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Patience, Young Jedi. Patience....

Ashoka the Great


More RL adventures here, kids.

Let me begin by saying that I live on the second floor of a two-storey, wood-framed building. It's not ideal, but we moved here back in 2006 for a reason. At the time, my mother-in-law was fighting a comeback of breast cancer (she died on Boxing Day the same year) and my father-in-law had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Their house is two blocks away. We've been on call 24/7 for four years now.

I don't mind, really. This is what families do. Well, what they're supposed to do, anyway.

But lately....

I've been dealing with a drunken, abusive neighbor. In recent weeks, he has been blaring his music at all hours. In a wood-framed building, this guy has a drum kit. Seriously. A drum kit.

Getting nowehere in trying to reason with him, I phoned the property manager to complain. About 15-20 complaints later, and after he got drunk and followed the Superintendent's 15-year-old daughter around while screaming "Yo fatty!" at her repeatedly, they finally sent him a letter telling him to smarten up. They also commenced eviction proceedings, since apart from all of this he hits on every female who lives in or comes near the building and staggers around the parking lot, drunk and incoherent. People with kids (like me and several others) don't particularly appreciate this.

And then my car was vandalized. Someone took a screwdriver or icepick to every single window and quite simply scratched the hell out of them. There's ~$2,000 worth of damage. We didn't have 'comprehensive' insurance to cover vandalism since it was an 'occasional use' vehicle, so my car -- a previously-pristine '98 Bonneville with 120,000km on it -- is a write-off.

Later that night, three neighbors and I heard him bragging about it to his kids (seriously, to his kids?) and telling them how to lie to cover for him if/when the police asked about it. He finished off the evening by spending under my bedroom window, screaming about how much he hates me, how he thinks my wife is cheating on me and "Don't get me started on those !@#$@#$ kids." (The children who live with me, btw, are a 13-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy.)

The following Wednesday (a week ago today) he was standing in the parking lot outside my apartment at 11:00 p.m., pointing a camera toward my place and taking flash photos. That same night he followed my wife around outside when she went downstairs for a cigarette. He just kept saying "Good evening!" over and over and over again while staying about three feet behind her.

Two-bit intimidation. That's all it is.

And yes, we've spoken to the police.

Apparently all of this is harassment, but not criminal harassment. The fact that he admitted to the vandalism in front of witnesses is meaningless, since nobody actually saw him do it. They said they could go talk to him, but that would probably just make it worse. (Translation: "Wow, sucks to be you, but we don't want to do anything. Now if you'll excuse us, it's time for our coffee break.")

Their advice? Move. Seriously. Move.

Until then, they won't do anything unless someone actually gets hurt. But if I do something, I become The Bad Guy.

Helpful, right?


So, if you happen to catch me on IRC and I'm not all that chatty or I seem irritated, now you know why.

But remember....

Sometimes, believing in Karma means taking the long view. My wife has somehow managed to convince me that going to prison because of this moron isn't worth it. But eventually he's going to cross paths with someone who lacks my patience.

I only hope I get to hear about it.


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Your police officers suck. Either that or they think you and your neighbours are bad witnesses.

It's not criminal harassment, but they should prosecute on the vandalism charge, and you should sue. Go hire a lawyer.

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Having been in this situation before personally, the only sure-fire solution you have is to move, unfortunately. If you stick to your guns and fight it, you are putting your family through more harassment/potential danger if he's violent, and I can tell you that you'll get real tired from hearing your building manager claim he's being evicted each and every month that rolls by. Unless you can find a charge that'll stick and get him put behind bars, leave before you get in too deep.

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Some of your guys' comments is ridiculous. Buy guns to threaten a drunkard when he has a son and daugher? Goodness gracious.

My advice is to just move, like others have said. If others are unwilling to do something about the issue the best option is to just get out.

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That actually isnt how that worked.

Common Sense actually advocated people doing stuff about crap they didn't like...

Anyway, to be honest, zog, I really got nothing. Sorry to hear.

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A drunken piece of !@#$ vandalizes your property, harasses your wife and threatens you? Well then obviously you have to move, to stand your ground would be atrocious!

What the $%&@ is wrong with some of you?

Zog, stand your ground and be patient. Karma's a !@#$%* and he will get what's coming to him.

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Blackmail. Tell him you'll sue the !@#$ out of him if he does X,Y,Z. The noise stuff would probably work. Quite frankly you don't even have to be able to win, just afford a lawyer. Trample him with legal fees or, better yet, the threat of massive legal fees. Pretend like you're willing to go the distance.

Also, threaten to call child services. If he's as much of a drunk as you are implying you may have at least enough of a case to make his life hell.

I think you keep a guy like that contained by MAD, just like the good old days :)

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Blackmail. Tell him you'll sue the !@#$ out of him if he does X,Y,Z. The noise stuff would probably work. Quite frankly you don't even have to be able to win, just afford a lawyer. Trample him with legal fees or, better yet, the threat of massive legal fees. Pretend like you're willing to go the distance.

Also, threaten to call child services. If he's as much of a drunk as you are implying you may have at least enough of a case to make his life hell.

I think you keep a guy like that contained by MAD, just like the good old days :)

No, that'll make him escalate it.

And then zog becomes the person who provoked the !@#$%^&. At least, thats how the argument would go in an American court, no clue about Canadians.

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Don't use the child services threat, unless you can actually make good on it - and by that, I mean know a social worker directly.

No. Hire a lawyer. There's at least a chance that a $50 lawyer letter will get him to cease and desist; it's not likely, but it's way more likely that you'll have to sue for a restraining order.

If you get a restraining order, and he violates it, then it's off to jail time. Judges hate it when people violate injunctions up here. Really hate.

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I'd go with the restraining order route, and child services. I wouldn't use child services to be vindictive however. If he is as bad of an alcoholic as you say, someone needs to step in and make sure his children are being cared for. I'm not sure how restraining orders work in Canada, here, you can file for a temporary restraining order, while you petition for a permament restraining order. Once he is served with the temporary, if good ol' Canada has one, 1 of 2 things may play out. 1. He may wisen up and leave you alone, and calm down. 2. He'll get pissed off and violate it, forcing the police' hand to take action. Be warned though, this in America would be a minor offense, unless he goes nuts. Judging from your description of events, if he was that volatile, it would have happened all ready. So, in saying, he would be back out in a day or 2 max. I hate to tell you to move, but it does not sound like you are happy anyway with your living conditions. You may find a place not too far from your father in law that you might be happier with. I work in law enforcement, and unfortunately, even though some people we'd like to lock away from the public forever, there just isn't enough cause to do so. In cases that we feel there is, prosecutors mess up or don't do enough to help, and they still make it out. I do wish you the best of luck though, it really sounds like a stressful situation.

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