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Racism: The Great American Joke



Two years ago many Americans celebrated as the first black president was sworn into office. With promises of a serious discussion on race and a new post-racial utopia all looked bright and well in the world of race relations.

That vision of a post-racial utopia quickly went up in a thermo nuclear ash cloud as the “Race Card” was thrown around at every turn.

Today, accusations of Racism are nothing more than a joke and a cheap political tool. What used to be an actual offense has turned into a joke.

How has this happened? Why is it such a joke?

It started, in large part, with the birth of the Tea Party. The Radical Left had no real argument to go at them with, so suddenly they wanted to paint the entire movement as Racist. Any reason a person might have to dislike Obama was ignored and that person was labeled a Racist. People suddenly were called racists for not liking the President and disagreeing with his policies. Nothing else mattered. If you didn’t like Obama, you were a racist. Period.

The wide painting of the Tea Party movement as racist gained ground by many in the media. The more respectable media members ignored this and called it crazy talk while the insane and far left wing talking heads quickly ran around screaming “RACISM!” at the top of their lungs. All serious discussion on issues was ignored in favor of using a political cheap shot. At the time calling someone a Racist actually mattered. People took offense to it. Slowly, however, that changed. You began to see signs at Tea Party rallies that said “It doesn’t matter what this sign says, you will call it racism anyways.”

An entire group of protestors was instantly and unfairly labeled Racist. The Tea Party group routinely said they were not racist and went out of their way to prove they weren’t. That did not matter too many on the Left, the Tea Party was racist, Period.

With the unfolding charges of Racism by the Left some on the Right began to return fire. Right Wing shock jocks and talk show hosts began shouting calls of “Reverse Racism”. Reverse Racism in itself is an idiotic notion. Disliking someone on the base of their Race is Racism, there is no other term for it.

These Right Wing idiots began running around searching for something, anything, that they could show to the masses as proof that Obama and his administration were Racist.

The recent event surrounding Shirley Sherrod proves this. A right wing “journalist” showed a video of her speaking about what appeared to be her partaking in Racism. The Right’s talking heads sprinted into action calling for her to be fired and saying this was proof of Racism in the Obama administration. Just like the left labeling the Tea Party as racist, not all of them did, but quite a few did. In the end Glenn Becks calls for Context actually came true, context did matter. It did not matter to the course of the “controversy”, the damage was done.

She lost her job and the Administration was forced to apologize to her for their quickly firing of her. Many on the Left quickly blamed the Right for her firing. Everyone else was at fault, and they failed to realize that the Obama Administration fell into a trap.

Over time Racism charges became such a cheap political tool that the second someone was accused of Racism they had to be fired. It did not matter what they were saying, they were a racist and had to go. Period.

No single person was to blame for the incident instead, everyone was to blame. People were so quick to point fingers screaming “NO U” that they failed to realize their own mistakes. The continued building and use of Racism charges led to her firing, nothing more.

The Thermo Nuclear Warfare that is the use of the “Race Card” had built to a high water mark. The Right was forced to respond to the Lefts opening salvo and in the end both sides look like !@#$ and are full of nothing but idiots trying to score a cheap political point.

The Media was not the only ones at fault though. Many members of the US House of Representatives said that the Tea Party was racist, some more covertly than others, and even went so far as to label them Nazis. This only threw Jet Fuel onto a raging fire. The Right responded in turn by slamming people in the Obama Administration as Racist. The Thermo Nuclear warfare only continued to build.

So who is to blame?

Everyone. There is not a single person in the US right now who is free from guilt. From the Left Wing talking heads who spread lies that the Tea Party is nothing but Racists to the Right Wing parrots who run around screaming “REVERSE RACISM” even the people who sat back and watched are at fault. By sitting back and watching people of a party you may support or agree with and not telling them to back off, you gave them your unwritten support. If you stepped back and said “woah hold on there buddy” then good for you. If not……Even I must take some guilt for this. I sat back and watched things unfold and did not speak up to say “don’t say that” when I should have. No one is free from guilt so don’t try to pretend that you are.

Today Racism has turned into a cheap political joke. Instead of actually investigating what might be real racism people are too worried about labeling people who do not agree with them as a racist. All logic, all reasoning, all critical thinking is gone. Instead they just look at the person, scream Racist, and ignore anything else they may have to say. Calls from the Left that any Black person who does not support Obama is somehow less of a black person does not help. Calls from the Right that some evil black man is going to kill your babies does not help.

