Protectorates and NOOBS!
Ok, I promise I will try to make this entry more interesting than the last one. I have been having a lot of discussions about protectorates recently.
There seems to be a lot of people on Planet Bob who believe that protectorates are obsolete treaties. They believe that if a new alliance can't get an MDoAP with a bigger alliance, they don't deserve to be here. Then there are those who will only protect alliances with people they know in it. They don't want to touch noob-ish alliances because of the fact it will probably die and be a waste of their time.
When the tiny alliance has no treaties they usually get raided and disband. Most of the time the players leave the game. Leaving less raid targets, less players, and worst of all a group that could have been active and brought more players into the game are now leaving with a bad taste in their mouth.
When a small alliance who obviously has no clue what they are doing DoEs on the OWF, The good thing to do would be to go to that alliance and offer help. Teach them how to play and If they have enough sense to actually get here and read the OWF then they are at least worth something. Some established alliances go weeks without anyone of their members making even one post on the forums.
We need more people to channel the energy in these new tiny alliances into productive things. Even if these alliances die and you had tried to help, some of the more active members will float your way. Let's face it, in almost every alliance inactivity is a killer. Almost every alliance is looking for that new guy who will gladly do stuff to better the alliance.
So let's take time out of our busy CN schedules and remember we were all NOOBS once. Almost all of us have done Noobish things before, until we finally understood how this game worked. We almost all have a duty to do this and to sign protectorates to help the game.
I think the protectorate treaty serves an important purpose to teach the new guys coming in how to play the game. Bigger alliances will get a good tech farm and a solid ally out of it too. I don't see the protectorate level treaty disapperaing any time soon nor do I think it should.
So now I would like to call out the people I mentioned at the start of my blog and say you are dumb!
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