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Thoughts on the TIO-OO situation.



Ok I am bored so I figured I would explain to the world what happened in the TIO-OO situation Thursday from my point of view. Now that it is all over it doesn't much matter now, but it's Saturday and I'm waiting for my opponents in GATO's next elections to so something bad about me so I can respond. Why not have a drama filled blog post while I'm waiting. Anyway here is the story:

The night before I had talked to TheRec, an old friend of mine, about how Athens and TIO had been harassing them. I promised to ask Athens and TIO about it in the morning. I also talked to Randalla ,a close friend of mine over at AzN, about the situation just to make sure TheRec wasn't painting Athens and TIO as super awful guys. Randy seemed to have a problem with how Athens and TIO was treating OO, but from the way she talked it didn't seem that bad.

The next day before I got a chance to talk to anyone I was informed by Chimera that IAA may go to war soon. After asking for details I learned TIO was going to DoW if they didn't get an apology from OO for the incident we all know about now. I told Chimera not to let anything happen that I could get an apology from OO (I didn't want to fight good friends, and I didn't want to go to war over something that trivial) GATO would gladly follow IAA into war no matter what. Considering IAA died for us in 1-vision we will do anything to repay that debt.

I informed TheRec that we needed to set up a meeting between OO and TIO/IAA, and so we did. Since there is some slight confusion as to why I was there (someone last night said GATO was stupid, because we played into TIO's hands.) I was requested to come there by TheRec and play mediator. We had everything solved and figured out until Ezequiel came into the room started throwing insults around and said they weren't apologizing and left.

Athens immediately started working to keep the ultimatum from going up. I was actually surprised at how sincere they were with not wanting war over something this dumb. For all of you peeps that thinks Athens are nothing but mindless war mongers who are controlled by MK you are completely wrong. I continued talking to Outsiderz over at TSCE (an OO ally), TheRec, and Randalla.

Finally Eze came to his senses and done what I had suggested all along (just post you were sorry if what was said was taken out of context), and Omni saved the world from war that would split Super-Grievances. (that's how I would like to think anyway)

So what have we learned today? Super-Grievances owes Omni it's life. Athens are very good allies and are not mindless barbarians. IAA and GATO love each other extremely. And finally Omni has friends everywhere.

So quick question. If it would have went down. Worst CB ever?



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Hopefully the picture to the left of these words will say it all.

I also, believe that TIO had every right in what they demanded. This is why I stick with my guns about the CoJ situation. They slandered my mother's reputation and I will not take it!

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The entire situation and everybody involved with it were stupid.

NO U! GOONS is immoral. They pick on small alliances because they are bigger and stuff like that.....

What now Sardonic?

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It's true.

You're all stupid for participating in it, and even more so for even legitimizing garbage of that magnitude by treating it seriously.

They shouldn't have had to apologize, and if there had really been a war over that, you can bet that everyone would be gunning to burn TIO down the line.

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Oh screw off, if you had been deadset on defusing the situation then it never would have been necessary to have negotiations to begin with.

You aren't victims here, so don't even try to play that card, please.

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Oh screw off, if you had been deadset on defusing the situation then it never would have been necessary to have negotiations to begin with.

You aren't victims here, so don't even try to play that card, please.

I am Skippy and can therefore call off any and all demands.

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Just because he was the one who took offense, that means that you were unable to convince him that that entire, stupid display of pandering for PR points wasn't a bad idea, or even unnecessary?

If you seriously tried to talk him out of that mess, and he ignored you, then good lord he needs to get some perspective, yeah Im sorry his mother has Cancer, truly sorry.

But you know, using her as an excuse to bully some people over the internet is an insult to what she's going through.

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Just because he was the one who took offense, that means that you were unable to convince him that that entire, stupid display of pandering for PR points wasn't a bad idea, or even unnecessary?

He wasn't on while the peace talks that I was in were going on. The only thing I heard from him was "Be on at update, we're issuing an ultimatum to OO." Only through asking the others in TIO did I even know what was going on.

If you seriously tried to talk him out of that mess, and he ignored you, then good lord he needs to get some perspective, yeah Im sorry his mother has Cancer, truly sorry.

But you know, using her as an excuse to bully some people over the internet is an insult to what she's going through.

I couldn't try to talk him out of it until later, and then I was too exhausted mentally by Zeke's behavior in negotiations to even care.

I actually agree, that is a pitiful CB. I might have rattled OO's cage a little, but I would never let my nation go to war over something that pathetic.

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And yet your alliance played up something so pathetic, and even defended it.

Zeke sucks, apparently. Even more he doesn't even matter, hell, he wasn't even an involved party. So that just skirts around the main issue of all this being over something stupid that TIO started, and then escalated.

You all should be embarrassed for doing this.

This isn't just a pitiful CB, this was outright sad on all parts.

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And yet your alliance played up something so pathetic, and even defended it.

My alliance. Not me.

Zeke sucks, apparently. Even more he doesn't even matter, hell, he wasn't even an involved party. So that just skirts around the main issue of all this being over something stupid that TIO started, and then escalated.

Zeke is the first in command of OO, and he refused what Skippy wanted.

You all should be embarrassed for doing this.

This isn't just a pitiful CB, this was outright sad on all parts.

I think we've established this already.

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My alliance. Not me.

Tacit approval, voting with your feet, hypocrite regarding OO, same old argument.

Zeke is the first in command of OO, and he refused what Skippy wanted.

The correct decision. Moreover, he was only involved after you(collective) were going to hold OO responsible for Skippy being ridiculously thin skinned. Still you(collective) that dragged him into this.

I think we've established this already.

Well, I'm mostly treating you as a proxy of TIO to vent my frustrations at.
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Ok I must be missing something. I'm very familiar with TIO, but not OO, and after looking at OO's treaty set, how would this split super grievances?

OO has an MDP with AzN. If you know anything about AzN they are very close to superfriends. Now, we all know AzN would have went in. RoK and AzN are tight (I think the MA treaty was signed because of one person). If AzN was getting beat down in the face of overwhelming odds would RoK go in?


I was talking to a few people before negotiations who kept claiming if TIO would post a DoW most everyone but AzN would have dropped their treaties. I knew that that wouldn't be the case considering I talked with those people everyday.

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OO has an MDP with AzN. If you know anything about AzN they are very close to superfriends. Now, we all know AzN would have went in. RoK and AzN are tight (I think the MA treaty was signed because of one person). If AzN was getting beat down in the face of overwhelming odds would RoK go in?


Ahhh ok, I'm not familiar with AZN thanks for clearing that up.

I was talking to a few people before negotiations who kept claiming if TIO would post a DoW most everyone but AzN would have dropped their treaties. I knew that that wouldn't be the case considering I talked with those people everyday.

I can confirm that you are correct ;)

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