasDrogan, nor do I particularly care, but why are you punishing the rest of us by subjecting us to more of your super insightful and totally fun to read blog posts?

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And this is why I hate being in milcom; people like you.

Thank Admin I haven't had to wrangle sub-10K NS nations since Karma.

Umm. You do realize I've been in milcom too, right? And that I absolutely do know what I'm doing?

I mean if you'd rather keep a 1,000 NS nation in war for 3 more days before letting him slip to peace, than take out a guy who's been nuking dozens of your members... go for it. I'll make the smart decision and take the bigger threat out every time.

I realize what you're saying.. and it'd make sense if we were talking about a 50k NS nation... but we're not. It's not my fault if you just operate on what you've been told: "Never ever give peace to someone to let them escape to peace mode ever." Sometimes you have to think a bit, Locke. Giving peace to a 1,000 NS nation a few days early has a much lower consequence to the war effort than taking out a guy who's going around nuking tons of your defenseless members.

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