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Uhh, UPN, what is going on?



So, UPN, why did a member of your high government (in fact, your acting leader) come to #CSN and recommend an alliance (and gov official of another alliance) for me to go rogue on?

20:05:01 • Joins: WANA (xxxxxx.com)

20:05:01 [ø] ChanMode: WickedJ[CSN] sets mode [+v] WANA

20:05:02 [+WANA] Penkala[CSN]

20:05:05 [+WANA] rouge VA

20:05:06 [+WANA] that is all

20:05:29 [+WANA] in fact

20:05:32 [+WANA] i'd pay to see that

20:06:32 (+Penkala[CSN]) how much would you pay to see it?

20:06:55 [+WANA] Enough

20:07:00 [+WANA] rouge erixxx

20:07:00 (+Penkala[CSN]) How much is 'enough'

20:07:00 [+WANA] <_<

20:07:02 [+WANA] well

20:07:11 [+WANA] when i'm finished with nation building

20:07:18 (+Penkala[CSN]) ...

20:07:22 [+WANA] XD

20:07:23 (+Penkala[CSN]) Just spit out a number

20:07:23 [+WANA] you should do it though

20:07:25 [+WANA] it'd be funny

20:12:26 (+Penkala[CSN]) so would you recommend I go rogue on VA instead?

20:12:58 [+WANA] I would

20:13:02 [+WANA] go rouge on erixxx

[conversation has been edited for length; but the context has not been changed]

Oh, and for a few laughs:

20:08:50 (+Penkala[CSN]) you'll be my second priority

20:08:59 (+Penkala[CSN]) I bet I can force 20 members out of your alliance, minimum :)

20:09:10 [+WANA] NICE

20:09:13 [+WANA] I wish i could do that

20:09:20 [+WANA] i'd totally do that to GOONs and MK

20:09:30 (+Penkala[CSN]) Nobody could force 20 nations out of MK

20:09:31 (+Penkala[CSN]) :v

20:09:58 [+WANA] yes they could

20:10:20 [+WANA] its probably possible

I guess my question is, why is a high gov member of UPN suggesting people I should attack and offering to pay for the operation? As a government member, WANA should have known better.


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He didn't tell you to rogue anybody, he wanted you to rouge them! God, Penkala, learn to read, mang.

I would say that offering a prize as a reward for a rogue attack is a bit more then simply "wanting" it to happen. Sure, he "wanted" it to happen, which is why he made such a proposition.

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I would say that offering a prize as a reward for a rogue attack is a bit more then simply "wanting" it to happen. Sure, he "wanted" it to happen, which is why he made such a proposition.

Did you hear that? It's the sound of the joke going over your head.

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Did you hear that? It's the sound of the joke going over your head.

If only alliance leaders could so easily backpedal, avoiding the burden of responsibility for their words/actions by simply calling it a "joke" after the fact...

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Also, last time I checked, Penkala didn't need a "reward" to rogue us :D He does so on his own accord...or because of the man behind the mirror :lol1:

Oh, and lolJorJor!!

UPN, seriously, this guy wasnt good enough for GGA membership...talk about poor choices for government.

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If only alliance leaders could so easily backpedal, avoiding the burden of responsibility for their words/actions by simply calling it a "joke" after the fact...

You really aren't getting it.

NoFish was making fun of the way WANA was misspelling rogue as rouge. As you chose his post to try and debate with (or whatever the hell you were wanting to do) I decided I'd let you in that he wasn't serious.

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You really aren't getting it.

NoFish was making fun of the way WANA was misspelling rogue as rouge. As you chose his post to try and debate with (or whatever the hell you were wanting to do) I decided I'd let you in that he wasn't serious.

Methinks you didn't quite comprehend either. He wasn't saying anything against NoFish. He was commenting on the fact that JorJor was calling it a joke and others commenting on him "wanting" it to happen...hence the quotations.

Ya know, when you hit that "reply" button, it automatically quotes the previous poster.

As you chose Aryan's post to debate with, I decided I'd let you know what was actually going on :lol1:

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Methinks you didn't quite comprehend either. He wasn't saying anything against NoFish. He was commenting on the fact that JorJor was calling it a joke and others commenting on him "wanting" it to happen...hence the quotations.

Then why the hell would he quote NoFish's post, as that has nothing to do with what he was saying?

Ya know, when you hit that "reply" button, it automatically quotes the previous poster.

Yes, if you hit the "reply to post" button. There's also a Quick Post box.

As you chose Aryan's post to debate with, I decided I'd let you know what was actually going on :lol1:

Exactly how was I supposed to know that he's senile? (Because using that logic he is)

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Let's work on some comprehension skills, shall we.


#1. I say there's a reply button.

#2. You say there's a "reply to post" button.

#3. Look at the Reply button.

So as we can see above, the Reply button is listed directly after the previous post. When you hit the reply button, it then quotes the previous poster.

Now that said, when he referenced NoFish, he was commenting on the term "wanting"...nothing to do with the joke of misspelling the word rogue (please see the "wanting"). Again, comprehension skills are paramount. Please, don't jump on someone and call them senile if you yourself can't comprehend the context of the comment.

Thus ends JWC's comprehension lesson for the day. Please come back tomorrow when I teach the proper use of the terms "your" and "you're". :lol1:

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^^ I give that a 0/10 for hilarity. Mainly due to the smilie at the end of it suggesting where I should insert laughter. Laughter was not had :(

/me runs and hides out of shame at not making a person he's never heard of laugh

Then again, I thought it was quite comical. And in the end, I'm really only here to amuse myself. If you can't find the hilarity in that, then you should probably get an appointment with a proctologist.

I'm just sayin...

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To be fair, JWC, I've shown capabilities to damage alliances far in excess of UPN's own capabilities. If you want to make this official, UPN, all I need is maybe $15m up front and a promise to accept me into your alliance whenever I choose I'm finished with VA. You down?

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