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The end of humour: An overly dramatic title accentuated by a subtitle

Alistair Thorrington


There has been a lot of talk about alliances disbanding recently, which is all fine and dandy, though it seems to be centered around alliances who are not in the limelight, and seemingly do not actively contribute to the community.

I'm a member of the Nutty North Koreans, which is essentially one of those alliances. We potter along, posting somewhat amusing announcements every so often, and adulate Kim Jong-Il mockingly in our own little corner of the globe. Does that mean that we should pack our bags and move into one of these big, tough alliances?

I, for one, have a terribly sensitive nasal cavity, and when something imposing, like some of these alliances, is placed before me, you'd better have a tissue box nearby. Point is, I like my little group, and I'm all for those big ones having at it for whatever reason, and perhaps joining in their little wars and whatnot, but I'd rather not disband, if that's all right.

A few people have pointed out, in those disbanding threads, that NNK is allowed to "stay", for which I am very flattered, but I am speaking about other alliances, too. I know a great deal of little groups that enjoy playing for reasons other than contributing to the vast quasi-political Cybernations community. Is that wrong?

I'm just blethering here, so if you happen to stumble upon this blog, try not to be too rough on me. Voicing my opinions in a public forum is a subtle art, which I have not yet refined.



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For not answering any of the two somewhat rhetorical questions hidden within by blog, your alliance must disband.

I can see why people make those threads. It's very empowering to tell someone to disband. I hereby demand all alliances, including whatever one I'm in, to disband. My my, I feel Godlike. :awesome:

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(A fun aside: I'm likely the only CN player who has actually been to Pyongyang.)

Now, to answer your rhetorical questions....



"It depends."

Regardless of our motivations, each of us (by 'us' I mean alliances, although it can also mean individual players) needs to contribute something to the larger community.

NNK does that. I enjoy your announcements because, quite apart from the updates, they make me laugh. They get attention. They get people interested.

My own alliance has contributed as well. All but a few older players are probably unaware of the fact that Nordreich inadvertently contributed to one of if not the largest influxes of new players this game has ever seen.* We're still looking for new and exciting ways to antagonize (RL) NATO members, but they're just not nibbling on the bait the way they used to.

Others contribute in their own way, of course. But then there are those who do....well....nothing. Those groups, whether they are at the 'center' of CN politics or not, are nothing but dead weight. I'm not going to name names, because no doubt some will disagree with one or more of my suggestions and thus toss the baby out with the bathwater.

I could go on and on and on....but I'm drinking beer and listening to the new Devo album.

tl;dr - Too many alliances.

* - Hi, Fark!

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But on a more boring note, if a group of members are enjoying themselves, but happen to be doing so without contributing to the greater community whatsoever, how is that harmful?

Sure, more vocal alliances are missing out on members, but if these members are enjoying their experience in the game, though perhaps in more casually a manner than the big players are accustomed, I don't see why they should no longer exist, or even be barraged and asked to no longer exist.

I see this as a game, and if a group is enjoying themselves however they choose to do so, then isn't the game doing its intended purpose? To provide enjoyment for its players?

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Nothing wrong with a juche style of play. It is recommended said player be certain the alliance members understand the Songun Way, or much sadness could develop quickly.

(A fun aside: I'm likely the only CN player who has actually been to Pyongyang.)

Were you allowed to get a picture of the ArrowHead Hotel? Now, that's some serious weirdness.

BTW, if you're into visiting Commie regimes Cuba is by far the most fun.


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Most of my vacations have been to oppressive dictatorships. Other than the two mentioned, I also visited Chile under Pinochet and popped over to Argentina to see what life was like under the Generals. (There are more, but I'm 'blanking' right now.)

Oh and....ummm....too many alliances, or something.

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But on a more boring note, if a group of members are enjoying themselves, but happen to be doing so without contributing to the greater community whatsoever, how is that harmful?

It's great if people are enjoying their alliance communities, but I'd really have to question whether that's the same as enjoying the game itself. And while it's pretty hard to prove something like this, there's a pretty strong argument to be made that passive alliances with large sets of MDP's have an inhibiting effect on the cyberverse at large. It makes sense that those of us who are still intent on making the game itself fun would prod them a bit.

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Most of my vacations have been to oppressive dictatorships. Other than the two mentioned, I also visited Chile under Pinochet and popped over to Argentina to see what life was like under the Generals. (There are more, but I'm 'blanking' right now.)

Oh and....ummm....too many alliances, or something.

How old are you?( in RL, I dont want your nation age :P )

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It's great if people are enjoying their alliance communities, but I'd really have to question whether that's the same as enjoying the game itself. And while it's pretty hard to prove something like this, there's a pretty strong argument to be made that passive alliances with large sets of MDP's have an inhibiting effect on the cyberverse at large. It makes sense that those of us who are still intent on making the game itself fun would prod them a bit.

I disagree with the first thing you had to say. There are so many alliances because we all enjoy the game differently. It's a nation building game. Some like to build it by fighting others, some like to build it by growing themselves strong. some like to grow it by social networking (call those treaties?)

There are two not necessarily related components to planet Bob - the game and the alliance/forum. Playing the game takes all of a minute a day or even a minute or two every 2 weeks depending on how you play. Being a part of an alliance is the sociopolitical part of the game. And I thank the Lord and Lady we all play it differently because if we all wanted the same thing, it would be a very boring place. That's why some of us play Avatar and some play WoW and some fiddle on EVE or whatever alien-zombie adventure is the hot pick of the day.

If I say nothing else about this 'disband' thread, it has been the funniest thing I've read on the CN forums in ages.. (won't say when)

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