Some people reading this now will say “YEA BUT THEY ARE RACIST” without realizing they are doing nothing but being a brainless drone. There are many people in the US who are racist. They are not, will not, and cannot be the norm. They belong to the fringes of both parties and show up at events for both sides. Both parties have racist elements on their fringes, and, since it is impossible to totally eradicate these people, that is where they need to stay. The Republicans, Tea Party, and Democrats are not made up solely of Racists, but they are a part of those groups. Go to any event for any group and there will be a Racist in that audience. They may not be overt about it, but they are there. It does not matter what your political affiliation is, someone in your party, is a racist.

By claiming that wide groups of people are Racist without any backing and by running around saying that anyone who might disagree with you, for whatever the reason, is a Racist you have only helped in turn Racism into the Great American Joke that it now is.

Note: This is not after any single person but the entirety of the political spectrum that allowed this to happen. I don’t care about Right vs Left….they all suck.


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I couldn't agree more.

While your point about racism in politics is completely correct, it's even deeper than that. All politics in this country has become an exercise in scorched earth tactics.

I wonder what would happen to a candidate who ran on the platform, "I'm going to try and make as much money for myself as possible when I get elected. In doing that I'm going to try and get as much money for my constituents as possible so that you keep me in office. I will however not lie to you. I will tell you which lobby has my ear, who I accept gifts from and detail the rationale behind my every vote. I will practice self-interested altruism because what's good for you will end up benefiting me."

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You do bring up a good point that I hope to address in subsequent blogs. This was just a quick overview on how racism charges in politics has created a situation where Racism charges have zero backing to them.

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I don't think that the Tea Party is institutionally racist, they're just a bunch of dumb tools.

Any enthusiasm for the Republican Party right now is a product of one thing and one thing only: dissatisfaction with Obama.

If Republicans think it's because their ideas are winners, I hope they believe their own BS.

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I agree with you, but also people were called racist if you were black and backed Obama when he was running for office. This happened to me one time, where I said that I supported Obama and this idiot came along and called me a racist, immediately assuming that I liked Obama because he was black, but I digress.(BTW: I'm black) The Tea Party, while in its early days a true view of what some ordinary people did not like about the government, is now sadly being absorbed into the mainstream Right. What a shame.

Also this links to the growing political correctness movement. No one wants to offend anyone anymore. For example, if you do not support the Israeli government in their suppression of Palestine, then you are immediately labeled an anti-Semite and that you hate all Jewish people.It really is a shame that people refuse to read, that they just take whatever the corporate-controlled media tells them.

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A generalised "left" was at fault for calling the Tea Parties racist, because, you suggest, there was no other argument against them. The right was "forced" to respond in kind, and thus not responsible. And the "left" was silly for trying to hold the right responsible for Sherrod when Obama was at fault for "falling into the trap."

Now, I don't necessarily disagree with the thrust of your argument (though I think it gives a fairly shallow treatment to a very deep subject), but if you want to convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you then you're going to have to balance the way you make it.

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the Radical Left had no real argument to go at them with, so suddenly they wanted to paint the entire movement as Racist.

You've got to be kidding me. As a member of the "Radical Left" as you call it, I can tell you that in addition to having racial elements (Hello, witch doctor pictures anybody?), there are plenty of substantive arguments against the Tea Party "movement". From their blind belief in absolute deregulation, to the idea that private corporations automatically know better than the government, to their ridiculous ideas about Obama being illegitimate via ridiculous birth-certificate related conspiracy theories, there are plenty of arguments to be made against their sham of a movement.

Not saying that all of the Tea Party members are illiterate racist birthers, but certain elements can't be ignored.

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Obligatory lolteabaggers

The wide painting of the Tea Party movement as racist gained ground by many in the media. The more respectable media members ignored this and called it crazy talk while the insane and far left wing talking heads quickly ran around screaming “RACISM!” at the top of their lungs.

I'm sorry, but when an organization has openly racist members and does nothing about it, they open themselves up to being called a "Racist Organization." You don't need a political science degree to understand that. And by "more respectable", I suppose you mean the Far-Right considering you called the Far-Left insane. You know, those "respectable media members" that march around calling Obama a socialist and preaching about the end of America and the birth of American Socialism.

Well Obama is not a socialist, because I am, and I dislike Obama.

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Politicians have always need a baseless insult to call people they disagree with in order to scare the uneducated voter to vote for them. It used to be calling someone a communist, now its calling someone a racist or a socialist or whatever other generic insult they can sling at those who oppose them.

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A black president was so terrified of offending white people that he threw a black woman under the bus. The same president who ignores the cries of people on the left had no trouble jumping up and doing the bidding of those on the right. It shows who is calling the shots. A small minority of teabagging proto-fascists showed that the liberals are a spineless group of unprincipled cowards.

The right is empowered. Expect more extreme stunts from them. And expect the frightened liberals to concede at every opportunity.

The Sherrod incident showed that reverse racism looks an awful lot like plain old racism: it's always the brown person who gets screwed (yes, I stole that line).


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