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Hail the world freakin' police, Polaris

Shouldnt you be off saving the world from evil tech raiders like \m/

Your illuminating comments continue to set new standards for thoughtfulness and maturity.

At any rate, I wasn't aware that it had sudden become unacceptable for an ally to help another ally. I seem to remember GOONS' allies invoking this very sentiment no more than a few weeks ago.

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Hail the world freakin' police, Polaris

Shouldnt you be off saving the world from evil tech raiders like \m/

The good thing is in two weeks time, since destro is winning, they'll turn around and attack UPN.

True story, happened before.

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At any rate, I wasn't aware that it had sudden become unacceptable for an ally to help another ally. I seem to remember GOONS' allies invoking this very sentiment no more than a few weeks ago.

The difference being this is a single nation, with plenty of UPN nations who could have engaged him.

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Hail the world freakin' police, Polaris

Shouldnt you be off saving the world from evil tech raiders like \m/

NpO isn't doing anything more for UPN than ODN and Invicta had done in the past. It should be expected that when you attack UPN that they'll have their allies do the fighting for them. I know when I attack UPN that they'll most likely call on NpO to save them.

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I don't see what's wrong here. UPN is MDP'd to Polaris and UPN (probably because of their poor fighting skills) called in NpO for help (the irony!).

Suck it up, if you're going to attack an alliance you damn well be prepared to fight all of it's friends.

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I don't see what's wrong here. UPN is MDP'd to Polaris and UPN (probably because of their poor fighting skills) called in NpO for help (the irony!).

Suck it up, if you're going to attack an alliance you damn well be prepared to fight all of it's friends.

I don't see any complaining. Just laughing at the fact that UPN is so pathetic that it is unable to deal with one lone nation without having to run to NpO.

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Your illuminating comments continue to set new standards for thoughtfulness and maturity.

At any rate, I wasn't aware that it had sudden become unacceptable for an ally to help another ally. I seem to remember GOONS' allies invoking this very sentiment no more than a few weeks ago.

Would you point out where i ever supported GOONS for calling in nearly 1000 nations to help with a lonely dozen who wrecked them?

@RV, i didnt like ODN bailing out those tools either

@dajobo, GOONs' allies used the same tired line you know damn well UPN got horribly wrecked by Destro for over a month so they had to beg you for help. If Altheus' results from 10.10.10 were any sort of gauge of how they fight then i almost pity them

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I don't know what's sadder; that UPN has transitioned so fast from having ODN pull full-time security duty for them to NpO, or The MVP's pathetic excuse for trolling.

If you're going to do it, at least be funny about it.

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I don't know what's sadder; that UPN has transitioned so fast from having ODN pull full-time security duty for them to NpO, or The MVP's pathetic excuse for trolling.

If you're going to do it, at least be funny about it.

You do know that when this blog was posted, destro was under attack by AGW Overlords too right?

There's at least three AAs besides UPN that have attacked him.

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I don't know what's sadder; that UPN has transitioned so fast from having ODN pull full-time security duty for them to NpO, or The MVP's pathetic excuse for trolling.

If you're going to do it, at least be funny about it.

I'm just going to use that joke wherever I possibly can.

Not all of us can be wizards of the trade!

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While it's fun to trash-talk UPN (and I certainly don't want to discourage that), I don't really see any issue here. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've called upon allies to help take out a rogue. Sometimes it was because I didn't have enough nations in the particular range, and other times it was because they happened to be online at the time and I wanted the work done in a hurry.

That's the whole point of having an ally.


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